The ABC Homeopathy Forum
scaphoid injury
My son was involved in head on car accident 31/08/03. He was taken to hospital but was not x-rayed or treated for wrist injuries at the time. Several months later when wrists were still painful and some swelling was obvious he attended GP who referred him to local A & E. They confirmed GP's diagnosis that no obvious break was visible. However after some 2 years 3 months he is still on anti inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac 50mg)and often in great pain. GP has now suggested physio which he starts next week (15/12/04). Any suggestions as to how he can self help as he is not happy about taking drugs for the rest of his days but cannot manage the pain without them. He was a champion archer and golfer before the accident and has had to give both up.nicol on 2004-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Scaphoid is at the back of the thumb/forefinger.
Sometime ago I treated a case like this and it yeilded to Calc Phos . I suggest Calc Phos 3x night and morning for 2 weeks and then wait .
If problem persists might have to go higher.
Sometime ago I treated a case like this and it yeilded to Calc Phos . I suggest Calc Phos 3x night and morning for 2 weeks and then wait .
If problem persists might have to go higher.
passkey 2 decades ago
Havin spoken further to my son it appears tendonitis has also been suggested. Will Calc. Phos. be suitable for this too or only bone injuries?
nicol 2 decades ago
Tendonitis is an entirely different problem - its inflammation . Was the tendonitis an authoratative diagbosis , or just a suggetion?.
The orthodox will suggest antibiotics, but I tell people , only take antibiotics when at deaths door .
On checking Calc Phos will help tendonitis . So yes go ahead .
The orthodox will suggest antibiotics, but I tell people , only take antibiotics when at deaths door .
On checking Calc Phos will help tendonitis . So yes go ahead .
passkey 2 decades ago
Tendonitis was diagnosed as well and yes I do know that it is a different problem. Talked to our local chemist who agreed with me that we try Rhus Tox. No-one in our family takes anti biotics unless at death's door. eg pneumonia. That has been my rule since the children were small twenty odd years ago. Even then I could see the problems people were storing up for themselves. I am committed to complimentary therapies whenever possible. However I do use them alongside orthodox remedies if appropriate. Thanks for help.
nicol 2 decades ago
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