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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe constipation


My husband is 65. He has not had the urge for stool in 2 weeks.

1 &2. Symptoms and locations: INTESTINE: No urge to stool for two weeks, this is the most urgent symptom. EYES: very sensitive to light, like's it very dark. FEET: Very painful sole and toes, left foot worse than right foot. The pain is a sharp, tingley ache, when he is laying down only. Both feet are very sensitive to touch. TOENAILS: The left foot has 3 thick, deformed toe nails with the skin around the edges of the nail being red and when closely examined it's because the skin there is so thin you can see the little veins where the nails meet the skin. DIABETES: on Byetta. His diet is very controlled - glucose rarely goes above 100. CARDIAC: His cholesterol and BP are controlled with allopathic medication. OBESITY: He has been very overweight since a child and has lost about 80 pounds in the last 5 years. ADDICTION: He has quit smoking many times. 5 years being the longest and 4 weeks ago the most recent. SKIN:He has always had many skin things going on. Big boils that come out from deep under the skin. And soft round tan flat things on his feet and legs that can be scratched off but grow back. On his right wrist he has a crusty looking thing that looks like dirt but isn't. BACK: He has had a painful lower back since two car accidents two weeks apart when he was 16. MEMORY: repeats himself often, forgets things that happened in the past, sometimes gets lost while driving in familiar areas. OS
TEOPOROSIS: He has lost about 4 inches of height.

3. INTESTINES: symptoms returned about 4 weeks ago around the same time he stopped smoking. The same thing happened about 5 years ago. He had a benign tumor in the sigmoid colon which was removed. The surgeon pulled down the colon stitched it in and made him a new one. Intestin - wise he was fine until now. He had stopped smoking about 1 year before the colon surgery. EYES: He was a photogrpaher and spent many years in the dark room. His eyes have been sensitive since then. Sometimes they are better but lately they have been worse.

They got painful about 3.5 years ago after the carotid artery surgery. TOENAILS: have been like that for decades. Most of them got better a couple of years after firts starting homeopathic treatment. DIABETES: started about a year after bypass surgery about 2002. CARDIAC: under allopathic treatment for about 25 years. Probably due to overeating and smoking, also runs in family. Had coronary bypass for 4 in 2001 and caratid artery surgery in 2003. One artery was completely closed and left that way. The repaired artery has a teflon tube in it. OBESITY: started in childhood after he was given a drug when his testes failed to drop. ADDICTION: started smoking at approx 30 possible due to working in the dark room which was very stressful. SKIN: has always had boils. The thing on his wrist is a few years old as are the round tan things. They started sometime after the coronary bypass. BACK: started after the the car accidents. He was rear-ended.
MEMORY: i started noticing symptoms before the coronary bypass
OSTEOPOROSIS: I started noticing about 3 years ago

4. worse from:
INTESTINES: nothing in particular
EYES: daylight, TV, artificial light
FEET: from having them up when he is laying down on his back
DIABETES and OBESITY: from eating carbs and lack of excercise
CARDIAC: from smoking, unhealthy eating and lack of excercise
SKIN: nothing in particular
BACK: heavy lifting and too much walking
MEMORY: probably smoking, unhealthy eating and lack of excercise

5. Better from:
INTESTINES:can only go with enema
EYES: when it is dark
FEET: when he is walking, sitting or his feet are hanging down.
DIABETES and OBESITY: from eating minimum carbs and excercise
CARDIAC: nothing in particular
ADDICTION: nicotine patches SKIN: nothing in particular
BACK: rest, no lifting, no excercise
MEMORY: nothing in particular
OSTEOPOROSIS:velvet antler

6. Sleep:
Has difficulty sleeping. Currently the pattern is - Goes to sleep aroung 11pm and wakes up around 4, unrefreshed. May go back to sleep around 8am and up again around 10 am. And sleeps in the afternoon for a few hours but never feels great. Currently is not dreaming.

7. Sensitive to: Is only comfortable between 75-78. It's usually too hot or too cold for me. whole body seems to be sensitive to touch - it's too painful.

8. State of mind: Has to say, do, or want opposite of me, no matter how insignificant. Is always afraid that the cats or dog have wandered off - he is always asking where they are if they are not in his line of sight. Can't stand people who have a different political opinion than he does. Says he likes people but doesn't like to be around them. Is very much alone during the day while I'm at work. Is in a generally good mood. Afraid of having surgery again. Will not go to a GP doctor. Sometimes talks bad about his cardiac care doctor.

9. Foods:
Is vegetarian. Drinks lots of coffee with extraordinary amounts of splenda, milk and ice. Does not like hot drinks of any kind.
Says bell peppers are bad for him. Hates most vegetables. Has to have extraordinary amounts of sweetner. Does like Brussle Sprouts and Cauliflour. He use to eat brussel sprouts to keep him regular. The only thing I can think of that makes him feel better is coffee.

10. major diseases: He had a bleeding ulcer when he was around 25. After a bout in the hospital it went away and never came back. Lifelong underlying depression. Ulcerative Colitis from the time he was 16 until just after the Coronary bypass. Extensive dental work in a short period of time. About a year later he had Coronary Bypass - 4 grafts. About a year after that came the diabetes and the colon surgery. About a year after that he had carotid artery surgery.

11. After the dental work and each of the surgeries he had extreme life threatening reactions to the anesthetics. Rage, suicidal depression and excruciating back pain. He had an allergic reaction to some antibiotic given to him in his youth. For a time he was on Prozac and some other poison after the coronary bypass. He was taken off of those and the reaction was extreme rage and suicidal depression. Apirin cream, detox patches and Lifewave patches are the only thing that helps the pain in his feet.

12. Homeopathic treatment: We have an excellent practioner that has pulled him out of all of the above except the constipation and the painful feet. Phosphorus was the first remedy to help after the surgeries. 30C thru 10M. Then Phos AC for grief added to all the other symptoms up to 10M. Then Kali Carb 200C thru CM. Hyos for a few months. Thuja 6x for skin, Calc Phos 6x for bones, Syxzgium 6x for glucose and a few others I can't remember. Have all helped. All the remedies have helped even though he drinks coffee and takes allopathic medication.
The ones that have not helped are Alumina 6x, 30x, 30c, Alumen 30x for the constipation even though the symptoms are clearly indicated. How could they not work? They didn't help the first time either when he had to have the surgery. I'm hoping he doesn't have to go through that again. How long to wait after the remedy before I know it's not going to work? With no elimination, he can't wait very long.
13. Eyes burn and he needs to water them with visine type stuff. He sniffles a lot. Keeps the cover off his feet because even a light sheet is to painful - until just before he goes to sleep when the pain finally abates. Has to have ice in his coffee. He has to sleep with a CPAP because the snoring is so bad he can't breath.

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  jrex33 on 2008-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My name is Farhan Lakhani. I was also suffer by constipation but now i am cured. I advised you to use olive oil after Namaze Asar(Followed By Muslim). Start from one teaspoon and increase one spoon if not cured maximum 5 spoon is a limit. for example if you see the result using three spoon so you use daily that specific time three spoon and use it to 2 weeks.

My Cell No is 03212800108
farhanlakhani last decade
Opium 2ooc just one dose,no repetition.

Dr Tahira last decade
Thank you so much Mr. Lakhani adn Dr. Tahira. You are just wondeful. I just found out that Nicotine patches are also used to treat patients who suffer from IBS because they suppress peristalsis. I will let you know when he is better.
jrex33 last decade

I am sorry I am entering in between for my wife's problem.

Her stomach is not OK (loose motion )

Pls advice
NTAGA last decade

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