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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello All,

Have read these forums for a while, finally screwed up the courage to visit and see what could be done.

I am 43, female, suffered from depression as long as I can remember.
Gets worse (much worse) when menstruation hits.
Ovualation is painful, have a couple of cysts on left ovary, a few lesions too.
Am always angry or anxious.
Love curry.
Cry when I hear music (prefer classical)
Dislike hot humid weather. Hate being cold.
When depressed, hate being with anyone - though wish I had someone to console me.
Suspicious of everyone - have no close friends.
Very proud, hate (HATE) to ask for help with anything.
Ultra light sleeper - hear the slightest noise, cannot get back to sleep (I drink Valerian tea which helps)
Constant back pain (low back - occasional Sciatica pain)
Intensly painful periods, advil helps.
Back pain is excruciating during period almost worse than the cramps.
Was treated by friend/homeopath student a couple of years ago for the depression. She gave me Ignatia - sucussion method. Nothing for a few weeks then suddenly I was the happiest person alive. It passed though. My friend had her own worries and seemed disinterested in keeping in touch with me.
Since then, I've tried a few things myself. I have recently taken Aurum Met for anguish, I felt I was going over the edge. Seemed to help - the anguish is pretty well gone, but I'm back in this blah, aptathetic, giving up stage. Just today took 5 arsenicum album (30c) within 15 mins had discomfort in my uterus area, heavy, pushing, not crampy though. All this could be hormonal, I don't know.
So sorry to be so darned longwinded - so if anyone out there has an opinion (and is still with me) I'd love to know.
  ollive on 2007-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suggest you to take again Ignitia-1m with Kali Phos-1m one doze after 15 days. Hope your problem will be resolved.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr. Mahfooz - thanks for the reply. When you say Ignatia 1m with Kali Phos 1m do you mean at the same time and then wait 15 days? Or Ignatia first then Kali Phos in 15 days?
ollive last decade

ignatia 1m morning
Khali Phon night
use in this sequence after 15 days

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
here the etiology of the disease is important.

did you suffer from any emotional set back, loss of loved one or mental trauma anytime in the past.

do you suffer from constipation,

what are your cravings in food.

how is your hunger and thirst.

how do you look like, weight, height, figure, skin type etc.
rishimba last decade

Emotional/loss/mental trauma: yes, quite probably, I have no memories of the first 12 years of my life (only vague snippets are there), father died when I was 12. Setbacks: wanted to go to art school - had ability but not the resources, family did not care much about it either way.

Constipation: rarely.

Cravings: not too many: sometimes I crave tofu/beans but then I'm vegetarian, love chocolate (the good stuff) but don't overindulge, hate olives. Love salty, hate oily stuff

Hunger/thirst: Had eating disorder as teen, so it's hard to judge. I eat 2 meals a day, digestion is fine but have an ulcer (flares up once in a while). I get thirsty cos I drink more coffee than I should. I find I make tea (d-caf) but frequently ignore it or remember to drink it later.

Looks? 5'2 - about 120lb (have put on some since I quit smoking 6 wks ago), not fat not skinny,

Skin? fair, burn easily, silver hair, had a severe case of hive about 2 months ago with chest pain, I passed out but managed to crawl to my upstairs neighbour who gave me aconite (for my intense fear). It was terrifying - my hands (in my mind of course) became HUGE, they felt like giant's hands and they were numb. A number of other things too but I'll not go into that unless you feel it's relevant.

I am a quick person, I move quickly, talk quickly, work quickly even if I have nowhere to go or nothing to do.
ollive last decade
Hey, Ollive. I have suffered from chronic depression, as well, and I wish you all the best. This is such a supportive environment, and I'll be rooting for you.

I know this might sound strange, but I was wondering if you've ever had any paranormal experiences. You mentioned not recalling your first 12 years. That's very significant. Have you ever looked into why?

Look forward to reading of your progress.
11:11 last decade
your remedy seems to be LILIUM TIG which will take care of depression, weepy dispositions and menstrual affections.

take LILIUM TIG 200C some 6 doses once every two or three days.

at a later stage, you may have to go for THUJA to dissolve your ovarian cysts on the left ovary.
rishimba last decade
hi 11:11

To respond to your query - yes, I have given decades of thought as to why my 12 years are missing, but I believe it's related to my father, as I mentioned he died when I was 12. I have my theories, too personal to mention here. Appreciate the support though, life is not much use when you simply lurch from one day to the next in the classic Bell Jar state of mind.
ollive last decade
*hugs for ollive*
11:11 last decade

Excuse my partial ignorance, but 200C sounds like a mega dose.
1) Would I not be in danger of aggravating the depression?
2) By 6 doses - do you mean 6 pellets?
3) Every two or three days - but for how long, a week, 2 weeks?

Thanks in advance for your reply.
ollive last decade

200c potency is the right potency for you considering that the symptoms are predominantly mental in nature.

any potency below this will not produce the required response in the mental plane. this the lowest i can suggest for you.

moreover, you will notice a change in 48 hours of taking the dose. if you see any aggravation / healing crisis so called, you can take the doses 4 to 5 days apart.

in one dose you should take 3 pellets max. under the tongue or dissolve in some water and sip it slowly.

ideally, the doses have to continue only upto a point when a reaction is observed. but in any case you should not take more than 6 doses.

after a few doses, once you see that the mental symptoms are getting better, you can stop further doses.

trust the above is clear.
rishimba last decade

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