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Posts about Diabetes

Diabetes3Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Prediabetes3Hyperthyroidism + uncontrolled diabetes7OverWeight, Hair thining post hairfall,Trapped hair under chin,Diabetes1Diabetes2Sexual weakness- diabetes1Weight gain, hair loss, gastric, PCOS, diabetes5Diabetes19Diabetes3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

diabetes treatment - Dr Sameer Vermani

Hi Dr Sameer ,

I had written to ur earlier on the above topic.

I am male 39 yrs suffering from diabetes for teh past 7-8 years . I have been taking allopathic drugs .I am very keen to try homeopathy since i beleive it can be cured. my dad dabbles in homeopathy.I was taking phosporous 200 one a week and acid phos 30 3 times a day when u asked me to stop .I am currently fasting 185 and pp 270

look for your recommendations
  sriniraon on 2008-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Mr. Srini,

This type of chronic treatment requires very detailed information about the patinet's nature , his habits , his likes & dislikes , all his physical symptoms.

Homeopathy has many medicines which can help with diabetes. In order to chose the right one, I would need more information. Be as detailed as you want in your replies .

1./) Any life event you can corrrelate to the start of the problem ?

2./) How is your confidence level ?

3./) Any anxieties ?

4/) Any fears ?

5./)How emotional are you ?

6./) Are you expressive in your relations ?

7./) How sympathetic are you?

8./) What time of the day you feel best and what time of day you feel worst ?

9./) How do you feel when consoled during your rough times?

10./) Are you (chose correct answer)
a) Chilly person worse with cold.
b) chilly person better in cold.
c) Warm person worse in warmth
d) Warm person better with warmth

11./) Any recurrent dreams ?

12./) How are you with your family members ?

sameervermani last decade

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