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Yeast Infection



Posts about Yeast Infection

Bacterial Vaginosis/Yeast Infection9For healthy world: Vaginal yeast infection75Please help -burning feet, hands, yeast infection2Candidiasis vaginal yeast infection2recurring uti and vaginal yeast infection3Thyroid Problems and Yeast Infection11vaginal yeast infection1chronic vaginal yeast infection4Constant Yeast Infection48Vaginal yeast infection5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Recurring ladies yeast infection.

Dear Homeopathic doctors:
Pls help.
My age:45 years.
I have a recurring vaginal yeast infection over the past 2+ years.
It troubles me in the morning on awakening from sleep, but is instantly soothed after bath / topical creams. Returns at night after going to bed. Almost non-existent during the rest of the day. I would like to cure it permanently.
Description :
Itchy, raw, whitish discharge, sour smell. Itching seizes during menstruation.

I have read other posts, and would appreciate if it could be cured without the sugar free diets.
  Gettin-beta on 2007-09-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take CALC CARB 200C three doses on a single day at 4 hours interval.thats all.

please come back after 15 days and report the improvements.
rishimba last decade
Hey Rishimba, I really appreciate your quick reply. I have bought the Calc carb 200c and begun the one day treatment today. I find it unbelievable that something that has troubled me so long will soon be cured!! What a fabulous thought - to live my life free of yeast infections! Just one day and it is 'goodbye' to yeast infections???!!
9/11 will be my special day! I will definitely update you in 15 days. (Sept 26) Thanks Rishimba!
Gettin-beta last decade
the remedy has been suggested based on the modalities you have mentioned.

i believe there is a good chance that the yeast infection would be cured with calc carb in the long run after taking a few more doses.

however, if you feel that there has been absolutely no improvement, please inform us so that a detail case study can be made.

you will get rid of these infections with homeopathic remedies... thats for sure, whether its calc carb or any other.
rishimba last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
Today is 2 days since i took the single day 3 dose treatment with Calc Carb 200, and there seems to be no itching / burning at all. I ofcourse think it is too early to be rejoicing. I still have to wait and see my condition at 15 days.

I don't want to go off the topic of this thread, but please could you give me advice me a prescription for my 14 y.o. son who is 5.9 ft (good health, within his BMI, swims, exercises and healthy appetite - has a sweet tooth and love salty snacks) to reach his maximum height? All his uncles are 6 feet, his dad is 5.10 and my older son is 5.11. You may direct me to a different thread if you wish. I appreciate if you provide me names, potency and dosage of the treatment. I have read many of the existing 'height' threads, which are confusing.
Appreciate your help.
Gettin-beta last decade
here my advice would be

- your son is doing excellent.

- he has few more years to grow and attain the height of his father or uncles. boys grow upto the age of about 20 and please dont be impatient.

- there is no proven homeopathic remedy for inicreasing the height of a healthy person. of course, if the height is stunted because of some illness or hormonal defeciency, some constitutional remedy could be suggested based on his totality.
rishimba last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba,
I am reporting 15 days after the Calc carb 200 as you requested. There were about 5 days when I had mild itchiness for just about half an hour. I do feel there is an improvement, as I usually experience itchiness on awakening in the morning and during exercise on the treadmill (when my body gets heated) There is never any sign of the itch during menstruation days. What should I do now? Continue to wait and watch if it returns and then take another 3 doses in one day?

Thks for your advice on my son.

Is it ok for me to take Arnica 30 (succussed) 1 tsp morn and night as a hair thickener? (Saw Joe Delivera's advice on hair loss)

Would it be ok to take arnica and Calc carb 200 on the same day? Thks
Gettin-beta last decade
whenever you get the itchyness, you can take a dose or 2 of CALC CARB 200C at 3 to 4 hours intervals.

i hope, gradually this itchyness will get cured.

arnica can be taken on the same day but off-set it with calc carb by 4 to 6 hours.
rishimba last decade
Arnica internally is useless for hair growth.

This is what Clarke says.

'Ussher notes that the local use of Arnica produced an extraordinary growth of hair on a limb. This suggested the use of an oil mixed with Arn. 1x in a case of baldness, which was followed with marked success.'

Even the local use as an application to the hair, after mixing it with coconut oil may benefit some and not every body.

If you try Arnica and calc.carb together internally you may nullify the beneficial action of Calc.carb.

So,be cautious.

gavinimurthy last decade
OK, Dr. Rishimba, Calc carb 200 will be my standby remedy for when I feel it is required. thks.

Murthy, since I will only take a one day treatment of Calc carb, I will ensure that I do not take arnica and calc carb on the same day. Thks for your input.

Gettin-beta last decade
Dr. Rishimba, I had ordered kreosotum prior to trying your recommendation of Calc Carb 200 one day dose, as another homeopath had prescribed Kreos. Well, it looks like I wont be using the Kreos, as there has been NO ITCH!!! It has been several days since my menstruation, and usually the infection returns... but it hasn't! I am soooo relieved ... God bless you Doc!
However there is still dryness and pain during during intimacy, perhaps it is due to my prolapsed uterus / bladder.
Anyway a big Thanks to you for your help.

Gettin beta.
Gettin-beta last decade
best wishes..
rishimba last decade
I had terrible yeast infections for years and tried absolutely everything,but kept getting them back! A friend told me about this ebook & recommended that I buy it as it really helped her. I purchased it and used the advice & natural cures suggested and haven't had a yeast infection since! I feel I'm FINALLY CURED of this problem.I recommend to anyone with this problem,please try this,what have you got to lose? Except,of course,your yesst infection:)
mcochs last decade
I read about your dosis of Calc Carb 200C to Gettin-beta. Do you think this would work for me My yeast infection started after takig 4 weeks of antibiotics for strep throat. I also have a lot of gas. My yeast is daily, all day, itching at intervals.
I don't think I have what it takes to go 6 months on a yeast diet.
natweb last decade
natweb, i suggested calc for gettinbeta only on the modalities of the symptoms. if you need a suggestion, you need to state the modalities too.

for example,

- whats the colour, consistency of the discharge,

- when is it worst with respect to your periods,

- is it itchy as well,

- what other physical problems do you have in you in general.

- how are your periods,

- whats your personality like.

- does the discharge have any relation with any other symptom of the body.

if these can be known, a permanent cure can be suggested.
rishimba last decade
Hi rishimba
1) color is clear, white sometiems yellow and thick or 'stretchy'
2) my period doesn't change the sympotms. Still itchy during period
3) yes itchy most every day, about 6 times a day
4) no other physical problems
5) period- cramps first day and heavy flow, then not heary next 2 days then by day 5 very little
6) I am relaxed, easy going, not stressed, always cold feet,
7)no relation to other symptoms. I do have a lot of gas during the day and some bloating at times.
natweb last decade
please take SEPIA 30C twice a day for some 4 to 6 days and post back the changes if you feel.

i am selecting this remedy based on the symptoms you have provided. this is going to help you in all your symptoms.

if you get relief, you can gradually taper down the dose in the next 3 or 4 days.

return of symptoms, if at all, after a few weeks is probable in which case you have to go for SEPIA 200C one or two doses only.
rishimba last decade
How many should I take 2-3 times a day?
Thank you for your help. I will try it and let you know in a week or two.
natweb last decade
if the remedy is in liquid form, you should take 3 drops in some 20 ml of water slowly in empty stomach.

this is one dose.

if the remedy is in the pellet form, you can take 3 or 4 pellets under the tongue as a single dose.

take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. dont take any food one hour before and after taking the dose.
rishimba last decade
I have been taking the sepia for 1 week now. During my period there was no itching. Now, I have the itching again internally, and a mucousy clear discharge. There is no odor. It is like I have a runny nose in my vagina.
I have been taking 4 tabletts, 3times a day.
Should I try something else or take it a little longer?
natweb last decade
if you have been taking sepia for a week now, its time to stop.

if the unnatural discharges do not stop, you can try sepia 200c one dose a day for some 3 to 4 days and then note for a few days.

we will change remedy if 200c doesnt give needed relief.
rishimba last decade
I have been taking sepia 200 for 3 days 2 times a day 4 pellets and no noticible difference yet. Still the mucousy clear discharge, (as described above)itching and my urin smells a bit stronger. Should I try a few more days longer?
natweb last decade
I have not experienced any change since 5 days on Sepia 200C
What should I do now?
Keep taking it a few more days?
natweb last decade
can you please fill up my questionnaire and give me all details about you and your ailments.

it would hlp me suggest the right remedy.
rishimba last decade
could you please send me the full questionnaire and I will answer tomy best ability.
Thank you.
natweb last decade
Patient ID: Sex: Age:

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering?

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

20. What peculiar or strange sensation do you have in any part of your body at times? Do you sometimes feel ‘ as if…..’ in some part of the body?

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.


If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
rishimba last decade

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