The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Constitutional vs. treatment of acute first...
It is my own personal belief that in complex cases where disease has progressed and 'evolved' into many seemingly unrelated issues that sometimes some things have to be treated first to see the layers of disease peel back to the read root of the problem. Of course it would be nice in such cases to find an exact simillimum, but I understand that sometimes it is first neccessary to treat the acute or more prominent (the chief complaint) presentations and then work on other problems. Mnay times homeopathic practioners will see different things and address them differently according to what they see is most urgent or best to treat first to 'peel back the layers.'Of course, in the course of treating a pt. a particular remedy can complicate or aggravate the cure or course of treatment and confuse the case.
Cordial on 2008-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I made this post on another thread.
Should help you...I presume.
Re: Miasm - the theory From PANKAJ VARMA on 2008-01-16
Layer 1 upon Layer 2 upon Layer 3....some patients come with that type of constituion.
I call it One Drug Picture super-imposed on another Drug Picture and on a third one....
(Please see some of my old posts in the Archives)
I have found that running all the symptoms on the Remedy Finder here at ABC will throw up three top meds which correspond to the drug pictures super - imposed on each other ( you might call it layers).
Also helps to identify the miasm(s) that are dominant in the patient.
One has to then just decide which med to start with and which one to finish the case with....
.....that is where the skill,the understanding of homeopathy and experience of the prescriber play a vital role.
Joaquin's case is similar.
Pankaj Varma
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Should help you...I presume.
Re: Miasm - the theory From PANKAJ VARMA on 2008-01-16
Layer 1 upon Layer 2 upon Layer 3....some patients come with that type of constituion.
I call it One Drug Picture super-imposed on another Drug Picture and on a third one....
(Please see some of my old posts in the Archives)
I have found that running all the symptoms on the Remedy Finder here at ABC will throw up three top meds which correspond to the drug pictures super - imposed on each other ( you might call it layers).
Also helps to identify the miasm(s) that are dominant in the patient.
One has to then just decide which med to start with and which one to finish the case with....
.....that is where the skill,the understanding of homeopathy and experience of the prescriber play a vital role.
Joaquin's case is similar.
Pankaj Varma
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♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Cordial: I'm not sure I understand tne question (is there one?) but imo acutes should always be treated asap as they come.
In chronic disease, in 'branched' case you treat predominant miasm first.(imo)
In chronic disease, in 'branched' case you treat predominant miasm first.(imo)
Astra2012 last decade
I sometimes see a classical homeopathic md who always uses the constitutional to treat the acute when known, regardless. I'm telling you, you can be suffering from an intense headache, dizziness, and naseau and she is going to tell you to take your constitutional. This happened to me about 2 yrs ago. I followed her instructions and ended up vomiting 4 times in 4 hours. It would have been nice to have had a remedy before it got to that point. I was traveling and on a 4 hour car ride. Thank goodness I had a box of remedies with me, or I would have spent the trip in the hotel bathroom and in bed.
Cordial last decade
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