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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stone in the Left Kidney

On a regular check-up it was discovered (ultrasound) that, I read “… There is 8 mm non-obstructive calculus within the mid pole of the Left kidney. The liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, spleen, pancreas, aorta, IVC and midline structures are normal.”…

I have absolutely NO symptoms, but I know how it hurts, when it starts moving. I’ve had few of those incidents, so
my logic tells me to take actions to remove the stone before it starts coming down the ureter.

My family doc says “ leave it alone until it start moving” , but I think different.

Oh, almost forgot, on the Urine results from the test: Crystals - “Calcium Oxalate Occ” – I do not know how to interpret that, may be as crystals in the urine ???

O.K. here is the question: should I start with Olive oil/Lemon, Uriflow or any other method trying to reduce the size of it, hoping to pass it naturally ? Or leave it alone and wait for whatever procedure the urologist offers me ?

I would like to go with the first. I started today on B6 and Magnesium Citrate daily.

If I start with the Olive oil/Lemon and instead of reducing the size of the stone, it simply starts to move down as 8 mm piece – then will I not have more problems, like blocking the Ureter line etc ?
  ivanH on 2008-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am adding some more info of my previous post.

'I am 47 yrs. old male and have been having kidney stones/sand for 20 yrs. May mom and dad (still alive) have had their fare shares of kidney stones as well. For the last 20 yrs. I have had about 6-7 incidents and only the first time (1987) I was able to see the stone when passed. In the rest of the cases - it was just very strong pain for 1 day, yes it is long, then nothing. Right now my doctor told me I have bigger one this time 8mm within the mid pole of the Left Kidney. I have absolutely NO symptoms right now, it was discovered on routine ultrasound. Whlile I am awainting an appoint. with urologist - I came accross this forum and I very much would like to dissolve the stone on my own.

I am a little confused about stones inside the Kidney and outside of it - like Ureter and Bladder.

Correct me if I am wrong - can Berbis Vul and Lycopodium 30 dissolve my stone being in the mid pole of the kidney, or for that location may it is better to use Calcarea Renalis ?

Please, help !

ivanH last decade
Hi, this is not a reply. I now got almost exactly you had about a year ago. What action did you take over the year?
cheefkwan last decade

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