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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

swelling feet,ankle eczema,knee arthritis,constipation

experiencing swelling of feet for last six months with some pain when touched only, swelling develops only if sitting quite long on the computer at night and recedes after lying down on the bed and taking enough sleep;feel concerned about this phenomena.

have knee arthritis severe since early 2004, much better now, was finding it difficult climbing the stairs downwards, walking on uneven roads, walking longer distances,had sharp knee joint pains disenabling normal walk leading to visible limping walk; not so now.

have chronic eczema on the right ankle with a large pigmented patch receding now, also spread to other spots on both the feet, quite better now.

have constipation problem with alternate day pass or partial pass leading to flatulence at times and have some gastric trouble too.

prone to cold/cough, sometime fever, quite by nature at the office, get irritated too fast at home leading to a quarrel,go to sleep late and sleep less, making it up day time when possible, have worries in life.

operated for tonsils while in the std 4, operated for a tiny growth below the tongue 2001.

the swelling feet are a recent concern - hope it has nothing to do with cardiac or kidney symptoms - bp normal, urine normal; spend late nights sitting on the computer followed by heavily swollen feet reddish looking with pain when touched.

request guide on causes, preventive measures, and appropriate integrated homeopathic medicine course.
  kshantaram on 2008-04-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
(Sulphur-200c) 2pills daily at morning for week only then stop after 6 weeks report me back,ok
faisal qureshi last decade

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