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Dr. Mahfooz/Dr. Deshlok Help me in my Acidity Problem

I am a 32 year old married male. I have been feeling sad for about 10 days with stiff neck and sleeplessness. I can't concentrate on work and there is heaviness in head. I feel that my mind has become blank and memory has weakend. This diesase has occured many times in the past too. It used to happen when I drank alcohol excessively. Also when I think a lot, these symptoms occurs. Now I have given up drinking but I smoke 3-4 cigg daily.

Hakeem(Yunani) and Vaidya(Ayurveda) have told me that my stomach has a tendancy to produce fermentation and this causes all these symptoms.Infact the Hakeem cured me too, but since I am in USA, I cannot consult him. Can you tell me some good Homeopathic medicines?

'Rajendra' suggested taking Nux Vom 30C. Can I take it along with Kali Phos and Nat Phos? If yes, what potency and what dosage and for how long?

Sex: Male
Nature of work: Software
Habits: Smoke 4-5 cigg daily for the past 14 years. Used to Drink too, but have given it up.

Describe your main suffering and from how long?: I have been feeling sad for about 10 days with stiff neck and sleeplessness. I can't concentrate on work and there is heaviness in head. I feel that my mind has become blank and memory has weakend. This diesase has occured many times in the past too. It used to happen when I drank alcohol excessively. Also when I think a lot, these symptoms occurs.

Exact location? : Head and Stiff Neck

Any cause which you feel for this ailment? : Acidity, Fermentation. Lots of thinking

What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? : Kidney Stone

What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? : Sad and depressed mood, Feeling sleepy, Cannot sleep at night, Blank mind, Cannot concentrate at work, A feeling of being afraid, Random thoughts

When did it all start? : 1992

What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering? : Alcohol, Junk food, Oily Food, A lot of thinking

When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? : Cannot say

What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? : No specific food

How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? : Normal

How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? : More

How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)? : Bowel Movement is OK but stool is stiff

How sleep, how are your dreams? : Sometimes scary

Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? : I feel afraid

What medications have been taken earlier? : Allopathic antidepressents(for 2 years), Ayurvedic, and Yunani medicines.

How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)? : 5'8' weighing 60 Kg

If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long (normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.) : N/A

Family history - What major diseases are running in your family? : My mom suffered from acute acidity in the past. My brother has the same problem as mine.

Any other information? : Disinterest in sex when going thru these symptoms
  raip74 on 2007-06-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have read your other thread and finding of the dr.
My suggestion is as under:

Kali Phos-200 (3 drops or 5 pellets morning one dose daily)
Robinia-30 thrice a day 93 drops or 5 pills after meal thrice a day)
Nux-vomica-200 bed time ( 5 dops or 5 pills)

preventive measures:
1. Minimize to take alchol
2. Minimize cigg.
3. take much salad with your
4. Minimize oily/spy.things.

wish you good health

dr. Mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks Dr. mahfooz!!!

I wanted to ask you, for how long do I have to take these medicines?

Is it KaliPhos 200C?
Is it Robinia Pseudacacia 30X or Robinia Pseudacacia 30C?
Is it Nux Vomica 200C?

I consulted my Hakeem and he is sending some medicines also. He adviced me to abstain from Rice and Sour(pickles, lime) food.

Can I take these Homeopathic medicines along with the Hakeem's medicines?

Is my heaviness/confusion in head going to go away, coz I have suffered a lot due to this disease. I want to lead a normal life where I can take stress like other people can. I do not drink now. Smoke is 3-4 cigg daily.
raip74 last decade
Immunity system is always in the body of human being which some times did not function properly due to some malfunctioning of a man. Please note that When we try to break the laws of nature we suffer very much. If we try to follow them in the proper way, we feel relaxed and healthy and the imunity system become engergize. Bascially the medicines activates the system to over come the disease. Please try to feel yourself relaxed and take the medicine what-ever you like.
Normally it is not adviseable for you to take the combination of both systems.
Robina 30c is recommended not x.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr. Mahfooz:

For how long do I have to take these medicines?
raip74 last decade
Dr. Mahfooz:

For how long do I have to take these medicines?

What Kind of Food to Eat and What to Avoid
raip74 last decade
Initially please take for a week and report.

♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hi Dr. Mahfooz:

I have been taking these medicine for a week now and there is no help.

Kali Phos-200 (3 drops or 5 pellets morning one dose daily)
Robinia-30 thrice a day 93 drops or 5 pills after meal thrice a day)
Nux-vomica-200 bed time ( 5 dops or 5 pills).

I have explained my entire situation in detail below:

I am 32 years old male. It started in 1992 and coincidentally that was the time I started drinking and smoking. I used to feel as if my mind has turned blank with heaviness in head, difficulty in concentration. Initially I took some Homeopathic medicine(do not remember) and it went away. It used to happen mostly whenever I drank excessive alcohol. Sometimes it would happen if I did not sleep the entire night while traveling on train. The frequency of this ailment would have been once every year.

In 1998, after excessive drinking, it started again and continued for 6 months. I started taking Homeopathic medicines( do not remember) and it went away after I passed stool. I came to USA in 2000.It happened in 2000 again after excessive drinking and stayed for 8 months. Homeopathic medicines did not help this time and hence I consulted a Neurophysician in India and He prescribed Cap Venlor-XR and Tab Amitone. I took these medicines and they helped me immediately. I took them for 6 months and it went away. Then it happened once again in 2003 after excessive drinking. I started taking Cap Venlor-XR which continued for 3 years. In this entire period I drank too while taking this medicine. I would like to mention that every time I drank alcohol, this disease did not happen. One day in 2006 when I was drunk and also on this medicine, I vomitted heavily and the next morning, I started feeling good. From that day I did not have to take Venlor-XR, although I drank beer regularly. Then this disease recurred in October 2006 after heavy drinking. I went to India in December and consulted a Hakeem and Vaidhya. Both of them told me that I have Acidity/fermentation Problem in my large intestine ( My Mother had Acute Acidity Problem at one point of time). This acidity goes into my head and creates heaviness, loss of concentration, dullness, sadness. Hakeem gave me some medicines and I felt good. I gave up drinking in October 2006. I got married in April 2007 and I came to USA after the marriage.

I was giving interviews and hence stressed out. That is how this disease started again. Mind you this time there was no alcohol associated as I have given up drinking. I was still smoking about 3 cigg. a day. I have got a job and moved to a new place, but It has been 3 weeks since this disease started again. I cannot get HakeemÂ’s medicine as he is in India.

In the entire life span of this disease, this was 95% triggered by Alcohol, 2% by Sleeplessness and 3% by Stress. Alcohol Induced ailment never goes away by itself although sleeplessness and stress induced ailment is temporary ( exception is the present time when stress induced ailment has prolonged for 3 weeks and still going). I have given up smoking too now.

In this entire summary I have not included anything regarding my food habit as I could not derive any correlation between food and my ailment. I am a non vegetarian. I do not drink milk and juices.

I have had my eye checkup done, blood test done, BP and MRI done. Everything is OK. I have Kidney Stone problem since 1997. I do not know if it exists now or not. I have never felt pain in my stomach bcoz of Kidney stone. Whenever I pass stool and urinate simultaneously, I feel entire urine has not come out. Other than this situation, it is OK.

My question is:

Is this disease Depression/Anxiety??

If yes, what is the permanent remedy?

If not, what is the root cause of this disease and what is the disease known as?

What precautions do I have to take? Any food precautions?

Why did this disease go away when I passed stool and also when I vomited? What is the connection?

Why does this occur when I am stressed?

My Personality:

Quite, Less Talkative and yet Extrovert, Always Thinking about something,

My Ailment/Disease:

Heaviness in Head and Neck, Weight on my eyes and eyelids, Unable to Concentrate, Everything seems kind of unreal, Weak Memory, Difficulty recollecting/recalling past things.

Conditions causing this disease:




Sometimes it happened bcoz of Fever but was temporary
raip74 last decade
Dear raip,
The question you asked have the answer in your statement. In short excessive drinking of Alcohol is th route cause of your disease. Now please stop the above remedies. Only start with
Nux-vomica (3drops per dose) thrice a day and come back after a week.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
What potency of Nux Vom Shall I take??
raip74 last decade
Der patient,
Sorry I could not write the potency. Please take Nux-vomica 30 (3drops per dose) thrice a day.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Hi Dr. Mahfooz:

Right now the problem I have is that I feel I am under a lot of stress. Random thoughts keep coming in. I have this ambition of being a BIG man and I feel I have not done anything to achieve that. I have developed a low sense of self esteem. Due to this, my mind is preoccupied and I cannot do any other thing freely. This is what makes my head feel heavy and confused.

Sleep is OK and I feel stress is what causes acidity. I feel I have passive acidity although sometimes I can feel it in my stomach.

Can I take Nux Vom 200C instead of Nux Vomica 30? If yes, for how long??
raip74 last decade
Yes you can. use in 200 potency once at night time for a week and report.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Good. try Nux Vom 200 as suggested.
Rajendra last decade
I have been detected with H-Pylori which causes Gastritis. I am starting an allopathic(PREV PACK/PREVACID) course to get rid of this. DO you think, this bacteria might be the source of my illness? Also Can I have Nuv Vom 200 with this medicines?
raip74 last decade
Yes it can be. Please wait till you complete the course.

After that you may take Nux Vom 30 and Cina 30 to get rid of the residual effect.
Rajendra last decade
I am unable to sleep properly. I feel although my eyes are closed, my mind is working. I can feel it that I am not sleeping. I am not feeling any stress too these days.

My stool is fine and I am still taking PrevPack for H-Pylori.

What do you think might be the reason?? Please suggest a suitable remedy
raip74 last decade
This looks the reaction of your Alopathic medicine.

This is the list of side effects as per website:


What side effects may I notice from taking Prevpac®? (Back to top)
Side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as soon as possible:
•difficulty breathing, wheezing
•dark yellow or brown urine
•fever or chills, sore throat
•increased thirst
•pain or difficulty passing urine
•redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
•seizures (convulsions)
•skin rash, itching
•stomach pain or cramps
•swollen joints
•severe or watery diarrhea
•unusual bleeding or bruising
•unusual weakness or tiredness
•yellowing of the eyes or skin

Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your prescriber or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):
•changes in taste
•loss of appetite
•stomach gas or heartburn

You may keep a watch.
Rajendra last decade
Dr. Mahfooz:

Once I finish taking PrevPac, Can I take Nux Vom 200C, KaliPhos 200C and Robinia 30C or else try any other medicine.

Please help
raip74 last decade
How you feel now narrate your symptoms to prescribe further.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Why so many medicine?
Rajendra last decade
I have multiple problems.
(1) Anxiety/Stress
(2) Tendonitis
(3) Herpes Type 1
(4) Kidney Stone
(5) Stiffness in Neck Sometimes, Heaviness in Head
(6) Gastritis/Acidity ---H-Pylori
(7) Sleeplessness

A Homeopathic Doctor in Mumbai has advised me to take 'Causticum 200' for these ailments.

What is your suggestion on this prescription? Can this medicine take care of all the ailments??

Please reply
raip74 last decade
Is your 'H-Pylori ' not cured?

What are the remaining problems? Pl. narrate.
Rajendra last decade
I have finished Antibiotic course for H-Pylori and right now taking Nexium (esomeprazole magnesium). I think H-Pylori should be cured by now.

Here are the other ailments described in detail:


I am 32 years old male. It started in 1992 and coincidentally that was the time I started drinking and smoking. I used to feel as if my mind has turned blank with heaviness in head, difficulty in concentration. Initially I took some Homeopathic medicine (do not remember) and it went away. It used to happen mostly whenever I drank excessive alcohol. Sometimes it would happen if I did not sleep the entire night while traveling on train. The frequency of this ailment would have been once every year.

In 1998, after excessive drinking, it started again and continued for 6 months. I started

taking Homeopathic medicines (do not remember) and it went away one day after I passed stool. I came to USA in 2000.It happened in 2000 again after excessive drinking and stayed for 8 months. Homeopathic medicines did not help this time and hence I consulted a Neurophysician in India and He prescribed Cap Venlor-XR and Tab Amitone. I took these medicines and they helped me immediately. I took them for 6 months and it went away. Then it happened once again in 2003 after excessive drinking. I started taking Cap Venlor-XR which continued for 3 years. In this entire period I drank too while taking this medicine. I would like to mention that every time I drank alcohol, this disease did not happen. One day in 2006 when I was drunk and also on this medicine, I vomited heavily and the next morning, I started feeling good. From that day I did not have to take Venlor-XR, although I drank beer regularly. Then this disease recurred in October 2006 after heavy drinking. I went to India in December and consulted a Hakeem and Vaidhya. Both of them told me that I have Acidity/fermentation Problem in my large intestine (My Mother had Acute Acidity Problem at one point of time). This acidity goes into my head and creates heaviness, loss of concentration, dullness, sadness. Hakeem gave me some medicines to control acidity and I felt good. I gave up drinking in October 2006. I got married in April 2007 and I came to USA after the marriage.

I was giving interviews and hence stressed out. That is how this disease started again. Mind you this time there was no alcohol associated as I have given up drinking. I was still smoking about 3 cigg. a day. I have got a job and moved to Richmond, but It has been 4 weeks since this disease started again. I feel panicked a lot and am in a constant state of thoughts. I can feel my heart pounding fast when there is lot of stress. I want to relax, but my mind does not let me relax.

My question to you is How can I increase my capacity to handle stress? Do all these symptoms happen to all the people who undergo stress? Please help me in improving my condition.

In the entire life span of this disease, this was 95% triggered by Alcohol, 2% by Sleeplessness and 3% by Stress. Alcohol Induced ailment never goes away by itself although sleeplessness and stress induced ailment is temporary (exception is the present time when stress induced ailment has prolonged for 4 weeks and still going). I have given up smoking too now. I feel that I have lost the capacity to handle stress altogether. I panic easily when there is stress or doubts on my capabilities. My head becomes heavy and I start feeling the same disease.

In this entire summary I have not included anything regarding my food habit as I could not derive any correlation between food and my ailment. I am a non vegetarian. I do not drink milk and juices.

I have had my eye checkup done, blood test done, BP and MRI done. Everything is OK. I have Kidney Stone problem since 1997. I do not know if it exists now or not. I have never felt pain in my stomach bcoz of Kidney stone. Whenever I pass stool and urinate simultaneously, I feel entire urine has not come out. Other than this situation, it is OK.

My question is:

Is this disease Depression/Anxiety??

If yes, what is the permanent remedy?

If not, what is the root cause of this disease and what is the disease known as?

What precautions do I have to take? Any food precautions?

Why did this disease go away when I passed stool and also when I vomited? What is the connection?

Does it start because of the acidity (sometimes active and mostly passive) problem I have?

Why does this occur when I am stressed? Does it happen to all the people?

My Personality:

Quite, Less Talkative and yet Extrovert, Always Thinking about something, Very opinionated, Emotional

My Ailment/Disease:

Heaviness in Head and Stiffness in Neck, Weight on my eyes and eyelids, Unable to Concentrate, Weak Memory, Difficulty recollecting/recalling past things.

Conditions causing this disease:




Once it happened because of Gaanja (Marijuana)

Sometimes it happened bcoz of Fever

These are the 2 possibilities:

Alcohol„³ Acidity„³Stress„³ Heaviness in Head and Neck, Weight on my eyes and eyelids, Unable to Concentrate, Everything seems kind of unreal, Weak Memory, Difficulty recollecting/recalling past things

Stress„³Acidity„³ Heaviness in Head and Neck, Weight on my eyes and eyelids; unable to concentrate, everything seems kind of unreal, Weak Memory, Difficulty recollecting/recalling past things

There is absolutely a correlation between alcohol, stress, acidity and my disease. Due to this reason, I cannot enjoy oily or spicy food. There is always this thought while eating whether this food will cause acidity or not?

When this disease is not present, then I feel cheerful and I feel my memory is working fine and I do not have any difficulty recollecting past things.


My blood was tested for H-pylori in USA in June 2007 and they found this bacteria to be present. I am finishing an antibiotic course of ¡§PrevPac (Generic name: Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, and Lansoprazole)¡¨ to cure it. I have been suffering from Acidity for a long time and I think I inherited it from my mother.

I think this may be the cause of stress in my life. I have taken lot of homeopathic medicines, Yunani and ayurvedic medicines. All of them worked as long as I took them. Please suggest something permanent.


I am unable to sleep properly these days. I feel although my eyes are closed, my mind is working. I can feel it that I am not sleeping. I am not feeling stressed too these days. I have had this problem before too.

My stool is fine and I am still taking PrevPack for H-Pylori. Blood test for liver functioning was also good. I have had this problem before too.

My sleep is usually very good, but it is disturbed these days.

What do you think might be the reason?? Please suggest a suitable remedy


Stone was detected in left kidney in 1998. The last time I did an ultrasound test was in 2004 and kidney stone was still there. I have never felt pain due to stones ever. The only problem it causes is that when I urinate and pass stool at the same time, some portion of urine gets stuck in my bladder and that makes me feel uncomfortable. I have to drink water for 2-3 hours so that it can come out. I was treated with Berbaris Vulgaris drops for almost 2 years, but no relief.


Since my birth, I have had leucoderma on the right side of abdomen near my penis. It is about 2 inches long and 0.5 inches wide. There is some skin color patches inside the white spot because my mother applied ¡§Nausadar(Ammonium chloride)¡¨ and Honey mixed together to cure it. The pubic hair growth in this region is also white.


I got diagnosed with Genital Herpes of Type 1 in my Penis. Two blisters developed first in October 2006. I have not taken any medicine but only applied cream to heal it soon.

The eruption has happened thrice in 8 months.


Since October 2006, my right thumb pains when pressed hard or moved at the joint. X-ray showed no fracture. The Doctor told me that it could be Tendonitis. COuld it be due to working with Computer Mouse??

Can you suggest some medicines for this ailment too.

NOTE: With so many ailments, What sort of Food Regimen shall I follow? Can I continue eating Non-Veg food? What about spicy and oily food??

Is CAUSTICUM 200 the right medicine for me???
raip74 last decade
You wanted the

Root cause of your disease ?

It is alcohal and Non-Veg food.

You get worms in your entestines which is one of the main causes of leucoderma.

May be herpes too.

Worms are very common for Non-veg persons.

Take Nux Vom 30C 4 pills three times a day for a week and report.

May be I then suggest some thing for worms additionally after seeing the changes after Nux Vom.
Rajendra last decade
Nux is the good proposition please go ahead with dr. rajendra advice.

dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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