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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Ear/Skin/Sick issue for Eczema-treated child

My daughter is 11.5 years old. She was a c-section child, had severe colic (used to cry from 1 a.m. - 7 a.m. everyday) as baby at 1 month old. Pediatrician told us she had lactose intolerance and hence crying due to stomach ache. Pediatrician advised mother to stop drinking cow's-milk products since child/baby was nursing. Colic stopped at start of 3rd month. Followed soon after by ezcema on cheeks and hand (some on wrist), under knees (significant) and baby used to scratch face till it bled. Baby used ot also cry a lot during bath, although water was confirmed to not be hot, was confirmed to be luke warm. Baby was briedlfy treated for 1-2 weeks with steroid cream to stop face-bleeding from scratches by bay at night. Then eczema continued, but after few months, dissappeared, only to be followed by severe cough/cold symptoms. Eczema and cough/cold alternated with Stage I asthma symptoms (breathing difficulty with congestion) until age 1.5 years. We used a nebullizer during cold months when baby was sick, to help her breathe. At this age, we visited India and baby was diagnosed by a homeopath as having 'bovine tuberculosis' (a name sounding like that). Baby was given arsenicum album on first night to address breathing trouble due to stage I asthma. Baby threw up that night, a lot of mucus came out, and her breathing normalized. The homepath (who no longer practices due to old age) asked us to stop milk products and started baby on 12 week course where she had to take 6 pills of a certain un-named homeopathic pills . During the 12 weeks, Baby's symptoms re-appread in a reverse sequence, almost as if we had 're-played' the sickness tape. After 12 weeks, all synptoms had completely dissappeared. We were truly blessed. Now baby is 11.5 years old. Some new synptoms have arrived, and I need your help.
As an 11.5 yr old, she is very intelligent, superior at math in school, does a lot in her head, comes up with answers and even corrected her teacher last year. She gets dry skin on back of palm when she washed her hand. Her friend calls it 'flaky' (I have that issue as well and just received treatment with Sulphur, my hand is no longer dry/scaly). Daughter does not like going to be/sleep at night even if she is tired. She feels she misses her father very much (he comes later from work but gives her substantial attention, more that other fathers do for their kids).
She tends to have some fears about small things like (could there be a burglar in house, 'who made that noise'...etc. at night). She points out small things such as 'remember to keep the trash outside today'. In general she is noticeably quiet (although she used to be a chatterbox at age 3). Her face is also dry and cheeks are slightly dry-looking. Has dry scaly 1 flake under left eye. Scratches herself. Cries, saying she is tired. Plays tennis and ball in school but nothing else wrt sports. Is general slow in actions (last to move from stage during her plays). Today came home saying she has headache. Is napping now. Did not sleep well since friends stayed over. Friends were loud and had fund. My daughter was relatively withdrawn, quiet. Yesterday said she was tired, sleepy, cried saying she was tired in the afternoon. Yet at 9 p.m., I had to remind her to sleep at night. Has fallen sick with 2 consecutive flus, including 1 ear infection. Her left ear had infection was treated with amoxicillin (penicillin). Right ear did not have infection but had a lot of wax, and water went into right ear a month ago during bath. She says her ear is still clogged up and she hears slightly less from right ear. Pediatrician had examined her right ear and said it was wax. We were asked to put debrox to liquefy the wax, the clogged feeling did not go. My daughter says she feels pressure in her ear (no pain)and pediatrician has probably pushed in the ear wax more. Feels clogged. Had headache ever since she got back from school. Please help. Lot of ear-wax ever since we can remember.Overall sick----Mostly not happy and bold as children ought to be. I don;t have much rules at home and I encourage her to play, be creative, do whatever she wants...she is a rule-follower and tends to be afraid. Also too many rules in school and too much work-load/homework. Not easy when she is sick.
  Hair Loss on 2008-03-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
correction: colic stopped at end of baby's 3rd month
Hair Loss last decade
I also have a 11.5 year old daughter who suffers from multiple allergies. She is allergic to chick peas, peas and now soya and peanuts and walnuts and other legumes. She also has eczema and is very tired and pale looking always. She is on a very restrictive diet and also like to follow rules and is very forgetful and dazed. She is a happy child but sometimes unaware of her surroundings . She sounds a bit like your child. I give her calc phos/kali phos/calc flour sometimes 6x potency but mostly she is on ayurvedic meds. Ayurvedic meds are helping some areas of the ezema but she has had many colds since she started the meds....I don't know if I should just give her prednisone because it seems like natural meds treat one problem and bring about another. I have also tried naet with her for 2 years and after that her food issues became worse. My younger daughter also has allergies ....and we are trying to deal with that via homeopathy but we had a bad reaction and so we are scared to proceed with more homeopathy. Is your child able to eating everything after homeopathy and did you give anything else after the bovine tuberculum ?
hemraj last decade
Hair loss,
Write about ur daughters physical and mental symptoms numberwise.

Dr Tahira last decade

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