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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

kidney stone

one of my pt have kidney stone . he has cutting pain and blockage of urine. burning feeling when urination and sensation of haviness on affected side.
  Sparleh on 2008-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The best recipe is to use following medicines

Berbaris Vulgaris Q twice a day and Lycopodium 30C once a day.

If Berbaris Vulgaris Q is unobtainable try any lowest potency 3x 3c or 6c etc.
girilal last decade
i have gaven him Berberis mother tincture but i did not get beter result.
Sparleh last decade
which side is affected? left or right?

For how many days did you give berberis?
maheeru last decade
How does heat or cold affect the pain?
maheeru last decade
right side is affected
Sparleh last decade
heat agg
Sparleh last decade
describe the pain locations and modalities.

is the urine orange with blood.

when does it pain, at the beginning, during or close of urination.
rishimba last decade
Dear Sparleh,
CANTHRIS 30 morning one dose.BERB.VULG 30 evening
one dose.Avoid spices,fats specially animal fat,Rice and
green leaves.Report back.

Dr Tahira last decade
For right side stones, 'Ocimum cannum' can help better.
maheeru last decade
if we take into account this:

feeling when urination

Then Canthris is good choice and Berb.Q in general in warm water (20-25 drops) repitiation after every hour till the relief would definitly help out the patient. The duration of Berb. can be inceased with the pessage of time and relief to the patient.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
And as an addition, Belladonna can help if pain is very acute.
maheeru last decade
I agree with Dr.Mahfooz

Cantharis 30c/200c and Berberis mother tincture.

Three doses each per day. One dose is 4 pellets/ one drop in a little water for cantharis. 20 drops for berberis mother tincture.

Give a gap of half an hour between the two.

If there is no relief with in two days come back.

Don't wait longer.

gavinimurthy last decade

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