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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cell salts & Homeopathic remedies

It is my understanding that the 12 cell salts in low doses (3x-6x) do not interfere with other remedies given in more potentized doses (30c and above). So one could, for example, use cell salts in 3x-6x with no interference with 30c or 200c at the same time. I would say that to space them out and not take them at the exact same time is advisable though.
  Cordial on 2008-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes. That is my understanding too. I won't hesitate to put a person on a homeopathic medicine (30c and above) along with tissue salts, if required.

Howevr there are homeopaths who scoff at this. My experience however is diferent and I don't find any interference.

gavinimurthy last decade
I was told this by my homeopath too.
Cordial last decade
Experience says...this is correct.
Provided one keeps a sufficient time gap between the homeopathic med and the Cell Salt.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Cordial. Unfortunately this is not the case.

Whatever potency a remedy is in, whatever it is marketed as, and however it is prescribed, a substance which has been Homoeopathically potentized, counts as much as a Homoeopathic remedy as any other.

Taking cell salts at the same time as remedies therefore is exactly the same as taking more than remedy at once.
Dr Organon last decade
So: are tissue salts really potentized? How?
By 'diluting' them in sugar milk?

(which should remind Murthy of our discussion and his promise to look for answers...)
Astra2012 last decade
Of course, hence the potency designation, and no, by the specific process of trituration, which is used to potentize any substance insoluble in water or alcohol.
Dr Organon last decade
I will put it this way.

Cell salts upto 6X have some molecules of the medicine in them, and hence act on physiological plane, as per the theory of Schussler.

Any potency which has no physical medicine in them (beyond 6c) act on the energy plane.

Hence they don't interfere with one another.

It could have been a far fetched theory ,but that is how I convince myself. :-)

gavinimurthy last decade
hi Astra

I remember my promise once in a while. :-) Yet to work on it seriously.

gavinimurthy last decade
'It could have been a far fetched theory ,but that is how I convince myself. :-)'

It is perhaps a little Mr Murthy, as of course there is still conceptual energy release from a substance before the point of 6c (avogadros number by the way occurs at 12c, not 6c), and hence potencies below this will still act on the energetic levels of the body, whether the effect of this is predominatly seen on the physiological level or not. This the whole basis of how remedies work, and even a 1x sucussed only a few times will act in this manner.
Dr Organon last decade
Dr Organon:
since cell salts are not succussed (are the ever? I do not think so) in their preparation, unlike homeopathic remedies (which are potentized via succusion)--only ground with sugar milk (trituriated: this is also the way to START preparing water-unsoluble homeopathic remedies before they can be potentized in the regular way which is by succusion!).

in the usa it is 3x or 6x in tissue salts only--and it doesn't have to be the potency-but just a dilution.

if they sold tissue salts diluted above 12c it would be a fraud because you would only get sugar milk.

I happen to agree with Murthy that homeopathic remedies and tissue salts work on different plane as tissue salts act basically as supplements (as mother tinctures do)
Astra2012 last decade
Not at all, the method of trituration is much the same (actually more effective) as potentization, in terms of the dynamization of a substance, and a 1x trit tab will produce much the same effect (in fact probably somewhat stronger) as a 1x sucussed liquid. You could dynamize a remedy up to a 200c using trituration alone if you wished, and the outcome would still be a 200c remedy (although I wouldn't recommend this as the strength of the remedy would probably be a hell of a lot more).

Trituration is indeed used to render insoluble substances 'soluble', but it does this by breaking down the molecular structure in exactly the same way as sucussion, so the effect is much the same.

A 6X potency is a 6x potency, regardless of the method of dynamization used.

I have never heard of the ingredients of tissue salts being mere dilutions, and this is certainly not how they were traditionally prepared by Schuessler, so I would have to disagree regarding the 'different plane' theory, and if they are triturated, they are certainly not just supplements.
Dr Organon last decade
Dr. Organon: you are saying that you potentize cell salts via trituriation in some specific way. How? Where could I read about it?

Also: if cell salts are potentized via trituriation, as you say, dilutions above 12c make sense, and for example 30c different cells salts are really different (no all are just sugar milk).

Could I have some link or reference where they talk about cell salts diluted more than 12c?
Astra2012 last decade
Not in any specific way, in the same way insoluble remedies are begun, by serial dilution and trituration. The Organon would be a good place?

I have no idea regarding the rest of your post, as I am not aware tissue salts were even dynamized on the centesimal scale, this is certainly not how Dr Schuessler made them.
Dr Organon last decade
Dr Organon last decade
(I posted before I read your post)

We differ in our comprehension of tissue salts - I will happily change my mind though, if convinced... But I'm not.

I just never read about potentizing via trituriation. (I do not agree btw that the 'molecular structure is broken' through trituriation or succusion! You mean water and sugar milk?)

The idea of Schuesler was that basic cell salts are helpful only if given in smaller amounts=DILUTED.
Something like pat a cat gently vs hit him strong.
Gentler ways work better.
Astra2012 last decade
There is nothing to comprehend.

Probably the best example of potentization via trituration is the basic principle behind the preparation of LM's, and you can read all about this in the Organon 6.

Fair enough, your are free to disagree re:the breaking down of the molecular structure, but dilution of course would not achieve this alone, as you suggest, as if this were the case there would be no need for either sucussion OR trituration, and practically ever substance in existence would also be existant in potency in the sea.

'The idea of Schuesler was that basic cell salts are helpful only if given in smaller amounts=DILUTED.'
Then you have misread their mode of preparation, which is quite clearly detailed in the link provided.
Dr Organon last decade
The delano site (thanks for the link though) doesn't convince me - they market their products and are not really concerned about scientific validity.

People keep discussing why homeopathic remedies above 12c work (used to think of 'water memory') but I have never rread about 'lactose memory' or anything like that.
Astra2012 last decade
But I did not post it for the purposes of describing any theory regarding how they actually do or do not work, which is of course a totally unproven theory anyway, it simply describes the mode of preparation as used by Dr Schuessler, so I don't really see how marketing enters into this.

It is nothing to do with 'memory', and I cannot even understand how Homoeopaths are still yapping on about this odd concept, as it simply the harnessing of conceptual essence in a dilutant, via the process of dynamization, which is clearly described in the Organon, and therefore always been available for anyone who cared to read it.
Dr Organon last decade
Are you saying that potentizing or trituriation break down the molecular structure? Of what?
Astra2012 last decade
I'm sorry, and I really don't wish to appear rude, but is this a serious question?
Dr Organon last decade
Organon talks about homeopathic remedies-we talk about cell salts. Lett's not mix the two.

You market by using specific words or phrases - like they use a phrase 'potentized powder' without any basis for it. From Schuessler it is only the way they DILUTE active ingredient in lactose 1:10.
Astra2012 last decade
About my question: it refers to your post
'Trituration is indeed used to render insoluble substances 'soluble', but it does this by breaking down the molecular structure in exactly the same way as sucussion, so the effect is much the same. '

I just wanted to make sure you mean that. The question is very serious. So?
Astra2012 last decade
No, the Organon 6 talks about the process of trituration, which once again, was the same process used by Dr Schuessler in the preparation of his tissue salts, and this was the purpose of my recommending you read this for an explanation of the outcome of this method.

The second part of your post is therefore irrelevant, until you have read and understood this.
Dr Organon last decade
No, I am referring to the second part of your question, 'of what?', which makes no sense. The first part of your question of course should not even carry any ambiguity.
Dr Organon last decade
You mean the active ingridient then? Its molecular struucture is broken by trit. and succusion?

Why wouldn't that question be serious? It's a new concept!
Well, do you really mean that though?
Astra2012 last decade

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