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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear Kuldeep
Kindly advice the period
Mercurius Vivus 1M one dose each week (for min how many month )( can Mercurius sol will work)

2 doses Iodium-3X start at each full moon for 4 days.( and it is to be stoped after 4 days) 2 doses means how many tablets in a dose per day and it is to be repeated for 4 days )

Spongia Tosta Q two times each day, If Spongia Tosta Q is not available then try any lowest available potency. How long

Psorinum-30 two times each day especially if glands of the neck are swollen or there is a pain in the neck. How long

Also advice whether to stop th e supplementary thyroxine which is 150 mg
waiting for your reply
  SUDHIRAGARWAL on 2007-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear kuldeep
waiting for your reply
Try calc Iod 3x 1 tab three times in a day is the dependable drugs for hypothyroidism try for 3 month and report to the forum.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
thanks dr deoshlok
Can we continue these medicine with the above medicine mentioned by kuldeep . Also when shall we reduce the dose of supplementary thyroxine which is around 150 mg per day
Dear sudhiragarwal,

I think the first prescription is for Hyerthyroidism and not for Hypothyroid. Please get it is confirmed from the presciber.

The second presciption fo dr. deoshlok sharma is correct and is meant for Hypothyroidism. Please try it with confidence.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr Deoshlok

Please advice can we continue supplementary Thyroxine which is 150 mg per day
waiting for your reply

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