The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat with stuvette crystals
I have a cat that was completely blocked and we had to rush him to emergency vet. He is better now after inserting a catheter and blockage was cleared. His urine analysis still showed signs of stuvette crystals. He and our other cats have been on Hills Science Diet SD formula since the blockage two months ago. What can we do to completely clear the stuvette as the price of this food is out of sight.ladyjn13 on 2008-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have to desribe SYMPTOMS that he has, not just the diagnosis. What in this formula preent crystals from forming?
Astra2012 last decade
As the vet explained it, this food changes the cat's internal PH balance and makes him less acidic. The negative for him and the healthy cat is the long term effects on Potasium levels if used for 6 months to attempt to eliminate the formation of crystals. We do not want him to be blocked again but also did not want to effect the overall health of the animals.
ladyjn13 last decade
depends of age of cat--if over 7-8 years--long ter improper diet use most lke is direct cause--depends on breed also--comon cat last longer on bad diet--breed cats--problems earlier...2 thins u can do --see ho cat takes to raw food--beef--if been treated ith antbiotics in health history--then alow soured ilk or soured cream ONLY ith raw beef----once esatblish this --then dose oulsatilla --1 pellt 30c in 10 oz water--stir--and put 1 teaspon of this in drinking ater dish--once noted for CERATIN cat has drank from this ---empty ater dish--clean well and replace with fresh water--keep e close informed here or email-
♡ John Stanton last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
I give cats their remedy in wateer in plastic dropper - that way I'm more sure it was taken!
In water bowl--the perfect way for dogs.
Just decide for yourself what is better for you.
Are you saying this formula is decresing potassium levels if used for 6 months?
The healthiest diet for cats (and dogs) is a raw diet.You can always ad fos that increase his pH.
In water bowl--the perfect way for dogs.
Just decide for yourself what is better for you.
Are you saying this formula is decresing potassium levels if used for 6 months?
The healthiest diet for cats (and dogs) is a raw diet.You can always ad fos that increase his pH.
Astra2012 last decade
Can you see somehow his urine (e.g. light litter box and urine contains red sediment etc) an urination habits (how often he goes, profuse or scanty etc)
Astra2012 last decade
Anyyway excellent results for any stone formation (esp in urinary tract) are with BERBERIS VULGARIS. I recommend that you dissolve 3-5 pellets of 12c berberis in about half glass of water and either give your cat a full dropper of it (best way)
pour it into his water bowl (after he drinks some, pour the rest away and wash it well).
Do not handle the pellets with your hands.
pour it into his water bowl (after he drinks some, pour the rest away and wash it well).
Do not handle the pellets with your hands.
Astra2012 last decade
The primary ingredients of s/d dry (in decreasing order) are brewers rice, chicken by-product meal, pork fat, and corn gluten meal. None of those are appropriate foods for a cat.
The primary ingredients of s/d wet (in decreasing order) are beef by-products, pork liver, chicken fat, ground whole grain corn, rice, powdered cellulose. Non of those are appropriate foods for a cat.
There should be absolutely no dry food and absolutely no grains, and it should be meat and liver, not meat by-products. Unfortunately, it is rare that a veterinarian understands the basics of cat nutrition.
As Astra said, they should be on a raw diet, or at a minimum one a wet food based only on animal products. A raw diet by itself will help to lower the pH. Grains raise pH which is one of many reasons they should not be included in the diet, especially for a cat with a tendency towards struvite crystals. It is difficult to add foods to lower pH - ingredients like cranberry are problematic (benzoic acid).
You can avoid struvite crystals by lowering the urine pH and by ensuring the cat consumes a great deal of water. They will NOT drink enough if on a dry diet. They evolved as desert creatures and do not respond like other mammals do to a water deficit.
s/d is a really lousy food and none of your cats should be on it. Raw might seem expensive, but there are ways to get that cost down, including fewer vet bills.
Good luck, Daisy
The primary ingredients of s/d wet (in decreasing order) are beef by-products, pork liver, chicken fat, ground whole grain corn, rice, powdered cellulose. Non of those are appropriate foods for a cat.
There should be absolutely no dry food and absolutely no grains, and it should be meat and liver, not meat by-products. Unfortunately, it is rare that a veterinarian understands the basics of cat nutrition.
As Astra said, they should be on a raw diet, or at a minimum one a wet food based only on animal products. A raw diet by itself will help to lower the pH. Grains raise pH which is one of many reasons they should not be included in the diet, especially for a cat with a tendency towards struvite crystals. It is difficult to add foods to lower pH - ingredients like cranberry are problematic (benzoic acid).
You can avoid struvite crystals by lowering the urine pH and by ensuring the cat consumes a great deal of water. They will NOT drink enough if on a dry diet. They evolved as desert creatures and do not respond like other mammals do to a water deficit.
s/d is a really lousy food and none of your cats should be on it. Raw might seem expensive, but there are ways to get that cost down, including fewer vet bills.
Good luck, Daisy
Daisy43 last decade
I agree, S/D is an awful food. Raw is best and also Vit C will bring PH down. I use ascorbic acid w/bioflavonoid blend. You can tell if too much will cause diarrhea, just back off dose. Start out with about 250 mg. Also Cranactin, about one half cap twice a day. Get off the dry food. Feed only twice per day. Leave food out only one half hour. Use filtered water, buy a brita. The cheaper dry foods is why the problem probably started and you can not go back to those.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
barracuda last decade
'Feed only twice per day. Leave food out only one half hour.' That's ok for an adult dog, but isn't usually a good idea for cats. They evolved to eat many small meals in the course of the day. Their metabolism keeps going as though they were getting a continual supply throughout the day. Most cats are grazers and will keep coming back for small amounts of food. If the cat is overweight, then you will need to find ways to restrict it. Otherwise, food can either be left out or offered at various times through the day. Even raw can be left out for many hours.
Daisy43 last decade
I have been feeding 2 meals a day to my cats for eight years, raw diet, all very healthy. Cats are grazers because we make them that way. This is info in many holistic pets books. Dr. Pitcairn's is very helpful and is the first book one should get to better their pets health.
I forgot to mention that if you litmus paper you can monitor the ph yourself.
I have been feeding 2 meals a day to my cats for eight years, raw diet, all very healthy. Cats are grazers because we make them that way. This is info in many holistic pets books. Dr. Pitcairn's is very helpful and is the first book one should get to better their pets health.
I forgot to mention that if you litmus paper you can monitor the ph yourself.
barracuda last decade
I went thru this with my cat
I used the canned prescription food for the first few wks That stuff has a PH of about 4 After that I gave Solid Gold';s Berry Balance sprinkled on a better canned cat food like Evo from Natura. Now I feed both Primal raw food and Evo canned. It's been 4 yrs. now. Everyonce in a while I sprinkle some Berry Balance on his food. He eats only twice a day NO DRY FOOD! If he seems initially like he is going to go into the beginnings of another UTI, I give him 3 separate doses of Aconite 30 (Every 6 hrs)total 3 doses. This should work. MArgie
I used the canned prescription food for the first few wks That stuff has a PH of about 4 After that I gave Solid Gold';s Berry Balance sprinkled on a better canned cat food like Evo from Natura. Now I feed both Primal raw food and Evo canned. It's been 4 yrs. now. Everyonce in a while I sprinkle some Berry Balance on his food. He eats only twice a day NO DRY FOOD! If he seems initially like he is going to go into the beginnings of another UTI, I give him 3 separate doses of Aconite 30 (Every 6 hrs)total 3 doses. This should work. MArgie
margie123 last decade
'Cats are grazers because we make them that way.' No, they evolved in the wild to eat many small meals throughout the day. Their anatomy and metabolism is set up that way (as opposed to dogs which tend to gorge and can skip a day).
Daisy43 last decade
MARGIE123 I have a cat who was severly blocked, he is a VERY timid kitty and just spent 4 traumatic days at the vets with a catheter in and he was so stressed he chewed his IV and catheter out he can pee a little but still quite blocked he's on clavamox and hill's c/d wet food but i'd be interested in hearing more suggestions for a homeopathic approach...from you or ANYONE who's ever had a cat in such desperate need of help...
Ashleigh85 last decade
'Frequent feedings alkalizes the urine, leading to formation of 'sand' and 'stones.' Cats, as carnivores, are meant to eat infrequently and fast in between.' This is straight from Dr. Pitcairn's book on Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. He is a retired vet, PhD in immunology and open a homeopathic vet school in Eugene,OR. Pay close attention to the symptoms and he has suggestions on how to deal with the cat after the catheter he has specifics on what steps to take. I bought a roll of ph paper I think at Petsmart for $12. It has color codes on it. I have a cat I have to watch all the time. Check my profile if you have more questions. I have been doing homeopathic with cats for over eight years. Have lots of practice. Start putting about 100mg vit c (ascorbic acid) in food twice a day. If gets runs back off a little. Hope this helps.
barracuda last decade
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