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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bitter Melon for Diabetes

I am a type 2 diabetic on metformin and prandin. I have started taking bitter melon tea with meals 3 x daily and have seen my sugars drop, so drastically in fact that I went hypoglycemic (from 121 to 41 ). Have had greater drop from 156 to 63. Obviously this works, and works well; I have to adjust my Prandin to make sure I don't have any more hypoglycemic episodes as I do go into seizures. I have noticed the articles on Arnica to control diabetes; my goal is to use as little prescription meds as possible, and was wondering if the bitter melon tea and arnica could be used together safely?
  Stari on 2007-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How do you make the tea yourself? I purchased bittermelon and want to know how long you boil it for. Any help would be appreciated. Do you eat the actual melon as well?
JIMMY182 last decade
I have tried both the melons as well as the tea; I had much greater success using just the tea bags which I purchased at an Asian supermarket. I just put one tea bag in a cup of water and drink it with each meal. It dropped my sugar down so quickly I went into hypoglycemia, but after adjusting my medication I now have this under control. There are times when I don't need to take the Prandin at all since the sugar level is around 80. Today I bought some Arnica 30 which I will begin taking this week also.

Hope this is helpful to you.

Stari last decade
If you are located in US then most chinese grocery shops carry many varieties of tea , green tea , bitter melon tea etc . Pl. try and see but I have no idea . I use green tea for antioxidants and found it excellent
kam42 last decade

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