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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have suffered from small joint inflammation for the last 4 years. i got the RA factor blood test done for the first three years but it was always negative. last year in june it became positive. I suffer from ankle inflammation on a daily basis and wrist, knucle and knee inflammation on an infrequent basis. However, it is not symmetrical in the body.....eg: its mostly the left ankle. I have tried many homeopaths but the only thing that has controlled my symptoms is abstaining from chicken, eggs and chicken soups. Could that be true that chicken can be triggering RA? sometimes i have severe inflammation from eating beef also. I have lost weight over the last two years....upto 6 lbs. it is more painful in the morinings....and in winters. Bc i work i do sit in an airconditioned office the whole day. i hardly exercise. during my period i feel pain even in my hip and back. i went through a very stressful period last year - marital - right before i tested positive for RA. I feel that stress triggers it for me.....but i dont know whether its chicken or stress. i have a 3 year old son....so after work my evenings are just as physically demanding. i dont have time to exercise....and i dont know whether basic aerobics a(video) is even harmful for certain joints. i feel better after a hot bath. Pl. prescribe some medicine for my symptoms.
  ayeshaakmal on 2007-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
U should check ur Serum Uric Acid. Seeing ur history i think RA is associated with GOUT.

Problems of patients suffering from uric acid increases with the intake of things that u have mentioned.

RA has no association with food habits.

Reply !!
drprodip last decade
Thank u both for replying so promptly. I had visited a doctor in Oct '06 and she ordered a number of tests. Details are as below: SGOT 18 (18-32) Serum Creatinine (0.7(0.65-1.1)Blood urea Nitrogen 11 (4-15)Creactive protein 0.7(0-1) Serum TSH 1.13 (0.27-4.2)Serum ferritin 97.8 (5-148)Serum Anti dsDNA 4.01 (0-6)Angiotension Convert. Enzyme 15 (8-52)Antistreptolysin O 200 (
ayeshaakmal last decade
Thank u will reply after a week. As for now i am more comfortable in warmer weather than cold. winters bring a lot of joint pain.
ayeshaakmal last decade
thanks. meanwhile doctors are advising me to get my heart checked just to rule out any inflammation of the heart. Is that really necessary? two years ago i used to get out of breath just talking to someone. went to pulmonologist to have the necessary checks....all was ok. lung capacity was more than normal maybe bc of my height. I have started the medication as prescribed....
i hope Colichicum Q is not very strong? i am taking three drops of Staph 30 3 times a day.
will start Nux 30 on the 3rd day...and discontinue Staph 30- is that right?
pl. specify no. of drops for Staphisagria and Nux Vomica?

what about diet is there anything i should avoid?
i have been on a complete veg diet for the last 10 days....and getting better.
ayeshaakmal last decade
Im taking the medicine as prescribed by you. but just for my curiousity...i believe you are treating me for Gout. But then why is my RA factor positive? Ive read that if your RA is positive you cant have gout? is that true?
desai last decade
Dear ayeshaakmal.

I have personally treated many cases of RA over the years, and as long as there is no severe joint deformity/deterioration these have always been curable. The chicken thing I find very interesting, as this ties in with my experiences of the disease, and for which there is a very good reason. The disease is also, in my experience at least, always linked to a particular miasmatic diathesis. It is of course a chronic, and therefore miasmatic problem, and as such, acute remedies such as Nux will only provide limited relief of symptoms. Colchicum may also help in the same way.
JCS2006 last decade
Dear Dr. Kireet Taneja

Please help me out,

My wife is in trouble she is just 28 year old, we have 4 children, after last delivery she diagnose RA, she feeing pain in both hands and finger joints as well as she also feel pain in bottom of feet also she can walk smoothly.

one thing more she also Diabetic patient also but it is under control now a days

I read the corresponding with aysha and you so I feel you can help me also, GOD will give you more successes in your life.

Please do advice me for take out my wife from this death valley.

I will be very thank full to you .......

msohails last decade
For Rhuematoid Arthiritis

One dose of Drosera 200 , Since you are losing weight, report result after one month

Dear Dr. Kireet Taneja

I am waiting for you reply,

Now a days she is feeing very bad, she getting more pain in her fingers and soling too.

waiting for kind reply
msohails last decade
Argentum Met 3oc

Dr Tahira last decade

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