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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

treatment for eczema

My daughter started having eczema when she was 6 years old. It was just on inside of her elbow fold which was tiny little rash. It will come and go away after few application of ointment given by our GP.

It was like that until she was 14 years old. Since then rash started to appear behind her knee and throat but rashes or 4 flare-up just in usuall places like throat, elbow and behind the knee. which will disappear once we applied ointment.

On my friends advise I took my daughter to a homeopathy doctor. It’s been 3 and half month since she started treating my daughter instead of getting better my daughter is getting worse. Now her rashes are more red and spreading into more places and skin is becoming thick and flare-ups are happening frequently.

My question I shouldn’t my daughter be better by now, she is on treatment for more than three and half months already.

Does the doctor know what she is doing. Doctor is saying she will get more worse before getting better. But definitely will be cure. Should I trust her, is she telling me right thing or just bluffing. It pains me to see my daughter suffering like this, I took her there to make her better not worse.

I am getting worried may be I made a mistake by taking daughter to a homeopathy doctor.

Earlier her flare ups were not bad just looked like some rash from heat now it looks bad, dry and thick.

Pleas give me some advise, I will appreciate it very much.

Thank you

very worried mother
  paudel on 2007-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Paduel
do you know the remedy name ? mostly in skin problem with homeopathy just for a while symptom go worse but by the time it will settle down how is her skin look like is it wet eczema or dry and currently which medecine you are using any other medical problem. please cantact back i am happy to assisy you.
faisal qureshi last decade
her skin was not bad apart from the places where she got flare-up. now it looks very bad. it is dry, it's not wet. her skin is dry, skins are pealing on face, rest of the place, it looks like thick red rash. she feels pain when touched. my daughter also has a sweaty palm.

doctors writing is difficult to make it out. she has give two types of medicine drops and round balls.
paudel last decade

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