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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

eczema in 6 year old

I am inquiring about my 6 year old daughter with dry eczema that started mildly at around 18 mo. and has progressively increased. Here is her info. as best I can simplify:

~ eczema started as red patches (dry) that I think started in elbows, and continued spreading downward - behind knees and later ankles and then between R big toe and 2nd toe.(can't remember if eczema started on one side versus the other, but it seems like it was bilaterally from the get go)
More recently it is spreading to her neck, chin and face, but is mild there.
She has it where her earlobes attach to her head but it comes and goes there.

~ her eczema is dry and does not ever present with the oozing crusty description I see other people report. It does ooze clear fluid when she scratches intense areas.

~ it is very itchy, most notably at night (especially between say midnight and 3 AM) She also occasionally wakes itchy around 5 - 6 AM and is almost always itchy upon going to bed for the evening (8-10 PM)

~ She has numerous food allergies, but the only one that seems to directly affect her itching is citric acid. I don't doubt that she has numerous delayed food sensitivies and blood work has confirmed that. (I'm just so tired of restricting her eating and am desperatly searching for another path to relief)

~ Her temperment is often whiny, easily cries, doesn't handle criticism well, irritable. At times she can be very pleasant, but seems to be either on a high or very whiny.

~ Her other significant problem is that her hands and feet 'go to sleep' very easily and it can become quite painful. It usually only lasts a minute or so, but has had one occasion of it lasting about an hour. We have had exposure to mold through mattresses that got moldy in storage, and don't know if the mycotoxins are involved in affecting her myelin and thus the pain being of a neuropathy nature. Our ND feels that the hands/feet going to sleep is related to poor lymph drainage. We are currently taking a lymph detox.

~Jenna's sleep is very interrupted by the itching at night as described above. Her best sleep is usually between 6 -9 AM.

~ At birth, Jenna had severe jaundice due to ABO blood incompatibility (I'm O+ and she's either A or B?).

~ she unfortunately has had all of the recommended vaccinations since birth but we did not proceed with the ones recommended for the 4-6 yr. olds.) I definitely wonder about the effect these had on her developing eczema.

~ Prior to the eczema, she was noted to have food allergy to milk and possibly oats prior to age 1. She would develop little areas of redness around her mouth when she consumed them.

~ She has hayfever symptoms that include clear nasal drip on/off, itchy eyes and nose and throat- only when something sets her off like a wrong type of shampoo, etc.,

~ Her symptoms are worse when she's hot and better when she's kept cool.

~ Her appetite is good, but because of all of the food sensitivities, she is unable to feel good about what she's eating because of the worry that it will bother her skin. She is frequently hungry. She loves fruit, dislikes most vegetables (except cauliflower, lettuce, carrots)

~ She is very sensitive to light (especially artificial direct light - like looking at a light bulb or flash light), but brightness outside can also bother her. (I wonder about the connection with the mycotoxins affecting the myelin, but hope that there is another explanation)

I realize this list is extensive, and I could probably go on. Please let me know if there is some missing info. that would be helpful.

I am extremely grateful for your assistance. Jenna's condition causes her much suffering. I remain hopeful for full recovery soon.

~ oh, by the way, we have tried numerous homeopathic remedies in the past (all of which were various combinations. Currently we are trying a Psorinum Miasm Formula and a Reflex Emotional Therapy for Liver: Anger/Frustration. These are in addition to the homeopathic Lymph Detox Plus by Dr. Theresa Dale.

Thank you. I look forward to any replies.
  littlesunshine on 2007-06-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Rhus Tox 1m. (2 drops in one spoon of water) once in the morning.

Wait for the resilt for a week.
Rajendra last decade

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