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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dizziness with micro-tremors & some tinnitus

Basic Stats
39 yrs old male, married, very healthy up until JAN 2008.

Took an airplane ride (JAN 2008) in a blizzard winter night, very bumpy, airplane fell 20/30 ft about 3/4 times. I felt a jerk in my neck too. Thereafter been dizzy (not whirling vertigo), off balance, unsteady walk, with extreme fidgety senses (neurologically) in the hands and upper torso. Got micro tremors (trembling) throughout body 24/7. Was diagnosed by ENT (oto-neurologist) as inner ear fistula (perilymph fistula), but its been 7 months now. The off-balance feeling has improved slightly only, but the micro-tremors (fidgety) feeling is going on. Dont think, its panic attacks cuz I get this fidgety feeling 24/7, cant sleep without medication, and obviously get tired neurologically very easily.

My symptoms in what bothers me most are in this order :

1. Microtermors in whole body.
2. Dizziness (off balance)
3. Fullness in Ears, more so in the Right Ear.
4. Tinnitus in Ears, more so in the Right Ear.

Some thoughts
Brain/Neck MRIs are 'normal'.
Two Brain MRI were done.
Done extensive bloodwork - all normal. Thyroid levels well within range.

Whenever I do running, I dont feel good, and feels like the brain is loose inside the skull where skull & spine meet - weird feeling. So I only do walking for exercise.

Anxious (fearful) at times, but generally cool, slow moving personality.

Please help.
  dizzyman2008 on 2008-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
trembling / neurologic buzzing throughout the body - tremors baseline 24/7
unsteadiness , imbalance, cant control my fine balance
motion intolerance on bumpy road - bumps only. strange feeling in the skull/neck area.
difficulty sleeping, high anxiety cuz of physiological symptoms
dizzyman2008 last decade
please take RHUS TOX 30C every 6 hours for some days.

if you notice a change, come back for follow up remedy.
rishimba last decade

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