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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

12 month old with eczema

My 12 month old was diagnosed with eczema at 10.5 month, but his skin condition started changing after the introduction to solids at around 6 months. Our pediatrician wants us to use topical steroids and I can't do it, so we have been in contact with a naturopathic doctor that is trying to help us treat it. It is the worst it has ever been and he is scratching so much worse. I just read that shots make it worse, which would explain several nights when he would be up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night scratching and restless. I have tried everything from calendula ointment to vitamin E. The fish oil for children has flavor and he seems to break out worse when he takes this, so we stopped. The elimination diet has shown nothing to indicate a certain food allergy. I don't know what to do next.
  kristle on 2007-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please can you explane how bad is eczema is it dry or wet and any other medical history and any other medecine did you try ?
faisal qureshi last decade
His eczema is red and scaly on his legs, elbows and feet especially. Since I have been trying all these new things and since the shots he got at 12 months, it has gotten alot worse and now includes his back and some of his stomach. The area on the back of his head between his ears and just above his neck seems to be especially itchy because he scratches it alot at night. There is no other medical history. He has only had one cold when he was about a month old, which we treated with saline spray and a humidifier. He had conjunctivitis once or twice before he was 3 months old and we treated it with the ointment (erythromycin). His skin is very very dry. He has been sensitive since birth (ie. we were using Tide detergent when he was born, and when he would lie on our shoulders his face would break out, so we started washing all of our clothes in Dreft. I have now been washing in Charlie's soap and sometimes All free and clear. I stopped using Johnson and Johnsons products at about 6 months and started using a bar of castille soap. I started using creams made with shea butter, aloe and unpetroleum jelly and lanolin. I have recently just gotten a shea aloe mixture and use it and just plain unpetroleum jelly for moisturization. I used oatmeal in the bath, and he seemed to itch more at night, I tried baking soda, b/c it seemed to keep him from itching, but lately neither keeps him from itching. I have used calendula ointments, eczema relief cream, vitamin E, shea butter. I have done sulphur pellets, pulsatilla pellets, and have been recommended Rhus tox pellets next. I bought some USF ointment to try today to see if this helps. So far, nothing has given any relief from the itching, and the skin has gotten increasingly worse.
kristle last decade
stop all those soap,and try (Dulcamara-6c) one dose daily only for 1 week then stop and after week any change cantact to me ,OK
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
Sorry, I just got this today. I didn't realize you had replied. I'll call around and find that tomorrow and will start it by the weekend. I'll let you know.
Thanks alot!
kristle last decade

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