The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fever teething toddler
Hi, my child is almost 2 years of age. He has fever for the past 2 days of 101 degrees. He gets very cranky and clingy, but then also ccalms down and is happy too.I give him teething tablets by hylands. Is there something I can give him instead of tylenol to bring fever down? and that is very effective? I try Ferr Phosfate cell salts 6c but not noticed a difference.
elyse on 2007-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
during high fever, you can give him a few doses of ACONITE 30C and BELLADONA 30C alternately every 30 minutes for some hours till the fever reduces.
♡ rishimba last decade
This is from Nash.
The custom of alternating Aconite and Belladonna in inflammatory affections, which so widely prevails is a senseless one. Both remedies cannot be indicated at a time, and if a good effect follows their administration you may be sure that the indicated one cured in spite of the action of the other, which only hindered; or that the patient recovered without help from either. There are many cases of this kind where the doctor is congratulating himself on a cure which was only a recovery, for which he deserves no credit at all. Let us look for a moment at some of the diagnostic differences of these two remedies.
Both have great heat of the skin, but Aconite has characteristically dry, hot skin and no sweat; Belladonna has even greater surface heat, but sweats on covered parts.
Aconite tosses about in agony with great fear of death; Belladonna often has semi-stupor and jerks and twitches in sleep. Aconite has great distress in heart and chest; Belladonna everything seems to centre in the head. Aconite fears death without much delirium; Belladonna fears imaginary things, with delirium. Thus we might continue to give points of difference. No man who understands the homopathic art of healing will ever alternate these two remedies.
101 degrees is by no means high fever. Give him ferrum phos 200C, once in 3 hours and report after a day.
The custom of alternating Aconite and Belladonna in inflammatory affections, which so widely prevails is a senseless one. Both remedies cannot be indicated at a time, and if a good effect follows their administration you may be sure that the indicated one cured in spite of the action of the other, which only hindered; or that the patient recovered without help from either. There are many cases of this kind where the doctor is congratulating himself on a cure which was only a recovery, for which he deserves no credit at all. Let us look for a moment at some of the diagnostic differences of these two remedies.
Both have great heat of the skin, but Aconite has characteristically dry, hot skin and no sweat; Belladonna has even greater surface heat, but sweats on covered parts.
Aconite tosses about in agony with great fear of death; Belladonna often has semi-stupor and jerks and twitches in sleep. Aconite has great distress in heart and chest; Belladonna everything seems to centre in the head. Aconite fears death without much delirium; Belladonna fears imaginary things, with delirium. Thus we might continue to give points of difference. No man who understands the homopathic art of healing will ever alternate these two remedies.
101 degrees is by no means high fever. Give him ferrum phos 200C, once in 3 hours and report after a day.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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