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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Azoospermia Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mrs Sarah Ashar,Salam o alekum,
have u consulted Dr.Hilal Akhter Mahpuri.He is having his clinic in gulshane Iqbal karachi his tel no are 0214822o88nd4828170.
librasmart last decade
Dear Dr. Mumtaz,

My husband is Azoospermic and at the same time he suffers from Tricuspid valve insufficiency . I would like to know if his Azoospermia caused by his heart problem.

If he takes Vitamin c 1000mg , wouldn't it cause further damage to his heart.

Please respond. Please help
hoza20 last decade
Dear Dr. Mumtaz Ali,

Thank you so much for the prompt reply. We will try to consult his heart caring doctor.

Best wishes
hoza20 last decade
hello dear drs,
my name is muhammad and i have a obstructive azoospermia,intercourse duration and other every thing is o.k. but any time i made semen analysis it become zero.i made biopsy also but it will come o.k.four years to my married life.
plz advise me if there is any treatment plzzzzzzzzzzzz
zubair muhammad last decade
is there any medicine to suppress elevated FSH in azoospermic patient those having normal TSH in homeopathy.
embryologist.tahir last decade
salam to all drs. plz inform me the way to escape from this problem. i have 7years of married life but no child till yet. my semen analysis report is just 0.05mill/ml and all are slow/non linear progression and it shows pus cell 18-22 but their culture examination is normal. all other test are normal and in range like fsh LH. after using hikmat it will 10mill/ml but after few months it again down and on few hundreds in counting. plz advise me. jazakallah
ubmn79 last decade
I reported my semen & hormone details are below.
(1)Semen Analysis.
Colour Whitish
Reaction Alkaline
PH. 8.5
Fructose Increased.

No Sperm seen in the sample.

(2) Semen H.&E. staining Report
Scanty spermagotonia cells present but not regenerate activity seen.

(3) hormones Detail
Testosterone 652.46
FSH 4.62
LH 2.59
TSH 2.05

Please tell me best homoeopathic medicine. i am 28 years old.
krishnay27 last decade
Hi Dr.Mumtaz Ali,

Please help me regarding my concern, Azoospermia. I am 29 yrs old and my wife, 30 yrs old, we have been living together for more than five years now but still unable to have a baby. Until I decided to go to a doctor few months ago, and painfully informed about my condition.

Below are my lab results. We hope to hear from you soon. We could have gone ahead and tried the 1000mg Vit C but I'm not sure if it will be applicable for these results. Also, I am from the Philippines, hope that whatever medicine you advise, it is available here.

Laboratory Report
Color = White
Viscosity = Viscous
Liquefaction Time = 1 hour
Volume = 1ml
pH = 6.5
Sperm Count = 0
WBC = 0.3 x 1000000/ml

Testosterone = 2.89 mmol/L
FSH = 1.87 mIU/ml
LH = 1.78 mIU/ml

Examination Request: Transrectal prostate = Normal sized prostate gland and Ultrasonically normal seminal vesicles

Examination Request:
Scrotal UTZ with Doppler Study = Normal Sonogram of both testes and epididymis
Wengot last decade
Hello Dr. Muntaz Ali Riaz,
I was diagnosed of azoospermia lately.
Please where can i get the Zinc Met 6x or Selenium 30x and Pitutrine 6x?

Can you also confirm if Selenium 200µg same as Selenium 30x?

Please help.

ejieji last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfuz,
I am Fahim 29 years old from Bangladesh having azoospermia.
My Motile sperm concentration is 00%, Motility 00%, RBC /nill,PUS Cells- 2-4/HPF
Is there any cure for this. Please let me know.

fahimrezanoor last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfooz,
I am waiting for your reply. please reply me as I am very tensed.
fahimrezanoor last decade
Asslamulaykum I Am 38 Years old married i have small and soft testies. which Cause Azoospermiya All Alopathic Dr Said there is no option i am so warried what to do please help me regarding this .
Farukh Ahemad
Farukh Ahemad last decade
Aslamo Alaikum, plzz help me ...mere Husband ko Azoospermia hai aur Klinefelder Sydrom bhi hai ...unke report me 0 sperm hai ...plzz aap mje koi medicine baataein jis se lene se sperm bana shuroo ho jae ...me bht pareshan hn ..plzz help me ....mere husband Dr Mahpuri Karachi bhi ghae the ...abhi un se threatment karwa rhe hai ...
Tahseen 9 years ago
Plzzzzz help me doctor .....plzzz
Tahseen 9 years ago
Mrs. Tahseen please give me you husband case history in a separate thread, so i may consider his case, or email his recent repot.

Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago
Dear sir,
I am suffering from azoospermia.I have taken spemen for two years but no help and in between I went for colour Doppler test to find the exact reason. The finding was normal except small variocele in right side.Kindly help.At this forum my number of problems have been sorted,like severe tonsillitis problem to severe allergy problem.
Gockoars 8 years ago
Hello Dr.Mahfooz,Dr.Mumtaz and Dr.Sameer.I'm writting this to you with great hope.My husband has been diagnosed with azoospermia.Attached is his reports.
Sperm Count is 0
Fructose-Not Detected
Color- Gray-White
Red Cells-Occasiaonal
Pus Cells:10-15/hpf
Epithelial Cells:0-1
Crystals-Not Detected

FNAC(Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology)report shows HYPOSPERMATOGENESIS WITH MATURATION ARREST for both left and right testis

Testosterone is low-210.64ng/dl

I'm 35 years old and he is 37.Kindly suggest homeopathy medicine that could help in this situation.
Erellull 7 years ago
please let us know do anyone in this thread got benefit from PTK-40?anyone got blessed by child?
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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