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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Patient is a 39 years old female who was a school teacherfor last 14 years. she suffered from emotional shock in year 2000, due to familial problems.she was dejected in love at 2002.She went intro mental depression. Insecurity and feeling of worthlessness developed but she contoinued to work. She got married in 2004 but was not satisfied with the environment in the new city.
Uterine fibroids were detected and oiperated upon in November 2004.uterus was not removed due to newly married status.
She felt very sad, extremely irritable and panicky mainly from march 2005. she felt so weak and could not lift up the head from the bed. She started missing classes and could not keep appointments, felt exhausted. She had to leave job in 2005 due to this. She was shown to a psychiatrist who diagnosed the case as major depression (MDD).
She took various psychiatric medicines and felt a little better or worse from time to time but the depression was never gone or cured.
She gained weight quickly in 2006 leading to thoughts of deshaped body. Extreme lethargy, avoids social contacts, contacts with relatives. She suffers from periodic palpitations and panic attacks.She feels that life is of no use and a botheration to others and so thinks of ending it.
Heat, in the morning just after getting up from bed, at slightest mental stress, slitest contradiction angers her, oversensitive, physical or mental work exhausts her.symptoms increase when alone but does not like company, wants to stay alone.
Feels better lying down, Better in cold, closes hewr eyes and keeps head on pillow.Feels better in the evening.Feels better in company but avoids mixing with people.
Likes: Milk, sweets, cold, fast food, cleanliness.
After she underwent treatment for depression, her Serum prolactin level increased leading to menstrual irregularities. Before this her menstruations were regular but had leucorrhoea.
Her serum TSH level was also found to be slightly raised so she is taking thyroxin 100mg once daily.
For raised prolactin level, a CT scan of head was done which shows no abnormality.
Medicines taken:
Ignatia 30. 200, 1M - ignatia 200 has some effect but temporary.
Arsenic 200 - Has temporary effect on palpitation.
Natrum mur 200, 1M - both potencies help in reducing irritability dramatically but has no permanent effect.
Sulpher 1M - given as intercurrent therapy.
Aurm met 30 - effect not established.
  drdipankar on 2007-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I feel that Aurum could be given in apropiate dose, e, g. 1000c and repeated every week.
stay well.
Albert last decade
Give one dose of Naturm Mur 1M every week ...for 2 months.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thanks albert for the advise. i am not very conversant with homeo potencies. is 1000c same as 1M? how long should i continue with the weekly doses?
drdipankar last decade
thanks pankaj for the reply. i will try it out.
drdipankar last decade
1M=M=1000c .- It is said that the time for that potency to notice an effect is between 15-21 days, but if the case is not recent you must wait up to 2 months on that dose.Personally i dont think that the repetition has to be every 7 days, you could try once a day 1hr far from foods until see any difference.-
Good luck.
Albert last decade
I have the same problem.I have finally controlled it with allopathy plus Nat.Mur30x biochem twice a day.Initialy I took many homeo.meds like Aur.Met etc.
s2005 last decade
Dear S2005,
may i know what allopathic medicines you are taking and in what dose?
drdipankar last decade
Szetalo 10mg once at 10am day&Revotril 0.5mg(1/2tab at 8am&1/2 tab.at8pm)was prescribed now i myself have reduced revotril to 1/3 tab once only.These thrown out some skin symtoms& gastric problem for which i reqd Gun Pdr 200 , Borax30 & Teribinth30 few doses.Now only Nat Mur30x along with these.
s2005 last decade
I think taking Nat Mur. 1m once a day is way, way, way too often. I don't think any accredited homeopath would prescribe that. I have been given Nat Mur. 1m and told to come back in 4 weeks. That is much more like it really. Taking Nat. Mur. 1m every day is not a very good idea in my opninion, to say the least.
TreeFrog last decade
Natrum Mur 1M once a week wud be correct.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi albert/tree frog/pankaj,
Thanks for the suggestions. i will tellyou exactly what i did. i gave one dose of Aurum Met 1M early morning on Saturday, 20th January, and started Natrum Mur 30x biochemic on twice daily basis and waiting for next week. Till now i think i have seen subtle change in behavior of my wife. She complains of sadness but number of smiles per day has definitely increased. She is giving hearty laughs on jokes which was rare earlier. She is shouting less at me. she is complaining about life but has stopped talking of ending it. She is far from a jovial person. She is not yet ready to look after herself and about looks (we call it a lipstick sign in terms of general surgery) which means things are fine with the lady but she is talking of future planning. She is sleepy in the morning due to effects of allopathic medicines. i am waiting for the three week period and a definite improvement to start reducing the dosage of antidepressants. Thank you all for the help.
drdipankar last decade
Earlier...was she frequently talking of ending her life ????
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hi pankaj,
not really. depression was there, thought that life is useless and no good but not frequently thinking of ending it. actually she was also afraid of death.
Irritation, shouting, taking out the despair on somebody was more prominent. She felt the tension coming and used to say that she feels like shouting at somebody.
drdipankar last decade
Then no need of further doses of Aur.Met.
s2005 last decade
thanks for interest you take about my case. the recent development is that when i gave the repeat dose of aurum met 1m on sunday, in the evening she felt vacant inside, palpitation and profuse sweating for about half an hour. since i had given the 1m dose in the morning i dint use anything else. now almost everyday she is getting the same feeling for about one hour or so. what should or can be done?
drdipankar last decade
Hi S2005,
Its good to see that you are helping others by your advice but i request that don't suggest some one Aurum without knowing the full history. whatever Dr. dipakar mentioned about the patient anyone in that state of depression will do the same but that does'nt mean that she is suicidal. You should notice that she never tried to do that. Did you ever realise that what if she starts proving the aurum symptom waht will happen?

Dr Dipakar,
I request you to read and enquire about the drug before giving to the patient. Homeopathy is considered safe but not always. For example if your patient does'nt belong to aurum group she may think of suicide. In interenet there are various site where you can find out and confirm the remedy you are giving to your patient. As you can see she is already going through tough time. Surely homeopathy has answer for depression but check and ensure before giving. If you want to antidote .. give her coffee which is universal as an antidote.

Natrum Mur, Ignatia and phosphoric acids are general and most commonly given to the person whose depression related with broken love case. But you mentioned that she initially showed good result with both ignatia and Nat mur. That shows that helps her in the first layer but palpitation, sleeplessness may be showing that she is proving the symptoms of those remedies in such case sometimes lower dose like 30 c can helps. Nat mur may or may not her contitution. YOu can also try in biochemic form.

Mix 4 pallets 6 X of nat mur in a bottle of spring water. Ask her to drink occasionally at 2-3 hours gap throughout the day. Stop drinking as soon as she feels little better. That may help her temporarily from her grief with out any negative side effect.
Nat mur is very good drug if its suits the patient but if not you should not try it for longer.

Patient liking for Sweets is also pointing towards Pulsatilla but again check all the informations. I think we need more information to find her constitution.
Shouting at somebody will help her to feel good. Please allow her to shout
Read information in this webside.


You can read about Nat Mur, Pulsatilla etc
Dipika last decade
I have not suggested Aur.Met in my any case to her.However READING HIS mails I requested to not to give this.
s2005 last decade
Hi s2005,
I'm extremely sorry for blaming you for Aur Met. You are right u infact requested not to give. Its my mistake not to read mails properly.
Dipika last decade
Hi Dipika,
thanks for taking interest. Actually it is very difficult for a person practicing allopathy to understand potency, doses schedule, repitations and even remedy selection of homeopathy. i am finding out that even opinions vary greatly. however after extensively reading quite a few books i had chosen two remedies to be primary. one was ignatia and the other was natrum mur. Ignatia 200 works wonders. Natrum mur 1m which i have given occasionally has relieved the stress and irritation but i could not carry through the case to complition because of my lack of knowledge and experience. i am afraid of using higher potencies and dont know what are the complementary remedies to these. somebody suggested arsenic alb which was useful in palpitation at 30c for sometime but no cure. please suggest.
drdipankar last decade
Sorry Dipika i forgot to tell a few things. I had read sepia thoroughly and thought that this must be the right remedy but giving sepia 30, 200 did not show any improvement. Another thing typical of my wife is that all her symptoms aggravate by exertion and ameliorate by rest. sleeping in dark room, eyes closed, cant stand any noise, sleeps on one side. Likes milk very very much. even when she is not hungry due to depression she can take milk. She cant use toilets at places away from home. Not at all ready to experiment or adventure with anything may it be food menu or air travel. Likes fixed daily routines but loudly complains of boredom of day to day life. she can be called mixture of opposites. Loves but scolds. small things said or done against her wishes upsets her. easily gets upset.
drdipankar last decade
picture of patient before depression

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drdipankar last decade
Picture of patient after depression

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drdipankar last decade
Thanks!! I think the current state you presented more pointing to Ignatia and you also said it worked also very good. I have a question .. why you did'nt continue that.
But problems like leucorrhoea and other female reproductive problems showing pulsatilla.
Again food wise liking for milk pointing Ignatia and for sweet pointing Pulsatilla.
1.Can you tell me what food is she currently craving for the most? Was it before also?

2.Is she dependable on others type before or now? Cries and laugh easily.

3. does she has constipation problem?

4. Does she like sour and spicy food. Greasy food?

5. Does she get sore throat very often. Physical symptom fluctuate rapidly?

6. Give a breif detail about her nature before the depression attack. e.g shy or open, indecesive, cries easily to get tragic news, weepy movies, cruelty over children, short tempered etc etc

I want to know is she taking allopathy now ? If yes how can you go both together? suggesting not taking allopathy at this stage is also can be dangerous and most important whether she wants to help herself or not or she wants to dependent on allopathy.
If she belongs to any class whether Ignatia or natrum mur ... i think counselling will do a lot of benefits!! Well i know u know this ...just a suggestion. Homeopathy and counselling will be good combination.
Dipika last decade
i am sorry to be late in answering because i was busy for these days.
1. i give ignatia with good results. i use 200c. but i dont know the rule of repetation. everybody helps in finding remedy but i can not find any guidance to repetation and potency. if i give ignatia 200 after a week, she remains alright for a day or two and then revert back to depression. if i repeat it daily, the repeated dosage has no action. if i give ignatia 1M she does not show any improvement. i really dont dare to go above 1M. natrum mur works well after ignatia at 200c but again the result is not long lasting. please advise me a plan or rationale in repeating the medicines.
2. she craves for milk products. craving is great and is very conspicuous. this was before also.
Cries and laughs easily. sometimes laughs even when she is depressed. She is fickle minded. changes decisions often and is impulsive and emotional. afraid of taking a flight.
3. she has severe constipation. gets natures calls once in two days and even more. constipation is like not feeling the urgency to pass stools. after two days she feels heavy in lower abdomen and feels like passing stool.
4. she likes sour spicy foods like any other normal person but they are not outstanding nature of hers. milk and its products are all time favorite.
5. she does not get sore throats often. Physical symptoms are few. mainly mental symptoms. But physical symptoms are shortlived.
6. she was shy, indecisive, cried silently to troubles in life. rarely discussed with anybody. always avoided people from childhood. likes to be alone and likes privacy. No cruality but was short tempered. Short temper is hereditary. bad fights in family.
7. she is taking allopathy because i am an allopathy doctor and so i consulted a psychiatrist and started the anti depressants. She is also taking some anti psychotics. But she always liked to leave medicines. she always threatens to stop medicines but wants to help herself with homeopathy.
i am trying counselling. puri does not have clinical psychologists for counselling but she is undergoing online conselling from 'myselfhelp.com'. i dont know how much it will help. hope this may help you decide some medicine. i will be greatful.
drdipankar last decade
i am sorry to be late in answering because i was busy for these days.
1. i give ignatia with good results. i use 200c. but i dont know the rule of repetation. everybody helps in finding remedy but i can not find any guidance to repetation and potency. if i give ignatia 200 after a week, she remains alright for a day or two and then revert back to depression. if i repeat it daily, the repeated dosage has no action. if i give ignatia 1M she does not show any improvement. i really dont dare to go above 1M. natrum mur works well after ignatia at 200c but again the result is not long lasting. please advise me a plan or rationale in repeating the medicines.
2. she craves for milk products. craving is great and is very conspicuous. this was before also.
Cries and laughs easily. sometimes laughs even when she is depressed. She is fickle minded. changes decisions often and is impulsive and emotional. afraid of taking a flight.
3. she has severe constipation. gets natures calls once in two days and even more. constipation is like not feeling the urgency to pass stools. after two days she feels heavy in lower abdomen and feels like passing stool.
4. she likes sour spicy foods like any other normal person but they are not outstanding nature of hers. milk and its products are all time favorite.
5. she does not get sore throats often. Physical symptoms are few. mainly mental symptoms. But physical symptoms are shortlived.
6. she was shy, indecisive, cried silently to troubles in life. rarely discussed with anybody. always avoided people from childhood. likes to be alone and likes privacy. No cruality but was short tempered. Short temper is hereditary. bad fights in family.
7. she is taking allopathy because i am an allopathy doctor and so i consulted a psychiatrist and started the anti depressants. She is also taking some anti psychotics. But she always liked to leave medicines. she always threatens to stop medicines but wants to help herself with homeopathy.
i am trying counselling. puri does not have clinical psychologists for counselling but she is undergoing online conselling from 'myselfhelp.com'. i dont know how much it will help. hope this may help you decide some medicine. i will be greatful.
drdipankar last decade

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