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blood clot in penis tissue

Dear doctor,
before one year doctor gave me papaverine injection for penile examination,erection was prolonged for 06 hours,then doctor took out blood from penis but whole blood did not come out some were clot in penis tissue and made fibrosis. Now my penis is hard from root to middle.is there any medicine in homeopathy which will dissolve the clot blood and fibrosis tissue? I have taken alot fo medicine but nothing works.
pls help me
  tutul on 2008-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
have u tried arnica or hamamellis.

sustained doses of arnica and then hamamellis for some weeks could clear the clots.
rishimba last decade

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear doctor,
thank you for reply. I am using arnica for last three weeks but don't see improvement.one thing I want to know that I read about arnica -it is written that arnica have tendency to degenerate tissue means destroy tissue(what I understood). but i need to generate tissue not degenerate.
pls clarify me.and what potency should i use , and any more effective advice

tutul last decade
If results are not proper with the above medicines, try Lachesis 30C
dr mehmood last decade
dear doctor,
what is the potency and how should I take arnica and hemamalis.

tutul last decade
take ARNICA 30C three times for some 2 weeks.

if you do not see any improvement, try HEMAMELLIS 30C three times for a week and stop.

note changes for another 15 days.

if no improvements, you can try lach as suggested by dr. mahfooz.
rishimba last decade
Tutul, were you cured?
fergus91 8 years ago

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