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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema in 8 month old

Hello, I am looking for some help with my 8mo son. At about 4 months he developed eczema on his left elbow that would come and go along with some patches on his back. About 2 weeks ago, the eczema spread to both elbows, on his back and all over both cheeks. It is red and inflamed and weepy/crusty on his elbows and cheeks but small dry patches (mostly circular)everywhere else. It seems to be mirrored on both sides of his body but started on the left side. I have tried Graphites 30C and Calc Carb 30C. He has been exclusively breast fed (except for the first 4 days of his life)and has had no vaccinations. We have been seeing a naturopath and doing some heavy metal detoxing from vaccinations I received before I was pregnant. But I am not seeing the improvement I would like. He is a very happy baby and the ezcema doesn't seem to itch or bother him. He is blond, light eyes and pretty chubby, sleeps on his tummy with his bottom in the air most of the time. The eczema on his face is definitely worse when he wakes up in the morning or after a nap, but the stuff everywhere else doesn't seem to have a pattern of what helps.
  mom2lkandd on 2007-06-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For It is red and inflamed and weepy/crusty on his elbows and cheeks but small dry patches (mostly circular)everywhere else.

Try Thuja 30C (4 Pills at a time for three days) and then report.
Rajendra last decade
I have tried the treatment but don't seem to have seen much result. I am thinking of trying Graphites again. The picture really seems to fit. Should I just dose it in the same way as the thuja?(4 pills for 3 days)
mom2lkandd last decade
Rajendra last decade

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