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Coldcalm ® - Boiron:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

A free and very effective remedy for common colds

Garlic also called Allium Sativum in Latin. Allium Sativum is a homeopathy remedy too but any homeopathy medicine works only if potentized.

For years I have used Garlic as a medicine for common colds. Especially it works best on small children.

Here is how I made Allium Sativum at home:

1. Take a one liter about half empty water bottle.

2. Peel off a clove of garlic and add to it. Do not crush or cut clove, just add it to the water.

3. Shake the bottle vigorously about 50 times.

4. Medicine is ready. A spoon from that bottle before going to bed is most effective. But take a spoon from this bottle thrice a day.

5. You can store this bottle in refrigerator. In that case take a spoonful of this water and add it to a cup of fresh water or warm water and drink that water. This is just to avoid having cold liquid straight from the refrigerator.

6. In a month, garlic clove will dissolve in the water. Leaving a golden color oil in the water and garlic puree below it. So shake the bottle very well before using this liquid as medicine.

This is a very effective cold remedy.
  girilal on 2007-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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girilal last decade
Whole Garlic

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girilal last decade
very simple and nice article. Thanks much dear Girilalji :)
srissy1980 last decade

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