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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2My boy has eye twitching and cold eczema7Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Eczema fro 30 yrs. help pleaseee!! Page 5 of 5

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Thanks Dr. Vikas Grover ji.

Of course I must follow Dr. Vermani ji.

As Dr. Vermani ji advice me, 'buy a small bottle of Arsenicum Album 6c in liquid form, open its lid, and bring it close to your nostril, and take a sharp short sniff from the bottle ONCE. (so that you can feel the smell of alcohol going inside')

This should be taken after the gap of 10 days of nottaking any remedy.

Sanjas last decade
Dr. Sameer Vermani ji,

Today is the 11th day.

Should I go ahead for Arsenicum Album 6c today?

I have reported you about these 10days that It has help to reduce the oozing, heat and itching, but still suffering intensively.

Please advice..

Sanjas last decade
what has helped reduced oozing ?
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Vermani ji,

I just stop taking any remedy. Just followed your advice.

Before this I was taking Mer. Solu 30c with two other remedies, as I have explained you above in the earlier post.

'I have used these remedy

-Mer Solu 30 c
Petroleum (for Itching)
Arsenicum Album (for burning and heat control)

almost more than a month. '

Mer Sol worked well in first two weeks after reaction was reversed when other remedies added and stopped.

After you advice and warned me strictly to stay away from 'my homeopath'.

During last ten days, indeed oozing has reduced up to the limit it seems very encouraging towards improvement. The heat wave or flashes are also reduced.
I do not feel same heat as it was ten days ago.

My left thigh's oozing is more than 80% reduced and my right thigh 70%.

But still there is more than enough on my body to suffer day and night.

My nights are still extremely full of suffering.

Sanjas last decade
Go ahead and give Ars 6c a sniff, report in 4 days.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sir!
Sanjas last decade
Arsenicum Album 6c : 1dose of nostril sharp short sniff taken on July16,2008.

Report after 4days

1st day: After taking short sniff, I felt heavy head for short time like a very minor headache like feeling for short time of few hours. During night time I was not able to sleep, just spent whole night turning left to right and itching. Around 4:00AM, I noticed oozing started from my right knee-pit, “inside part of knee” as well as from my thighs too; it was on the back track. These are the places where oozing was reduced due to the absence of any remedy. I woke up 8:00AM and I noticed oozing on my both thighs. I also noticed upper part of my thigh’s skin is bumpy when I slide my hand on my skin it was bumpy like stones are inside which is a puss filled spot inside the skin. When I put the pressure on stone like bumpy skin, it erupted with thick yellow puss followed with pussy fluid. This night was bad as compare to previous night when I was not taking any remedy for 10 days and discharge of fluid was reducing day by day.

2nd day: I noticed hardness is little reduced in my skin. Oozing was less than day before, but I spent whole day wiping of my eye-lids. Wounds bleed after scratching. My upper skin on the hand has much small rock like places, when pressure is applied it erupts with yellow thick pus.
3rd day: Oozing reduced more. Eye-lids were better than yesterday. Pus released from bumpy skin blister.
4th day: Oozing, inflammation, redness, swelling on thighs was same as day before. Hardness, roughness, cuts, wounds are very painful. Erupted with thick yellow puss followed with pussy fluid continues.

Overall: Reduction in oozing, dryness of pussy, sticky fluids was taking place at fast rate on 9th and day 10 when I had stopped all remedies. After it taking Arsenicum Album 6c has increased the oozing.
At present I need my thigh’s oozing, redness inflammation, hardness of skin on other parts, should stop ASAP. It is very painful have cuts on your skin.


I would like to describe the impact of some of the taken remedies:

Alumina30c: It had worked very good to control the oozing from my thighs. When I had taken Alumina30c it helped to dry the oozing from my thighs but it made rest of my skin very hard and repeating of this developed inflammation, redness, oozing-eczema on back of hands.
From Dec2008 to March 2009my thighs were dries up due to this remedy; but after repeating it many times a day for 2-3 months it did very negative impact on my hands, developed redness and eczema started.

Mer. Solu30c When I started this remedy it gave me very good improvement. Some of the oozing wound for more than a year got dried up. Inflammation on my effected parts; hands, feet, legs was reduced, even my both ears cleared –up. I was so happy but it stayed only for just very few days. As I continue to take Mer. Solu30c three times a day without Ars Album30, it dried up my oozing within 1-2 days. I continue to take Mer. Solu30c three times day as per My homeopath’s instruction then next day my whole body got extremely so much heat and reaction was so bad that it developed so many deep red cuts, wounds on my arms, neck with so much intolerable heat. I was so much critical situation that it was so uncomfortable to fold and open my arms and to move my neck. I used so much fluid to get rid of this heat. Heat was very intolerable and unbearable. Heat waves were coming out of my body. All improvement reversed in the form of cuts and made my skin full of wounds and miserable. I felt so much weak due to this situation.

After this my homeopath gave me another unknown remedy’ single dose which reacted very badly too and my both eye-lids got swollen, and inflamed and oozing started first time in my life time on my forehead. It is very painful as my eye-lids are started to ooze first time in my whole life, very difficult hard to put in words. With this homeopath’s treatment my many parts got under eczema, just three weeks ago, my face was100% clear for my whole life, my hands, neck, arms developed eczema during this Homeopath’s treatment After this I stop to follow this ”homeopath” but it was too late for me otherwise this damaged could be saved.

When I stopped all remedies then day by day my situation had improved. It was nice to see oozing was reducing day by day. I do not have any Homeopathic knowledge whatever I experienced the effect of Mer. Solu30c on my body, I still feel, if this remedy’s dose has been toned with my body then result could be on improvement side. As I said I do not say that I am correct but I feel that Mer Solu was the first remedy which affected my whole body head to toe equally in the beginning and it had dried up wounds, reduced the inflammation and oozing. It reversed the improvement because too many doses were given to me by my homeopathic.

Sanjas last decade
What was the mental condition after taking Ars 6 dose ? How did you feel on that front ?
sameervermani last decade
Respected Dr. Vermani ji,

After taking the dose,I was in depression and sadness.

Sanjas last decade
'After this my homeopath gave me another unknown remedy’ single dose which reacted very badly too and my both eye-lids got swollen, and inflamed and oozing started first time in my life time on my forehead. It is very painful as my eye-lids are started to ooze first time in my whole life, very difficult hard to put in words.'

Can you please find out what remedy was this ?
sameervermani last decade
I just think that this situation has resulted from that medicine. It has happened after three days of taking a single dose. Another thing I also consider for this reaction of corn –garlic breaded chicken I ate that night, it could be resulted from this food. I realised this food had corn and garlic in it after eating it, which is not good for my eczema. It could be the food or a medicine. I was able to get the name of the last medicine. It was Anacardium30c.
Sanjas last decade
I would like to add here after taking the sniff of Ars Alb 6c; my skin color has improved. It is very clear to see the change in skin color to reduce the black dark color of eczema.
Sanjas last decade

Please give Arsenicum Album 12c a sniff in the exact same manner, and report in 5 days.

If this dose does not bring desired response, we will think about anti-doting Anacardium.
sameervermani last decade
Is Arsenicum Album 12c produce more oozing than 6c or not?
I am scared.
Sanjas last decade
Is Arsenicum Album 12c produce more oozing than 6c or not?
I am scared.
Sanjas last decade
Hi Sanjas,

A 12c single dose is nothing to be scared of.

Go ahead and give it a sniff.

sameervermani last decade
Respected Dr. Vermaniji,
Hope ans wish, you will in great health, mind and spirit.

Arsenicum Album 12c : 1dose of nostril sharp short sniff taken on July23, 2009

Report after short sniff
1st Day: After taking short sniff, I was not able to sleep throughout whole night. Itching continues. If I take very thin sheet to cover my body, I feel little cold and I do not feel comfortable then I take heavy sheet to get some warm then this hot first gave me some comfort then after warmth of bed again worsen the situation and it aggravate the from heat and cold.

It has helped to reduce the heat, hardness of skin, but at the same time Oozing has increased on my both thighs.

2nd day: Hardness of skin reduced but oozing increased more. Some of the cuts have disappeared; hot feeling is no more there.

3rd day: oozing started again on both eye-lids which were better before especially on 9th and 10 day of not taking any remedy. One more negative observation I noticed on my index fingers on both hand, inflammation started and wounds developed again. These finger wounds were healed with the first week of taking Mer Solu 30c after oozing for almost two years. It is very disappointing to see the reverse process. It was great improvement on my hands by Mer. Solu30c.

4th 5th Day: Oozing on eye-lids halts as well as on fingers on the 4th day 5th day, but on both thighs it has increased. I also noticed there were many wounds which were dried enough with Mer. Solu30c; they have again developed pussy fluid in it. If I take even one more dose of Arsenicum Album then my oozing situation going to be more worsen.

Overall: My oozing situation was much better on 9th and 10th day of NOT TAKING ANY REMEDY days. It was reducing at a fast rate. Arsenicum Album has interrupted that process, it is very clear and confirmed now. Now you can see how much my body is sensitive. Are we not passing the equilibrium? Reminder: Anacardium was taken only and only once after three days it reacted vary dangerously that I never had this situation in my whole life.

I strongly felt that if Mer. Solu was given to me very carefully with the minimum dose and it should not be repeated so much then my situation must have improved. Unfortunately it has not happened. I really wonder now after getting some info; how it is possible to give remedy and its anti-dote at the same time? My homeopath has given me Mer. Solu30 and Arsenicum Album30c at the same time with Petroleum30c.

Now: Please advise what to do now? I do feel now If I take Mer. Solu again at the bottom low frequency then it is again going to control the oozing and it can again started to heal chronically oozing wounds.

All the following symptoms belong to me:-

Sensitive to everything: The lack of defensive power results in the (Mercury patient) patient being sensitive to everything.
AGGRAVATED by everything -heat, cold, outdoors, wet weather, change of weather, warmth of bed, perspiration, exertions, various foods etc.

Very few ameliorations; very little can be absorbed by the patient to result in comfort, because the system is unable to properly adjust to anything.

Has a narrow range of tolerance to everything; for example, such a patient will be comfortable between only a very narrow range of temperatures, becoming uncomfortable from even slight heat or cold.

“The intolerance to heat and cold illustrates the instability which characterizes the particular Mercury weakness. As mentioned by Kent, the patient is a living 'thermometer'. At one moment, he is suffering from cold and seeks warmth, but once warm he becomes aggravated by the warmth also. Mercury instability causes the patient to waver from one state to the other quite readily. “

This Mercury weakness of reaction is not a sudden event. It is a slow, insidious process which can be difficult for the patient, and therefore for the homoeopath, to perceive in the early stages.
The mental state is the centre of being of the person,
Instability, its inefficiency in function, As my disease is giving me very hard time my mentality has a kind of inefficiency in action. A task which should take half an hour to accomplish will take the Mercury patient one and half hours.

Impulsivity. My mind does not have the strength for such concentration due to eczema suffering.
The patient’s mind, because of the vulnerability to stimuli from without and from within, is unable to keep his mind concentrated purely in a particular direction.

Please see the following link because most of these symptoms I feel are important for my situation.

Sanjas last decade
Hi Sanjas,

I tried what first came to my mind, and that does not seem to have worked.

Since you are extremely sensitive to remedies, I would cannot carry on advising you as there is just too much going on here to treat this online and that brings a risk of serious aggravations. I do not want to worsen the condition.

Please understand and find yourself a good homeopath to visit in person.

sameervermani last decade
Please advise me to find a good homeopath.

Sanjas last decade
I will e-mail you.
sameervermani last decade
I am not a doctor, but have eczema too. I didn't finish reading everything, but I haven't seen detergent mentioned yet. I used to get very very itchy at night too. I still do somewhat but it is much less severe since I am more careful with what I use for detergent. I mostly use soapnuts for laundry and also Country Save detergent.

I do not wash with soap on my skin ever. If I need something more than water, I use buttermilk...not buttermilk bath, just plain old buttermilk. I do not apply commercial lotion either. I use coconut oil and I apply it like 3 times a day.

I forgot to mention, I also do an extra rinse cycle in my laudry.

I hope you find resolution to your problem soon. I know it can be very debilitating.
hollyfred2002 last decade
Hi my name is Melanie and I have made a cream that really helps eczema, I have had eczema since I was 6months old and I am now 42 so I can talk with experience, please have a look at my website and give me some feedback on what you think or of how I can be helpful to you.


Melanie Poyntz

calmessence last decade
Hi I'm a mother of a 4yr old boy. His name is David. He has had eczema since he was a year old. For 3 long years I tried everything from the doctor to OTC at walmart to my mom's health food store. Nothing helped. In April of 2009 I switched stores and 4 weeks later his eczema was almost all gone. We have now been customers for 6 months and it is all gone. He also has not needed his nebs since we started. If I can help in any way I will. I have a video on youtube of his before and after photos.
Just search on youtube for
davidyoutube 0001
I want everyone to get the help David did.
fourply last decade
Hello Sanjas. I would suggest that you work with a MetaMedicine health coach to determine the precise emotional trigger for this skin condition. The MetaMedicine coach can then work with your Homeopath and any other therapist you choose to help you resolve the condition from all areas. I can tell you that the emotional trigger lies in the area of separation and protection. So that's a starting point for you. Best of luck.
Safaya last decade
What should I change in my diet for its cure?
TomCurtis last decade

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