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Lip biting/sucking

my child 3n half, bits n suck lip, its usually when she is tired, sleepy, bored..
It started a month after i stopped breast feeding her.. and now its been almost 2 yrs n whatever we try to do we cannot get her out of that habbit....

somewhere in the forum dr sajid mentioned BENZOICUM ACIDUM 30, but she does not have any other symptoms of that remedy...only lip biting... is there anything else that i can do?? or will it go on its own.... pls help....
thanks in advance..
  Rosh2007 on 2007-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Forget about it. As she grows older, she will stop doing this.

Don't pay any attention to it.

gavinimurthy last decade
For information only.

anac. ARUM-T. benz-ac. choc. ham. kali-n. sep. spong. symph. tritic-vg. vanil.
MOUTH - BITING - Lips - chewing lips
MOUTH - BITING - Lips - Lower lip
aur-m-n. benz-ac. ham. kali-p. nat-sil. podo. symph. tritic-vg. vanil.
MOUTH - BITING - Lips - Lower lip - eating; when
benz-ac. tritic-vg. vanil.

sajjadakram635 last decade
aaahhh....thanks for that advice..but its almost impossible to do....its so irritating to see her bit her lip....hope that it will pass when school starts....

Rosh2007 last decade
thanks sajjad....but she does not show any other symptoms of the remedies...just lip biting... i dont want to creat unnecessary problems by giving wrong remedies...

Rosh2007 last decade
This article may help you.


I like the tip with lemon.

gavinimurthy last decade
A friend of mine had this habit.I gave him ARUM TRIPHYLLUM and he got cured.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Sajjad

On hind sight atleast, didn't you find out some prominent aurum triphyllum symptoms in him?

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,
Those were the days of my early practice.

sajjadakram635 last decade
she sucks on her lip...not a typical bite...its like she does it when she wants to be comforted....anyway have to go now...thanks everyone...
Rosh2007 last decade
Medicine can be identified out of suggetion given by :-

Rajendra last decade
I agreed with dr. sajjadakram, I have cured 3 cases with ARUM TRIPHYLLUM-30. Please try it.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
dont know bout aurm triphyllum....she does not show any of its other symptoms.... oh ya...she does have one thing...she does this scratching/ pinching on her neck...she used to do it to me..i mean she used to scratch/ pinch my neck when she used to sleep with me...but since she sleeps by herself now she does it on her own neck.... all these r there only when she is sleepy... she usually goes to sleep like that and only when she falls asleep it stops...we can hear her sucking the lip even from the other room... and if at all in the night she wakes up she gets back to sleep using this same think...lip sucking n scratching her neck.... i hope u get what im saying...
Rosh2007 last decade
Since you seem to be interested in a medicine that may suit your child in general, let us discuss further.

These are the remedies given in Kent.

Face, picking, lips : apis., ARUM-T(3), BRY(3), cina., cob., con., hell., nit-ac(2), nux-v(2), ph-ac., rheum., zinc.

Now read about Arum-t, Bry, Nit.ac and Nux.v, in a few MMs,(Kent,Nash,Boericke) and see if any of these four medicines seems to fit your child.

All these MMs are available online.




Come back if you see any similarities in any of the medicines. You may see some symptoms in one medicine and some other in another. List out all such medicines with the similiarities you found. We can discuss further.

gavinimurthy last decade
oh..i was busy for a few days and will remain so for a few more.....i just read ur post...i'll surely look into it and come back....thanks very much....
Rosh2007 last decade
Hy mubashir here,
My age is 28 years old i have same problem since my childhood .its not possible for me to leave this exessive type of habbit .
Kindly suggest me any medicine.
Mubi 4 years ago
I am sucking my lower lip day night, especially before sleep to whole night and next morning my lip swollen ,mental level and thinking capacity is very low
My English is not good so plz understand my problem and help me
Priscribe me medicine
Mubi 4 years ago

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