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confused with potency....a sincere advice will be highly appreciating 9


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confused re: potency

Can anyone clarify for me, which is more potent: 200C or 1M - ? I am thinking that 200C = 1 in 100 to the 200th power while 1M is lower potency at just 1 in 1000. Thanks for clarification offered. - Janny
  janny on 2004-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1 M is more potent.

1 drop of medicine to 99 drops of water/alcohol rises the potency by 1.

Dilution alone won't rise the potency.Succussion is also inportant after dilution.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy, I thought that dilution did raise potency and that this was the paradox of homeopathy. So - to clarify, 200C is more dilute, but less potent because it is not succussed - ? Is this what you mean? I don't get it - can you explain - Janny
janny 2 decades ago
1M is the 1000th potency and 200 is the 200th in the C. But though 1000 is more potent is has much less of the medicine. 1 drop of tincture in 99 drops, 1 drop of that in 99 drops... this goes on 200 times for 200C and 1000 times for 1000C or 1M
Nkjaya 2 decades ago
1000 is more dilute than 200,but more potent.

In fact beyond 12c,there is no medicine,only imprint of energy.

Succussion follows after every dilution.

For example take one drop of 200 potency,mix with 99 drops of water,and succuss(shake) it 10 times,it becomes 201 potency.

Similarly take one drop of 201 potency,do as above,it becomes 202 potency.

Are you clear now?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi, yep, somehow I thought 200C actually meant 1 in 20,000 (1 in 100 x 200) and was thus more dilute (potent) than 1 in 1000. I understand about succussion, dilution, potency - I'm just bad in math! Another question, though, when would one increase potency from 200C to 1M, if a 200C dose was successful but lapsed quickly? Or just repeat at same potency? - Janny
janny 2 decades ago
Try google search "Posology homeopathy".

to tell you breifly if 200 worked for some time,but is no longer helping,the potency is rised to 1M.(1000)

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks!! I will do the google search.

janny 2 decades ago
100 is centimeters (C)
1 part mother tincture to 100 parts (with succus) and one part of that one done 100 times diluted again (with succus).

This is why "C" can be 30C. It has been done over 30 times past the 100. 30 hundred, or 3000= 30C

1M is one part mother tincture to 1000 parts liquid. (succuss in between each dilution)

1X is one part mother tincture to 9 parts liquid. 200X is the 1X done 200 more times.

I haven't figured out the LM as yet. Other countries name the potencies a little different and this can be confusing depending where you are from.

Remedies begin as liquid and then the liquid is sprinkled over the pellets/tabs/granules, in a revolving machine much like mixing cement. My only question how do they clean these machines??? Well, I hope. Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

1M is not 1 part mother tincture to thousand parts liquid.

30,200,1000(1M),10000(10M),etc..are all centimel,normally called 'c' potencies.

1 drop of previous potency and 99 drops of water/alcohol make the next potency.

A drop of 200 potency mixed with 99 drops of water makes it 201.

A drop of 201 potency mixed with 99 drops of water makes it 202.

So,imagine like that,till you reach 1000.That is 1M.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Understanding Homeopathy Potency
Homeopathic therapy involves the use of infinitesimally small doses. The first step in producing a homeopathic medication is to prepare a mother tincture (MT), which is the base substance derived from a natural source. Mother tinctures are made according to very strict guidelines and are different from regular tinctures in subtle but important ways.

Mother tinctures are the source for homeopathy preparations, which are designated as either x potency or c potency. Keep in mind that according to Roman numerals, x equals 10 and c equals 100. Therefore, x potencies are made in a homeopathic laboratory by diluting one part of the mother tincture with nine parts of water or alcohol. This new mixture (1:9) is then shaken vigorously. This is called succussion and it is absolutely essential in the homeopathic manufacturing process. Succusion is the potentizing process; without succussion after each dilution, a homeopathic medicine would not be complete.

In the above example, the mother tincture was diluted once, so the result is called a 1x potency. In the next step, one part of the 1x is mixed with nine parts of water or alcohol, and after succussion, this new mixture is called 2x. This process is continued to produce 3x, 4x, and so on.

A similar process produces the c potencies. One part of the mother tincture is diluted in ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol and succussed to produce a 1c potency. One part of the 1c potency is then mixed with ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol and again this new bottle is shaken vigorously, yielding a 2c potency. This process can be continued to produce 3c, 4c, and so on.


bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Well, Murthy, you didn't say it too very much differently.

I am getting my info, other than the doctors, from a double teaching video from England. Believe me, the most boring video of instruction I have ever had the misfortune to try to watch, but the doctor is very specific and shows each step.

I did not go into the steps producing the mother tincture.

If you read again you will see the similarities. No matter where it comes from, it will always sound a bit different because people picture things differently even tho speaking of the same thing.

Another thing I was taught was to speak in the language of the student, and I attempted to make it as simple as possible. Best Regards, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

The discussion is rather acadamic,and it is enough for us to know that 1M is more potent than 200,and has to be used with caution.

There are so many methods of making these potencies,like hannemann method,Korsckoff(spelling may be wrong),and recently I am hearing Radionics method.

So,it is better to get medcines from a reputable company,and wish that they are delivering what they are promising.

We don't have any methods of checking,whether the medicine is really 200,or 1M,or just plain alcohol.

So,we are at the mercy of the manufacturer,and the dispenser,and hence have to be utmost cautious,about the reliability factor.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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