The ABC Homeopathy Forum
What are the situations in which a change from high to low potency is required
Usually, we go from low to high. As the patient improves on low potencies we slowly ascend the scale till full cure is achieved. Is it possible that a person steadily improves on a remedy as we go higher and higher (say upto CM potency). Some symptoms improve considerably - for example a person has asthma, hair fall and irregular menses. As she ascends the potencies, her menses get regular but asthma improves everytime she takes the medicine, it relapses after the medicine wears off.Now, no improvement in asthma is seen after CM potency. She then takes 30 potency and improvement starts again. Next she takes 200, again there is improvement
What I want to understand is that are there cases where several cycles of the correct remedy are required for cure. Each cycle would mean going slowly from lowest to highest and then when improvement ceases with highest, going low again and restarting the cycle. Each cycle gives permanent improvement in some symptoms, and final cure is achieved after 3-4 such cycles
abcgul on 2004-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What you are talking about is a hypothetical case.It won't happen that way.
If the potency is rised,and,then,if you don't see any improvement,it is possible sometimes that lower potencies may work.
If the medicine is the correct similimum,chosen after taking the totality of symptoms,the improvement should ideally be in all compaints.If certain complaints remain,even after reaching CM,it is better to hunt for a new medicine for the remaining symptoms.
The same medicine may not do any real good,if you start it all over again.
If the potency is rised,and,then,if you don't see any improvement,it is possible sometimes that lower potencies may work.
If the medicine is the correct similimum,chosen after taking the totality of symptoms,the improvement should ideally be in all compaints.If certain complaints remain,even after reaching CM,it is better to hunt for a new medicine for the remaining symptoms.
The same medicine may not do any real good,if you start it all over again.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks Murthy, I checked up on this with another homeopath and she said that it is possible to have cases where the highest potency ceases to improve the person. Then we start with the low potency again and go all the way up
I am wondering if there is another perspective on this, or there is something we are missing out
I am wondering if there is another perspective on this, or there is something we are missing out
abcgul 2 decades ago
the rule you are quoting in your first post does not apply to all meds.
There are some meds that work only in low potency.
See the thread of Nahmed-pak...he tried Antim Crud 200 given to him by some homeopath ....but it did not work.
I asked him to take Antim Crud 6 and it worked.
Potency selection is an art by itself. There are no standard rules that apply to all meds.
Some meds work best as mother tincures or in 3X potency (or near abouts) China, Acid Phos etc.
Haven't seen great results from China 1M or Acid Phos 1M.
At the same time...expect low results if you use Rhus Tox, Lachesis and such like in potencies lower than 200 C.
Pankaj Varma
the rule you are quoting in your first post does not apply to all meds.
There are some meds that work only in low potency.
See the thread of Nahmed-pak...he tried Antim Crud 200 given to him by some homeopath ....but it did not work.
I asked him to take Antim Crud 6 and it worked.
Potency selection is an art by itself. There are no standard rules that apply to all meds.
Some meds work best as mother tincures or in 3X potency (or near abouts) China, Acid Phos etc.
Haven't seen great results from China 1M or Acid Phos 1M.
At the same time...expect low results if you use Rhus Tox, Lachesis and such like in potencies lower than 200 C.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
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