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Frequent Colds - 4 yr old

My daughter at the age of 1.5 started to go to daycare and would get frequent ear and sinus infections. She would get them almost every 2-3 weeks. At age 3.5, we took her to a homeopath who prescribed her to take pusatilla LM4 and calc carb LM4 1x a week for 3 months. During that time, she did get sick, but after the 3 months she started to get better. Her sicknesses became more - happy sicknesses. Previously she would get colds with thick yellow discharge, no appetite, high fevers, bedridden, etc. Now her colds were still with lots of discharge, but she was happier. For the first time ever now, her colds would get better without antiobiotics. After the 3 months, she didn't get sick as much.

Then the homeopath told us to give her the remedies only 1x a month. Now she's getting sick again. I don't know if the reduced remedies are the cause. 3 weeks ago she had a sinus infection that required antibiotics and now again the yellow mucus discharge has started. She gets thick yellow nasal discharge for 2 weeks and it just doesn't go away. After 2+ weeks that doctor says it looks like a sinus infection and gives her antiobiotics.

Is there a acute treatment that can work? What should I do?

1. Name Serena Sharma (my daughter's name)
2. Age 4.5
3. Sex Female
4. country US
5. climate 50's (Pennsylvania)
6. What exactly is happening ? Runny nose with yellow muscus
7. How do you feel ? Happy disposition
8. How does this affect you ? Little tired, little less appetite, little bit more weepy, sensitive, wants more hugs, more attention
15. current medicine you are taking Pusatilla 30c (5x a day)
16. family back ground Indian - born and raised in US
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food good variety - fruits, veg - doesn't eat a lot - skinny
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)

Very sweet and loving girl. Always wants approval and our affection. Introverted - not very social. Has 1-2 good friends. Won't easily play with any children - shy. Timid. Not athletic. Very sensitive - cries easily. Always wants to be good. Not mad or angry - more weepy.
  rajreena1 on 2008-04-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well first of all, the homeopath you saw is prescribing incorrectly.

We never start with LM4, the LMs are always started at LM1. And, we never give 2 remedies together . Calcarea Carb and Pulsatilla together is totally against the principles of homeopathy.

She sounds like a typical Pulsatilla girl. The problems are occuring due to mismanagement by your homeopath. And, once again , Puls 30C 5 times a day is a wrong way to prescribe. Just 2-3 Puls doses would have been enough.

We never apply remedies so indiscriminately , and least of all in a young child.

These are energy medicines where it is not the medicine which cures , rather it is the response of the body to the medicines which cures. So, there is no need to repeat the medicines 5 times a day once the response has started. The repetition is done at very long intervals, and that too with a higher potency for every repetition (IF the remedy is still indicated after your body has reacted fully to one potency fully).

If I were you, I would stop for a few days , no remedy at all. And, then give her JUST ONE dose of Pulsatilla 200C.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer.

Ok, I will wait a few days and then give her Pulsatilla. I don't have 200C. Would 30x be ok? If not, I will purchase it. In any case, how many pills and just 1x?

After this cold subsides, is there a regime to give her so that these illnesses do not keep coming?
rajreena1 last decade
30X will not suffice because you are already giving her 30C. And, it would be a mistake to move down in the potency scale.

There does not need to be a regime. Just give one 200C Puls dose and wait for 3-4 weeks . Once her body has responded fully, only then we can decide.

sameervermani last decade
Forgot to mention, to make the dose gentle , you can put 2 pellets of Puls 200c in 250 ml spring water and, leave them for a while. They will dissolve in about 15-20 mins. Then turn the bottle gently a few times to mix it.

Then, give her a teaspoon from there just ONCE. Wait for atleast 2 weeks after this and then you can post back here for further advice.
sameervermani last decade
My daughter ended up having a bad ear infection so we had to give her antiobiotics. Now it's 3 weeks later and she has a runny nose again. Every 3 weeks she's been getting sick. After a week it turns yellow and becomes either a sinus or ear infection.

At the first sign of the drippy nose, what can I give her so it doesn't turn into a bad infection? Right now she is happy, not bedridden, no fever.

Please help.
rajreena1 last decade
Did you give her the Pulsatilla 200C dose ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes, I gave her 1 200c Pulsatilla even though I ended up having to give her antibiotics.
rajreena1 last decade
Hmm.. it might have been an aggravation.

is she doing alright now ?
sameervermani last decade
Her nose is stuffy and runny. Follows the same pattern of the last 2 years. It usually last for 2 weeks - turns thick and yellow discharge. Her hears are clogged - can't hear a thing. This usually doesn't go away by itself and after 10-12 days it turns into a sinus or ear infection.

It just started yesterday. What should I give her?
rajreena1 last decade
Just to clarify the last time this happened, it seemed to get better with the antibiotics. Now it's been a week since the medication stopped and her nose is runny again.
rajreena1 last decade
Give her one dose of Silicea 30C.

2 pellets in a small spring water bottle , and then just 1 spoon from there.

Report status 1 week after this.
sameervermani last decade
Can't I just give 2 pellets under tongue? How much water should I put in the bottle?

Also, her nose drainage is yellow now.
rajreena1 last decade
250 ml water.

Water dosing is gentler. So, it would be better to dissolve in water, and then give 1 spoon from there.
sameervermani last decade

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