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2-yrs-old sleeps badly Page 8 of 15

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Hi Maria,

Well, The answer to your first question: If the remedy is correct , you should be able to see atleast some improvement in a short period of time after administration. In acute diseases, since the susceptibility of the patient is high , if the remedy and potency is right, you get results real fast.

Now , the second question: A small relief is a good sign. It means that the remedy is acting. It means either it is "the similimum" or atleast partially similar.
If the patient is releived of all the complaints , it is the similimum. If the relief is temporary , increase/repeat the potency.

About repetition of remedy , there is a great controversy. (In homoeopathy , much depends on personal skills , thats why it is an ART ....)

In acute disease , the remedy can be repeated quite frequently, as often as every 3 hours or even more frequently than that.

The key is: If the patient is relieved by the remedy for some time , but afterwards his complaints return , then repeat the remedy. you can repeat the same potency three times before reaching to the conclusion of raising the potency.

All these thigs depend on the susceptibility of the patient, type of disease, stage of disease etc....so they vary from person to person and from case to case.

I hope this helps....
magicure 2 decades ago
About Julius:

Before we give him sulphur , could you please post his CURRENT history again?

I want to evaluate the effect of the remedies given so far.

Just wrire about his current state as if you are giving his history for the first time. You can take help of the questionnaire.

Write about his sleep , appetite, thirst, mood, stools, skin, sweat, cravings, aversions, thermal state, and any changes since you started Sulphur.

This is important for evaluation.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

First: thank you very much for your advice. I guess it takes lots and lots of time to study it all.

I use the questionnaire you asked me in November.

1. Sweat: how much? which part of body? when ( day/ night/ while eating...)smell? stain?

- he doesn't sweat at all. Before sulfur he used to sweat on head during nights, if he was sleeping under cover. Not anymore. Never any smell. (well, he does sweat on head, if he gets real angry and cries loud...)

2. Appetite:

- After Sulfur he has been eating more regurarly. Before he had more days, that he ate well, and days he didn't eat at all. After Sulfur he has been eating almost every day at least a bit.
-In January there was 2-3 weeks period he ate real well each day.
-Still doens't feel hungry in the mornings at 7-7.30 am when we get up. Eats well, if we have breakfast after 9 am.

3. Thirst: how much? how often?

- He drinks 1 dl of milk in the morning and 1 dl in the afternoon, and 2 dl in the evening. That is less than before Sulfur.
-With meals he eats just a bit. I think he drinks then more than before.

4. Stools: Diarrhoea/ constipation/ worms?

- Before Sulfur his stool was a mix: in same diaper there was first hard stool and in the end loose stool.
After Sulfur it has been more in balance: not that huge difference. More like constipation.

5. Do you feel he is fearful and feels insecure? If yes, any specific fear? ( dark/ insects/ animals etc...)

- He has gained lot of courage since November. He is not so attached to me. Before, if he was sad and hurt, only mother was good enough. Now also father is good.
-In November I told you that he comes to sit on my lap many times during the day. He plays and runs well, then suddenly he wants to have a pacifier and come to sit on the lap and pinch me for 15 minutes before leaving again. He still does that, but only few times during the day.

6. Craving: to indigestible substances like chalk/ lime/ sand etc? eggs? milk?

- He has not been drinking that much milk than before. Nowadays if I'll give him a bottle of milk, he hardly ever drinks it all at the same time.
- I don't know if this is a change, but at least I haven't noticed it before: he likes oranges and other sour things.
- he still loves sweet

7. Aversion to any food?

- No changes.

8. Intollerance to any food ( apart from egg ) gastric/ respiratory complaints after any specific food?

- No changes.
- He has been eating a little bit of egg, fully boiled. He can eat it, but if he gets a drop of 3-min-egg on skin, there will be a pimple.

9. In which position does he sleep? ( on back/ tummy/ hands over head ....)

- He still sleeps more on back and hands wide open. I wonder if he'd sleep more on side nowadays..

10. Thermal state

- After sulfur he is hardly ever hot. I can't use shorts as pyjama anymore, pants has to be long. His feet are sometimes quite cool during nights, but he most of the times still doesn't want to sleep under cover. Sometimes says he is cold and comes under cover.
- He has also been complaining about the cold wheather more than ever before. Well, in Belgium it is now colder than before, but originally we are from Finland... Specially he feels bad on fingers although he has two pair of gloves.

11. Skin

- Skin got a lot better after taking Sulphur in November. It stayed well until the mid-February.
- The skin is still not that bad as in autumn, but there is excema on legs. Once I gave him fresh strawberries and it made it worse (strawberry jam doens't make a difference)

13. Sleep

- After taking Sulphur he has slept real good, until 4-6 am. And without paficier. On the other hand he has been sleeping worse than ever in his life, when Sulfur has not been affecting.
-Last two weeks has been terrible.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

I have gone through your post.

He has just recovered from an acute illness, so please let him settle first.

Right now, dont give him any medicine. Just keep posting if you see any changes (good/bad). I shall tell you about when to give the medicine.

By the way , does he use diaper all the time? Are you teaching him how to use a potty?
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

Ok. Last night he slept suprisingly well. Woke up only twice.
But I guess I can't tell you if he sleeps worse - sometimes he wakes up every hour, it can't be worse...

He had diaper on during illness.
I took the diaper off one month ago. He never uses diaper at home. Outside, if we stay several hours, I put the diaper on.
He still has not learned it. How can he be such a slow learner?? (In our family backround, chldren has been learning fast).
I think he knows what to do, but he has to be told. When you remind him after 2 hours, he says "no". After 3 hours he says "no". Then there is an accident -of course. He is so stubborn!
I don't think the reason is weak bladder, because he is dry over night.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Hi Maria,

Good that he is not using diaper at home.
You have to take him to toilet after every 2-3 hours. He will slowly get used to it. But now , its high time for him to get potty trained.

Do you think he is a slow learner overall? ( or just in case of potty training)

I dont remember if I had asked this earlier:
Did he have all the milestones on time? ( like teething, holding head, sitting, walking, speaking etc....)
Is he very active (as compared to other kids of same age) or he preferes to sit quietly? Also, does he eat less amount of food than other kids? or he eats proper , but his growth (weight/height) is less?

He might need a dose of Calcarea Carb (it is a complementary remedy to Sulphur). I shall tell you when.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hi Magicure,

I don't have lots of experience about children in general, but when I compare Julius to the big-brother, he is a slow learner.

I think he always comes behind others.
- he started moving at the age of 8 months, but walking 12months 2weeks
- First tooth came at the age of 8-9 months, but now he has them all as everyone else.
-he started speaking 2years 2 months, but now he talks smart things (yesterday he said to me "mom has big stomach. Mom is fat" - well I am not...). He also know numbers 1-10.

These I can remember that came late. I have never been worried that he doesn't speak/walk, I have been worried about his overall "habitus". Even as a small baby he seemed to be smaller than the others.

I remember I once asked a pediatric, if there are children that devellop slower in all aspects. She said no. So my question shows that I he has been babier.

He is active at home, running and playing with the brother. But outside he is a calm boy, he doesn't run away.
I wouldn't say he is "sporty"-type.But as well he doesn't just sit quietly.
He does sit and listen quite long when I'm reading a book. When he sees a piece of art, he looks at it carefully.

About eating: he has always eaten two times less than the brother. But comparing to other children I'd say he eats as well.
We have been on control because of his growth. The control started at the age of 4, because the growthline was dropping every month too much. (he was born almost average size one week before duetime).

In last 7 months he has grown about 4 cm and 1 kg. He gained the weight fast at autumn, but nothing last couple of months.

You know, last night was good, but otherwise he as not been sleeping well for 3 weeks...

He recovered the illness incredibly fast. There is no signs of it.

Maria&boys 2 decades ago
Okay Maria,

We shall wait till monday. Lets see how he sleeps.

We will decide about further course of action after that , ok?

Please keep posting, and take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
Hello Magicure,

The picture after recovering from stomach flu:

Julius slept three nights really well. Deep sleep. Woke up twice.

Last night was restless. He was coughing.
The previous day we had been out and he got really, really cold there. His feet and legs were freezing three hours after coming home (he was dressed up properly when out). When he coughed at night I was sure he had become ill... I gave him Aconitum 30k at 1 am. Coughing stopped.
In the morning he was not sick at all. Nose was clean, he ate ok. I am not sure what that coughing was after all.

Today is a big day: Julius started school! He seemed uncertain to stay there, but did not cry. I'll pick him ap after three hours.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Good that you gave him Aconite. It often helps in very early stages of inflammation.

How was his first day at school?
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Julius is well. Not sick. Well, he didn't eat much, hardly nothing.

First day was quite good. Did not cry at all. But when I picked him up, he looked hurt. But didn't cry.
I asked him did he have fun. Answer was no.
After five minutes I asked again. Then the answer was yes.

Druing the afternoon and evening he urinated only once to a potty and six times to the floor...

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Magicure,

Three first schooldays are behind. Everything has been better that I excepted. He likes it in there, doesn't cry, doesnt' miss me. Wants to go there tomorrow again.

Big thanks goes to the teacher. She is so lovely, warm and caring with long experience.
She said that she noticed on the first day that Julius is very stubborn boy.

Nights have been more or less normal: waking up 2-3 times, talking out loud, otherwise deep sleep. No sign of disturbing schooldays.

And no more urination on floors:-) Even if he refuses to go to toilet in the school.

I have noticed one new thing about nights during last two weeks: he sleeps longer in his own bed. Before he always preferred me, nowadays he ofte prefers his own bed.
And if he is awake at night and comes by me, he doesn't have to pinch and touch my arm me that much as before.

Maria&boys last decade
One more thing: he has not eaten for three days.
Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Thats a good news about his sleep. Its also nice that he is enjoying at school.
About his appetite, we shall wait for some time before we consider any remedy.
Is that okay?

Take care...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

Julius is right now sleeping, but coughing.
It was last sunday night that he was coughing a lot and I gave him Aconite. After that he has still been coughing. Between 9-12 pm, but right now he is coughing more than yesterday.

He doesn't have any other symptoms. He doesn't cough during days.(Maybe the nose is running, but just a little bit.) So I haven't told you about this before. But now I started thinking what if it is getting worse. When I should react and how?

Maria&boys last decade
Hello again,

I was thinking about coughing. I think his voice has been a bit hoarse during last days. Just a little bit, no outsider would have noticed it.

I don't think throat is sore. He ate ok this evening. And I believe he would have said if there was any pain.

Right now he has stopped coughing. He was coughing during one hour, every 5-10 minutes. Sitting on bed. Started one hour after going to bed.

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Dont give him any medicine right now. Just give him warm water/milk etc... Avoid cold drinks and food.

Post back about how he is doing...
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

New picture...again. Julius didn't go to school today.

He vomited yesterday. He ate a lot during the day. Was not sick before, nor after. He just threw up everything. Vomit didn't have the smell.

He slept restless. Did not cough.

Had milk this morning and vomited the milk. Just a little bit, no smell again. Was coughing during moring, loose cough.

Now he has been drinking juice and coke last four hours. He has been ok. Has a little bit of nasal discharge from left nostril. That's all.

I wonder if this cough and vomiting has something to do together. Hopefully it passes fast.

Maria&boys last decade
You are right Maria.
Often cough causes vomitting in kids. (esp. if they are not able to bring up the cough , they tend to swallow it , and that may cause vomitting)

Lets wait and see how he does.
magicure last decade
Hello Magicure,

One week has passed. He vomited milk during few days, not since saturday.

But he is still coughing. Not much, but every evening and morning.
Also the bigbrother is coughing. Someone told me there is cough going on that lasts for two months. If this is true, shouldn't now be the time to take some remedy?

He coughs as long as he gets it loose. Sometimes he almost vomits because of too much coughing. There is a little bit clear discharge from nose when outside. Nothing else.

Sleeping has not improved. He wakes up 3-4 times a night. Before 3 am sleep is deep.

The pacifier has been TOO important. He wants to have it day and night. If I don't give it, he gets hysterical.

School is going fine. He says he has "very much fun" in there.

Maria&boys last decade
Hello again, if you, Magicure, are around.

Everything is still the same: wakes up a few times a night. He is coughing slightly less.

We will be leaving for holiday next wednesday for 18 days. I will have an access to the internet and will be able to discuss here. But I don't know how I can buy new remedies.
So: which remedies I should take along?

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Please forgive me for my delayed responses, I try to check the forum and write everyday but sometimes it is just not possible.

Okay , regarding your question:
Where are you going? (How is the climate as compared to your homeland?) If it is too cold/hot/damp, I might suggest some remedies. Also , what activities you would be doing? (camping/skiing/hiking...)

Take Sulphur with you. Julius might need it.

Have you heard of Calendula Ointment? (homoeopathically prepared). It is a very good medicine for open wounds. Arnica is good for blunt injuries, and Rhus tox is good for sprains. You might take Belladonna, Bryonia and hepar sulph with you for cold/cough/fever.These are just a few remedies I can think of right now.

Just let me know about your plans so I can suggest you something.

One more thing , dont give medicine untill it is really needed. Body's immune mechanisms are capable of taking care of small ailments.
magicure last decade
Hi Magicure,

We will go to Finland. That's where we are from, we just live in Belgium at the moment.
So we are travelling up north. The climate is more cooler up there, early spring.
We will not do anything "special". Hopefully there still is snow, we'll play with that. The trip is more familyvisit.

Homeopathy is not that common in Finland. You might drive far to find a pharmacy that sells it.

I was wondering shall I buy Calcarea? You were talking about it before, that Julius might be needing it. I haven't bought it yet.

We'll go there by car and by ship. In case the sea is not calm: what is the best remedy for seasickness?

Maria&boys last decade
Hi Maria,

Dont buy Calcarea right now. He wont need it in near future. (We will decide about that later)

You might keep Arsenic album 200 and Nux vomica 200 with you. These help in many gastric complaints like nausea, diarrohoea etc, and might be helpful for sea sickness as well.

Specific remedies for sea sickness are Coccolus, and Petroleum.

I hope this helps...
magicure last decade
Thanks Magicure for help.

I forgot to tell you that Julius has been eating real bad lately. He eats every fourth day well, then almost nothing for next three days.

He has also woken up before midnight and he climbs by me already at that time.
We were able to get rid of that earlier, but now he has been doing that during past week. (it is not because of coughing).
After that he sleeps well next four hours and the early morning is restless.

What kind of insomnia are you waiting before you decide about the next doses? Hopefully you'll not push me till the end...
Last time I gave him one dose of Sulphur just before the sickness 22th of February.

Maria&boys last decade
Hello Magicure,

We are back at home. We were all sick during the holiday. Julius had his first ear infection ever.

No change what it comes to sleeping. He wakes up about four times a night. Is it time for Sulphur????

I have also noticed that it is me (not my husband) who wakes up when Julius is awake. My sleep is either deep enough...goes in the family... is there any remedy that made me sleep deeply?
Normally I do sleep well until morning, but I just wake up too easily.

Maria&boys last decade

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