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New to homeopathy, would my son benefit from chamomilla?

Hi there, I've read some homeopathic sites before and it sounds so interesting, but have yet to try it. I'm wondering if my 7 yr old son would benefit from chamomilla, (based on what I've read so far) for ,basically, behavior problems:

- very moody, easily upset and responds with anger and will hang on to the anger.
- seeks revenge usually verbally
- e/g just the other day I walked in on him being extremely mean to his good friend, yelling at him calling him names and saying he can never play with him again, all because his friend took back the hockey stick that belonged to him.
- these outbursts are hard for me to stop/ control.
- he regrets it later.
- i've noticed that his moods sway back and forth almost every week, one week he is polite, considerate, well behaved, next week he is defiant, rude and angry and hard to manage. Always being sent to his room.
- has always been physical, ie. biting as a baby, hitting when frustrated.
-he is shy and extremely witty.
- smart, he is in grade one and can read almost anything, just as well as an adult.
- with his behavior, has always seemed to be behind his peers.
- has trouble handling situations, like being teased.
- impulsive.
- he is tall for his age, as a baby was in the 98th percentile for length, mom and dad are both tall too, dad is over 6'
- blonde, blue eyes, blue tint to whites of eyes as a baby (saw this in other posts -what does it mean??)
- thin, 'frail', dark under eyes, and pale.
- worries a lot
-always tense,
- born two weeks late, weighed almost 10 pounds.
- had excema as baby.
- late walker, 14 months, never crawled, would 'scooch' across the floor on his bum instead of crawl.
- Late teether. late loosing his teeth too.
- trouble with teeth, lots of cavities at 3 years of age, brushes teeth twice a day.
- sensitive, 'sentimental', hurts his feelings to be yelled at.
- scared of getting hurt, scared to learn to ride a bike.
- wants to be perfect, if he can't draw as well as someone else he just won't draw.
- Likes to write stories
- loves dancing and music.
- loves girls and has always seemed to be a bit sexually aware even though he has never been exposed to anything inappropriate. This has always bothered me.
- loves animals.
- has quite a few moles, so does mom and dad.
- allergic to penicillin, was given it at 1 years of age, and broke out into a rash.
- just over 1 year ago had tonsils and adenoids removed due to sleep apnea, and tubes in his ears, (have since fallen out)
- just recently had an ear infection for the first time in approx 2 years.
- likes to sleep with head raised.

would chamomilla ease his tension and anger and anxiety and dispell his tantrums? is it something I can give him daily like you would a vitamin?

thanks for your help
  Dee23 on 2008-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Dee,

First of all let me tell you about how to give homeopathic medicines.

These are NOT to be given daily like Vitamins. These are very deep acting energy medicines where a few doses of one potency are tried and if there is benefit , we move onto the next potency ONCE the improvement through the previous doses reaches a plateau.

Long repetition of any remedy is not needed and is against the basic principles of homeopathy.

And, Chamomilla is probably not the right remedy for your son, as it is not deep enough to cure the kind of behaviour your son is showing.

However, if you are interested, I can study this case in detail and suggest you some medicine.

sameervermani last decade
Okay, thanks for clarifying, I am interested in hearing your suggestions, thank you for your time, I may not be able to reply everyday, but will as often as I can.

Dee23 last decade
There are some extremely strong indications for 2 remedies .

To narrow down further can you tell me, if he is ever malicious or cruel ?

Also, is he sympathetic to other's suffering ?

Does he need a lot of consolation ?

Is he on the selfish side or is he generous ?
sameervermani last decade

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