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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation and sulphur

Hi everyone here,

I am denny 23 yrs of age, Is there some body who knows how to manage the dose and potency of SULPHUR 200 (liquid form) which is used by me as a remedy for the syptoms like,

A. Incomplete errection that becomes soft after few second, though errection is involuntary but not hard enough and becomes soft.
B. Emissions from penis (during difficult stool and or during erotic thoughts and while hanging around with ladies) because of abraded urethral nerves and week ajaculatory duct and little a bit prostate heat.
C. Itching in urethra and burning in penis and urethral area during urinating.
D. And premature ejaculation before even entry into vagina.

1. How many drops SULPHUR should i take in one dose and in how much amount of water?
2. And how many times a day should i take it?
3. Should i take it before the meals or after the meals?

Any advice and help will be whole heartedly appreciated, so reply guyz.

Best wishes

  Denny on 2008-07-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can take it early in the morning before brushing your teeth,just after washing your mouth with water and cleaning your tongue.Take 1 drop in 1 teaspoon of water and pour it into the undersurface of your tongue and swallow it after holding it for 30 seconds.
You can also try Titanium Met 6X thrice daily.
Dr.GOPAKUMAR G last decade
The cure is simple please read carefully u must practice this technique to get it right. Premature ejaculation can damage relationships and damage confident its a worse thing to happen to men .I suffered badly from it now i m recovering. This website is great its helping lots people. Thank you Please help other people who suffer from it.
1 there is point when u feel ur going to ejaculate at that point u must squeeze the lower part of the penis imagine penis like a pipe u find the deep lower part of the pipe fingers wrap around the pipe squeeze hard . u must do this just before ejaculation happen
2 at the same time ur other hand fingers squeezing the top part of the penis
3 u must continue breath in and breath out
4 u have to apply this technique very quickly just before ejaculation happen
when u do this the sperm can not come out when sperm dont come out for 3 months u will start to recover
5 u have to practice many time to get this technique right
When ur about ejaculate testicals will come very near to the lower part of the penis u must gently push them down with one of ur finger while squeezing
Cut ur fingers nails so they wont cut ur skin while squeezing
u can also practice this technique when ur not having erection imagine penis is like a pipe try find the very lower part of the pipe squeeze fingers around the lower part of the penis then squeeze the top of the penis with other hand fingers around top part of the penis breath in and out continually
u will recover but it can take some time be patient
when u start to recover plz let me know thanks
vishnu5 last decade

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