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Suddenly stopped period after 1 day 3


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My period suddenly stopped

Suddenly my cycle stopped..blood tests are good, except for Progesterone which is pretty low.. Doctors told me not to worry it happens sometimes. I am 38...no pregnant..

What can I take to regulate my hormones to get a period on time every month.
  viper35 on 2008-07-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Write some detail about u.

Dr Tahira last decade
please take GOSSIPIUM HERBACEUM-Q some 10 drops in a quater cup of water three times a day for 2 to 3 days.

if your periods are due and the flow is held back because of some reason, it will help you to start the flow.
rishimba last decade
I do agree with dr. rishimba.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I was recommended pusatilla tincture.. Will this remedy help as well..
viper35 last decade
Gossipium will bring about the periods in 48 hours. thats for immediate relief.

however, pulsatilla will address the cause and align the system in the long run. you need to take 6c to 12c as a minimum potency.
rishimba last decade
It seems my period is late this month again, why is this happening?? Why is progesterone running low. I am 38 ....should I take pulsatilla??
Will this cure the problem. I went to the Gynecologist and everything is fine..
viper35 last decade
As Dr. Tahira suggested, you should present more symptoms/ details about yourself for an appropriate suggestion that will address the root cause.
srisri last decade
I've always had a normal cycle. Last year after my normal cycle in May, my periods suddenly stopped for June & July. It resumed in August normally up until this June. June 2008 my period suddenly stopped. I went to the GYN and he prescribed Provera. Upon taking provera I got my period on July 25.. It is now August 26 and no period. I have been feeling lower back pain and headaches for two weeks but haven't received my period. I have never had any problems gynecologically. I did have a pituitary tumor 7 years ago. I didn't ever have any hormonal problems. My blood tests do show low progesterone and testosterone. What can I take to have normal menses as I am 38 and wish to have children in the near future. Thanks
viper35 last decade
for the time being you can take gossipium herbacium q some 10 drops three times a day for 2 days and your period will be back.

but if this symptoms recurs every month, you need to give your full case here for a permanent solution.
rishimba last decade
what strength should I take the gossipium Q in??

Does anyone think this is related to pituitary problems??
viper35 last decade
please ask for gossipium herbaceum crude in the store.

its not potentised.
rishimba last decade
I got my period naturally, it lasted one day, why is this happening??
viper35 last decade

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