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Lycopodium Clavatum:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

repeating a one off dose of lycopodium

Several weeks ago i took lycopodium 30c, 3 doses for 2 days and felt an alleviation of feelings of anxiety and inadequacy in regards to upcoming exams. The improved symptoms were short lived and after a few days feelings of panicky anxiety due to feelings of not being competent enough to pass my exams returned.
Is it ok to repeat the dose again, and if so, how long should i take it for?
  saracoco on 2008-04-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Other things being taken care of, it should be ok to repeat another unit dose of Lyco. You may want to read up arg nit for your fear of exams.

In anycase, it is better you present your symptoms in detail for the forum to respond appropriately.
srisri last decade
If Lyco was the correct medicine, the symptoms should not have returned with the SAME intensity.

If they have returned with a REDUCED intensity , then you might want to repeat a single 200C dose.

However, as Srisri said it is better to post your full case.

sameervermani last decade
Symptoms are basically on a background of low mood.
Final year exams in a few weeks, feelings of hopelessness in revising because I won't do well anyway and won't get everything learnt in time. Yet intense fear of failing.
Desire to abandon everything and not sit the exams.
Panic of not being able to recall facts I have learnt. Certainty of doing badly in the exams even though I always do well in exams.
Certainty that I am not as capable as my peers and no amount of revision will be enough.

The fear isn't an intense panic it is more a resigned hopelessness which makes me doubful that arg nit would be the right remedy. Plus my mentals are very lycopodium in nature (low self esteem & inferirity covered up with false confidence and assertiveness, fear of being alone yet avoids company, anxiety, depression)

The last dose of lycpodium reduced the feelings of being incapable and I guess they haven't returned as much because prior to taking the lycopodium, i was certain I would fail and had decided not to sit the exam, whilst now i'm definietly going to sit the exam though I feel it will be a disaster.

Hope this information gives a better picture of the situation. Thanks
saracoco last decade
Take a single 200C Lyco dose, and do NOT repeat any more till 6 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
Your choice of Lyco seems to be correct. In general Lyco is apprehensive of undertakig the activity. Having taken up they do it well.

Lyco is a deep acting remedy thats the reason for advising you not to repeat too often.

Read up Kali Phos and Natrum Mur. If you think the keynotes match, suggest taking them in 6X potency daily.
srisri last decade
Thanks i'll try the 200C dose.
saracoco last decade
Sorry forgot to ask, do you mean take the 6X Kali phos daily in addition to the one off dose of lyco? Thanks
saracoco last decade
I would recommend not taking it with Lyco.

Let the well chosen remedy act alone.
sameervermani last decade
Will do. Thanks
saracoco last decade

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