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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2 month old with eczema

Hi I would like to request your help. I am seeing Dr Leffler here in Canada to monitor my babys health. My child is 3 months on July 20th. He developed eczema when he turned 5 weeks. The onset was very sudden and severe. He had red bubbly swollen skin only on his face (the whole area even eye lids). The outbreak occured after a visit to the vets to get my dogs nails trimmed. His father has allergies to many things including animals my younger sister has asthma and younger brother had eczema. I took my child to Dr Leffler who gave him a dose of Dulc. 200 to be mixed in 2 oz of water and given a teaspoon 3x a day. This remedy worked for a week before the rash returned more on his right cheek than left. He gave the remedy again with no reaction good or bad. The rash continued onto his left cheek and then onto his right inner elbow region. My child has a little bit of craddle cap on the top of his head, mostly looking like flakes of skin. His cheeks look bubbly, swollen, scabbed over, dry, don't bleed, have yellow crusties from time to time, are itchy, red. I then took him back to the doctor who treated him for eczema and the digestive spit ups through the nose with Lycopodium 200 in water. Is there anything you could suggest?
I was thinking sulphur?

He was delivered natuarlly with the use of gas and air.
His heartrate did not alter during birth
He appeared somewhat stuck as I pushed for 2 hours before he delivered with a cone off to the side of his head shape.
He is very alert, curious.
He does not spit up often, when he does it comes out of his nose
He does not like sleeping flat on his back (I think he's scared of nose spitting)
He likes to be warm, likes to wear little, likes outdoors the best
He often mostly in the evening or early morning has a stuffy nose
he sneezes 10 x approx. per day
he seems to be trying to burp or catching his breath or is winded mostly in evening or morning
he wakes gasping like someone is trying to drown him
he is weezy
he is mucusy
he has lots of black hair
My mom is english, my dad is from barbados, The baby's father is Jamacian, my child is black
He sleeps in his swing in the night the crib on his right side in the day
He wakes suddenly as if drowning or terrified
he does not like to have his head touched or be touched in general but mostly head
he likes to be in motion
gets bored fast
sleeps 30 mins at a time then wakes
likes baths generally
coughs while sleeping
likes to explore and watch the world
likes the car
likes things right away, turns red when crying
gets angry and turns red if I do the wrong thing. ie wants to sleep, poops while trying to sleep and I must change him
Is restless when sleeping,
eats well
sleeps at night 3 or 4 hours at a time awake most of the day only sleeping in short restless spells
waves hands around frantically when starting to sleep
nails grow fast but look normal
  nataliedan on 2007-07-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Two more question!

What is his complexion and weight?

Does he takes water in small quanities or likes very cold water?
Rajendra last decade
Hello Dear
please can you tell me about Dulc. when did you start and when did you finish this is best remedy for skin in infant i think you try in high potency that persist his symptom or some time when remedy start work so symptom come out to body may be his rash come up on cheak.don't use tomany medicine best is for you wait another week let see how is going still same candition then come back to me i am more happy to assist you .
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade

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