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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema treatment for 4 months old

Can someone tell me if giving morgan pure 30C is safe for 4 months old baby? Homeopath said give 3 spheres once and wait 2 weeks then he'll tell about more treatment.
  alilia on 2007-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No need to worry alilia. Dosage is safe only.(30c once and observing)
maheeru last decade
my friends grandson suffers from it and they have bathed him in oat water .... ...put in a fine gause or stocking on the tap and run the bath water through it.Then bath the baby in the milky coloured water.It will relieve the iching for him.It works and if you don't want to hang the stocking on the tap ...just put the oats in the tights, soak them in the water and sqeeze it by hand into the bath.
tulips last decade

I agree that the bath with oats can help, just make sure the baby is not allergic to oats... watch for reactions after bathing. other good bath ideas for eczema include a few drops of apricot oil, or just a bit of real sea salt.

Homeopathy has worked wonders for my sons' eczema, but it took some time, so give your homeopath time to work.

john34 last decade
Thank you so much for the replies. We do bath a baby in oatmeal, use Aveeno brand, we tried Dead Sea salt but dermotalogist said it's a big NO, it'll dry his skin a lot. We are putting olive oil on baby's skin too as a natural way to moisturize.
alilia last decade

don't take your dermotalogist's advice as gospel my truth. After dealing with this type of doctor all my life, I have concluded that most are of very limited assistance, and sometimes, give out advice that is simply incorrect. So you must make it your burden to educate yourself, and learn as much as you can. For many people the salt baths are very healing, but, you have to experiment and make that determination in your own case. I think they were helpful for my son, so was laying him in the natural sunlight.

john34 last decade
John, i couldn't agree with you more. Because i believe that traditional medicine has limited abilities to cure infant's eczema, i seek homeopathic help.
alilia last decade

I think you are very wise, someday your child will thank you for it. I grew up under allopathic care, for my son, we chose homeopathy and holistic care. of course it can be more work for the parents, and there may be more suffering (for the short term), but, at least it gives your child a chance to heal, and not end up with asthma and more and more suppressed disease. Please let me know if I can help with any advice, we have been through this. and look for posts by 'josiewales', her child did as well, and she had excellent results with homeopathy.

john34 last decade
Hi. John mentioned me in the above post. :)

My daughter is now 21-months-old and has no eczema at all. She healed, finally, through homeopathy. We also used some supplements (Evening Primrose Oil) and probiotcs (still daily). But, the big changes were made when she started homeopathic treatments. It's a slow treatment, though, so please be patient.

As I told another mother recently, on this board, it took a good 4 months from the first remedy to where I could say that there were no eczema patches or skin irritation on my daughter's skin.

We've had a few bumps, but my daughter is doing amazingly well from where she was one year ago. A year ago she had bleeding wounds - from scratching. She was unable to be unclothed for any amount of time because she'd scratch herself to bleeding in seconds. Now she runs around in a diaper and I have no worries.

Homeopathy changed her life, I can't imagine where we'd be otherwise. I hope your child heals quickly!
josiewales last decade

echoing what Josie said... My son was covered from head to toe with weaping eczema, starting at age 4 months. one doc said it was the worst case he had ever seen. today, just over a year and a half since starting homeopathy (and other treatments), there is no eczema at all. He just gets some hives that come and go (working on that now). no asthma like so many other eczema kids. He actually has beautiful skin and hair.

we are still very careful with his diet, but are working on it.

so have faith, you can do it, and your child will be better for it.

john34 last decade

Thanks so much for your input. It's good to hear a success story. I read your post fully. My homeopath gave us different remedies. We are a bit uncertain about morgan pure remedy that homeopath prescribed since this remedy derived from bacteria found in human feces.

Did you use Primerose Oil externally on the skin? I have capsules of it, i may try it. We are off the hydrocortizone for 2 days and things are not great.
alilia last decade
Both, actually. We used the primrose oil internally for a while and then externally.

When she was taking it in her milk, she took one capsule (1300mg, IIRC) mixed into her milk every day. That alone cleared up a few of her eczema patches (on her head). Later her Naturopath had us rub it into her skin, but when she started Homeopathic treatments, we stopped all supplements (except probiotics) and all external applications.

If you've been using Hydrocortize and have recently stopped, yes, I'd expect things to get ugly for a while. I'm so sorry. I wish I'd started my daughter on Homeopathy quickly, as you are.

I don't know anything about Morgan Pure. I hope one of the Homeopaths here will weigh in on that for you. I understand your hesitancy.

Did you go see a reputable homeopath who took a full case on your child?
josiewales last decade
Josie and John, thanks again for your encouragement.

My friend treated her child eczema with this homeopath and has a good result. This homeoptah part of Integrative Center that has a few offices in NJ/CT area. No license for some reason. We did talk to her for about an hour, she made a pleasnt impression on us.

My child eczema is a severe case, he has rash all over his body. I am breast feeding and tried to eliminate many foods from my diet but that didn't make any difference.
alilia last decade
I went on an a strict elimination diet while nursing my daughter (at one point I was down to organic turkey, organic potatoes and organic pears) and my daughter's eczema kept getting worse. I know for some people elimination diets make all the difference - it didn't for us, either.

It's good that your homeopath has a good reputation and the fact that you know someone whose child did well under her care is great!

Good luck to you, update after you start your son's treatment, I know John and I will be supportive and would like to know how you and your son are doing!
josiewales last decade

I was on elimination diet for 10 days, it didn't make any difference, it probably got worst a little bit. I had much less milk and child was demanding food ever 2 hrs because my milk was like water. I was so afaraid to loose milk for good that i stoped the diet. I am still very carefull of what i eat but i am no longer on turky, lamb, millet, rice, zuccini, and pear. Also i start taking probiotics in capsules, twise a day, it doesn't make any difference too.

Today his skin condition is particularly bad, i am thinking on starying homeopathic remedy tonight. I will keep you posted on our progress.

Thanks again.
alilia last decade

natural healing is much slower than say using steroids. we tried to compare week to week for progress (although I my wife ate a 'wrong' food, the bad results were apparent fairly fast.

he eczema faded over a period of months, so it takes real patience and dedication sometimes.

john34 last decade
It takes a good couple or several weeks to clear a food from your breastmilk. But, I honestly think if I'd have done homeopathy while nursing, I could have continued nursing and probably not even on a restricted diet. Oh well.

I lost so much weight on my elimination diet and my milk was so thin and almost gone..... It was bad. My daughter just couldn't get enough to eat. Her allergist told me to put her on an elemental formula (which made her MUCH worse) and I still regret listening to that advice. But, that was before I started looking into alternative therapies. Unfortunately.

I'll look forward to your update.
josiewales last decade
hallo i just found your post about your child eczema. i have the same problem with my son his eczema started when he was about 6 months old then he gets even worse when i stopped breastfeed him. he is now just over 2years old and still bad we started homeopathy and we had prescribe Morgan Pure but after i read people posted here i dont know if this is good
werta last decade
werta, no problem in giving morgan pure if it's indicated. If you don't see much improvement, please post a new thread with your son's eczema and other details.
maheeru last decade

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