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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cold and cough in infant

My baby is 4 months of age. She is having stuffy nose thru the day and night. She coughs while sleeping. cough is dry. Her thirst is moderate. Her sleep is restless. She wakes up several times from sleep. She sweats a lot. She doesn't cough much in a warm room. She doesn't like to cover herself with blanket much.

I have given her pulsatilla and chamomilla. No help. Pl suggest me what could I give. I want to know if Nux Vom is safe for babies. Also if Bell is safe for them.
  bhavamalinijps on 2008-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should use Nux it will cure. It is safe for infant. I would recommend only one or three dose in 30c.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thank u so much Doc. I shall get back after she recovers
bhavamalinijps last decade

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