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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Glaucoma and hair loss

Hi! My mum has hair loss since she was 30 (or less), now she is 56 and she almost bald!

The main problem is on the top of her head.

I guess it will help you if I complement saying that she can't stand too much touch on her scalp because her scalp aches, she also can't stand anything on her hair because of the pain (like any kind of hair band).

I know arnica 6ch and phosphorus 200ch are great! But I am worried because she has open glaucoma.

My question is: arnica 6 ch or Phophorus 200ch is going to be bad for her eye? About the glaucoma: she doesn't have any pain, only 15 or 20% of vison loss. She is thin, brunet, have a good sense of humour, she is always making jokes, impatient and a bit anxious.

She already has taken 1 dose of kali carbonicum 5ch (2 months ago, with great result) and 1 dose of phosphorus 5 ch ( a week ago, also a great result) both of the remedies have acted very well (but phosphorus was better).

When she took kali carbonicum she got very sleepy and went to bed at 9p.m (very strange)woke up at 6 am in the morning! (also strange), on the other hand when she took phosphorus 5ch she didn't have any side effect and she showed me the amount of hair that fell when she washed her hair, and I must say: phosphorus was better.

I think it's important to say that once, few years ago, she got very emotionaly upset with my sister and she had one eye vein broken out. It's never happened before or after that(is it a sight that she can't use phosphorus?) She had also gastritis in her esophagus, but it is now cured.
I'd like some advise on wiesband 200ch and on arnica t.m. to friction with olive oil (does it have to be with olive oil? how long should she leave on her scalp?)
Please answer me!
We need help!

  DDenise on 2008-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try osmium 10m weekly one dose every sunday morning and next 6 days continue the Lycopodium c. 3x 5 drops thrice in a day for 3 month and report me...

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Hi! I am very thankfull for your answer but my mum has already taken Lycopodium clav. (months ago) for hair loss with no sucess.

The remedy has not produce any bad or good effect on her hair loss.

That's why I am questioning phosphorus which has worked with only one dose (8 drops, once). Is it safe for her glaucoma? About osmium, I read it is for the acute type of glaucoma, with pain and lost of others symptoms. She has no pain and no symptom besides her 15% of vision loss. Is osmium the right one to take?
Sorry for questioning the medicines, but I just want to avoid a misunderstanding as we are communicating through internet.
Thanks a lot for your precious help. God bless you!
DDenise last decade
I forgot to ask again about arnica and wiesbaden acqua.
DDenise last decade
Please Doctor a respond.
DDenise last decade
Lyco...depends upon potency you have used.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
osmium should be taken liquid or globules ?
DDenise last decade
Before given her the medicine I should probably inform you that I forgot to mention that she has also has Hyperopia, (hypermetropia) and astigmatism. Almost 15 years ago she used to take exercises for her eyes because she had difficult to converge her eyes (in the middle). She has never strabismus but it was almost an opposite way of strabismus.

My grandmother dies 2 year after my mum was born. And my grandfather has abandoned her when she was 9. She lived with another women (who was not good for her) until she got married with my father. We got to know her real family (they are really poor people) and the house where she was born 2 year ago. There we discover that other parents of my mum have similar problems on their eyes.

Sorry, but as you have not mention anything about osmium and I am very desperate about giving her a wrong medicine I decided to ask you again about osmium. Is it the right medicine, since she doesn’t have any pain? No symptoms at all. “Only” 20% loss of vision.
DDenise last decade
Are you a doctor?
DDenise last decade
Please doctor, answer me!
I need help...
DDenise last decade
lycopodium 3x, means 3ch or 3d?
DDenise last decade

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