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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Constipation Problem

I'm 27 years old. Pls advise me any medicine for quick relief from constipation, this constipation basicaly occurs during winter season and i feel like insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stool.

symptoms: constipation, insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stool
  bhratgupta on 2007-12-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try (Nux vomica-30c) 2pills twise a day for 3 days only then stop and any change report me back, Ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
Fill up a questionnaire.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thnks for the help, i will reply u soon...

bhratgupta last decade

where is questionnaire ?

bhratgupta last decade
I think there is no harm in using Nux for 2/3 days and report.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

i am taking Nux vomica-30c for 2/3 days, will reply soon.

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade

i am taking Nux vomica-30c(constipation) and also taking Hepar Sulph 200 for throat infection. can i take both the medicine same day.

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
Use Nux Vomica as suggested by Dr.Mahfooz....that will help.

You can pick up the questionnaire from one of the threads here at ABC Forum...in which some one else has posted his reply....that will help in a detained analysis of ur problem.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

i am taking Nux vomica-30c(constipation) and also taking Hepar Sulph-200 for throat infection. can i take both the medicine same day.

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
Avoid taking two medicines on the same day. They may interfere with each other.

Take the medicine indicated for the problem that is troubling you most. Better still, if you can find a single medicine that covers all the problems you have.

gavinimurthy last decade
thnks Mr. Murthy
bhratgupta last decade
Dr. Mahfooz

i have taken and completed the course of (Nux vomica-30c) 2pills twice a day for 3 days.

On the second day the pressure is good, but one problem remains the same(insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stool) and third day same thing..

what should i do now? shall i continue with this or / please advice

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
dear patient,
Please continue with Nux for a week avoid to take other remedies. Take plenty drinking water and salad and report after a week.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks Dr. Mahfooz

shall i continue with same dose(2 pills, twice a day)..??

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
Hi Bharatgupa

I hope Dr.Mahfooz concurs with me.

The best way to take a medicine for any prolonged period is to dissolve it in about 20 ml. of water and succuss it every time before you take.

Succussion is nothing but hitting the glass against a book/your palm with slight force a few times.

Increase the number of succussions progressively. If you succus for 5 times for the first dose, make it 7 times for the second, 9 times for the third time etc.

The succussion increases the potency slightly, and the medicine will work much better.

To know how to sucuss watch this short video.


gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,

i am not getting your point..

(The best way to take a medicine for any prolonged period is to dissolve it in about 20 ml. of water and succuss it every time before you take.

Succussion is nothing but hitting the glass against a book/your palm with slight force a few times.

Increase the number of succussions progressively. If you succus for 5 times for the first dose, make it 7 times for the second, 9 times for the third time etc.

The succussion increases the potency slightly, and the medicine will work much better. )

can u pls tell me the easy way, actually my english is not very much good..

shall i continue with same dose(2 pills, twice a day(Nux vomica-30c))..??

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
Hi Bharat

It is very simple, though seems complicated while reading.

1) Dissolve two pills in small amount of water in a glass. Stir with a spoon till they are completely dissolved.

2) Hit the glass against your palm/ a book for 5 times, and take the medicine.

3) When you take the next dose, repeat the same procedure but, hit the glass against your palm/book 7 times before taking the medicine.

4) you have to increase the number of succussions by two each time, before you take the medicine.

Watch the video. That will make things clearer to you.

gavinimurthy last decade
got it Murthy..thnks alot
bhratgupta last decade
I think you have more medical problems along with constipation...so better for your sake...you post a case history.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hello Dr. Mahfooz

i am taking Nux vomica-30C (2pills twice a day) from last 8 days(week), the 80% constipation problem is solved.

1. Pressure is good.
2. Stool comes out easily from the anus.
3. incomplete, unsatisfactory stool only twice in this week.

what should i do now? shall i continue with this or / please advice

And one thing more Doc, i have some pimples on my face(may be due to constipation) they also gone..only 1-2 left..

thnks & regards
bhratgupta last decade
Thanks GOD your problem is solved.

Now you need no further medication. Stop Nux and take Husk of Aspghool with warm milk at night for a week and take normal vegetable diet.Avoid to use rice and other spices items.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Natrum Phos 6X
Silicea 6X

four pills each of both..
..4 times a day.

....for 3 weeks.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
thank alot Dr. Mahfooz and Mr.PANKAJ VARMA for helping me, will report you soon..

Thanks & Regards
bhratgupta last decade
Dear pankaj,

can you please tell me that Silicea 6X is advised for Acne & scars purpose or it is related to my constipation problem..??

Thanks & Regards
bhratgupta last decade
these both remedies are sometimes useful for constipation.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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