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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Getting flu again and again

Some history: 28yrs. I have tendency to catch cold easily. I keep belladona 30c and hepar sulph 30c with me all times and it works.

Recently I got flu - started with sore throat, then I lost my voice completely, caught cold and fever later. Bell and Hepar Sulph just did not work. I had to go to the doc who gave me inhaler initially but then I had really bad cough. There was some green mucus from the cough as well. Doc gave me prednisone and azithromycin which calmed everything down. The cold almost went away but the cough was there.

As soon as the 5day course of antibiotic finished I have caught bad cold again and my cough has increased, feel feverish (all flu symptoms are back). Doc has given me prednisone and inhaler and said i have bronchospasm generaly people get after flu.

I was reading earlier posts and according to Joe I have ordered Nat Sulph 6c and ars alb 200 for bronchospasm. But I have no idea how to cure this recurring cold and flu. Bell and hepar are not working.

Any help would be great!!
  nitinsingh on 2008-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Purchase Bacillinum 200c.Add one drop of it in 100ml of water.Stirr it thoroughly.Take out of it one table spoonful as a dose. For Next three day do the same.I hope you will be free of this complaint this winter.
sajjadakram635 last decade
thanks sajjad. Unfortunately I am in US and didnt find a resource to buy bacillinum. Is there anything else I can do?
nitinsingh last decade

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