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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Baby eczema crisis

I'm interested in anyone's comments or advice on my situation with my 4.5 month old son. I'm using homeopathy to treat his eczema but having a flare up and having to use antibiotics.

History: Has had slightly dry skin from birth, then cradle cap developing to dry, red, itchy eczema at about 3 months old. Was using petroleum based cream and oil from doctors but consulted a homeopath (expensive!) and was put on twice daily Sulphur 30, and have tried to use more natural creams and bath oils, on advice of homeopath. She also advised I should cut out common allergens - dairy, wheat, citrus, soya etc from my diet as baby is exclusively breastfed. I haven't done this yet.
The first day after starting the sulphur, the rash on cheeks became worse and started to ooze liquid. Cradle cap also returned although some of the eczema on the stomach (nappy band area) did improve). For two weeks his condition has remained in this state with daily ups and downs. But in last 2 days the wet areas have expanded and look terrible, like radiation burns. Weeping extends to scalp and chest a little.

Crisis: I've tried to contact my homeopath for 2 days but no response. I've had to take baby to doctor's to get a week's course of oral antibiotics plus steroid cream (1% hydrocortizone), a new type of emollient (Epaderm) and antibacterial bath oil (Balneum). I wanted to keep with the homeopathic approach but feel unsupported in this acute flare up - next hpath appt is in two weeks and he needs help earlier. Doctor said to watch baby closely for temperature / feeding problems as these could indicate herpes infection which would need urgent treatment.

1. How will this course of treatment impact upon the homeopathic treatment?
2. Should i continue with Sulphur between now and my next hpath appt in 2 weeks time? I feel as though the initial doses of Sulphur shifted the condition to something else (Graphites??) so not sure if continuing with the sulphur may be worsening his condition.
3. DOes anyone know if there is any evidence for the diet of a breastfeeding mother affecting baby eczema? My doctor says not but the hpath seems convinced that cutting dairy/wheat etc will help.
4. Is there any evidence that petroleum based emollients are worse / more suppressing than 'natural' oils?

I would be grateful for anyone's comments or suggestions.
  Hollybush on 2008-01-04
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girilal last decade

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