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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

facial eczema

i am very happy i found the forum. ive read the other posts regarding eczema so i hope you dont mind me making another post about a much discussed topic. i hope someone takes the time to read the post and offer some help. thanks,

i have very bad eczema on my face. im 20/male in cold london.
had a massive flare-up for the past 5 months. it has had a big effect on my life as it is on my face. it started as a patch obve my top lip for 5 years, then to the eyelids, then as stress increased (left home to university) it has taken over my whole face.

my homeopath put me on nat mur 6c twice a day and psorinum 1m once a week. this was for three weeks. the scaliness of the skin improved greatly but all the redness,dryness and itchiness remained.

then moved up to nat mur 30c and still psorinum 1m once a week. this was for a month
no improvement.

i then took 3 doses of nat mur.10m and was told to take nothing more for a while.
4 days after taking the 10m my skin flared up amazingly and the pain/anxiety/itchiness/soreness/redness was extreme. (due to the strength of the dosage i imagin).
the burning of the skin did not go down -
i have now been given apis mel 6c, 1 pill every 3 hours every day.
slight improvment on hotness of the skin but the redness still remains.

when i suggested sulphur she informed me i was not a sulphur person ( aparently due to my tendency to melancholy and inwardness).

it has ben 3 days now on apis mel, i have woken up with very discoloured skin, a slight yellow and still quite red and my eyes look slightly glazed.
im get freezing cold feet and hands.

i would love to tell you more but i fear if i write much more people wont want to read!

okay - thanks, danny
  koops on 2008-02-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It appears that you ever come in contact with Poison oak or poison sumac.

Most eyelid eczemas respond to Rhus Tox. Lycopodium (if stomach problems are also present) and Arnica with the same priority.
girilal last decade
thanks girilal - i cant say ive come into contact with any poison oak or anything similar. the eczema has existed constantly over the past 5 months in three different cities, two in the UK and one in USA. so it has been with me in three very different enviroments.
it might be worth noting i had eczema when i was a baby up till the age of one year.

rhus tox. is an interesting idea, although the eczema is not exclusively on my eyelids and i suffer from no stomach problems.
koops last decade

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