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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need urgent advice...dengue fever

my daughter (13.5 years) has been diagnosed with dengue.
the platelets havent dropped . another test is due this morning.
she had high fever from sunday onwards...the fever rose with a shiver and rapidly from 100 to 104.5 in 20 minutes.
since day before yesterday(wed) she started complaining of body aches and abdominal aches and was detected with having dengue yesterday (thu).
throughout the day today ..i gave her
eup perf 200 3 doses
rhus tox200 once
bryonia 200 once....her lips are very dry and cracking
papaya leaf juice once in the evening (mixed a little honey with it)
body ache is lesser
stomach ache still there
appetite very low...almost non-existent.
feeling drained totally.
fever still there controllable by calpol (paracaetamol) and the duration between the doses has increased from 5 hours to almost around 9 hours.
fever shoots upto 101.5/102 when i give the paracaetamol, after which it doesnt shoot higher, as opposed to earlier when a calpol did not work..stronger medicines like meftal and ibugesic had to be used.and fever shot from 100 to 104.5 in a span of 20 min.

any other tips besides flooding her with liquids to flush out the disease virus.

please comment and let me know if the med given were fine and/or if anything else needs to be added or deleted from that.

she is a thalassaemia minor and a hypothyroid patient. takes folic acid supplement and thyronorm.

right now the utmost priority is to get rid of this virus.
please please advice/comment/help.
  moddy on 2008-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are about 25 homoeopathic drugs available for the treatment of dengue fever. These are Aconite., Arnica, Arsenic-alb., Arum-tri., Baptisia., Belladonna., Bryonia., Cantharis., China officinalis Colocynthis., Eupatorium perfoliatum., Ferrum metallicum., Gelsemium., Hamamelis., Ipecac., Lachesis, Merc-sol, Nux vomica., Podophyllum., Rhus toxicodendron., Rhus-venenata., Sanicula., Secale cornutum and Sul-acidum. These drugs had been successfully used by various homeopaths across the globe for its treatment and management.

If you know how to select the appropriate one out of these and can observe the changes and change the medicine as required , you may continue with treating on your own.

Otherwise taking her to a good homeopath in person may be a better option.

gavinimurthy last decade
I forgot to give the url.


gavinimurthy last decade
thanks mr. murthy,
eup perf has definitely given relief in terms of body aches and fever, but the abdominal aches persist.
no vomiting or bleeding from nose or gums.
any suggestion
when(what symptoms) and how (dosage)can the following med be given....
Crotalus horridus, Ferrum metallcum, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis and Secale-cor
moddy last decade
any reference of a homeopath in south delhi, whom i can consult
moddy last decade
My first choice would be Belladonna for the sudden-ness and violence of the attack.

Try three doses of Belladonna 200c with in 2 hours and then wait for 1 day. If she improves no further doses are needed.

If she doesnt improve, I would try China 200c in the same manner the next day.

Third choice would be Mercurius.
sameervermani last decade
does belladona cover
Pain felt at pressure on abdomen/liver?/? Nausea (sometimes) and abdomen pain.
the abdominal pain is not a continuous one, rather it happens during drinking anything or passing urine/stool.
there is no relief in the pain after passing urine /stool...it slowly fades away.
moddy last decade
Crotalus is for serious forms of Dengue where hemmorhage is involved. You don't have to bother with it now.

Ferrum too is indicated when the person becomes extremely anemic due to hemorrage.

Hamamelis is for controlling continuous oozing of blood. Not applicable to your daughter.

Lachesis too is connected with hemorrages. Ipecac too can control gushing hemorrages. Secale is indicated when the patient throws off covers despite being chilly.

I think Ipecac covers the stomach symptoms better than the other remedies.

Give three doses in water within two hours. Give a gap of four hours and continue with eup.perf as per the previous schedule you gave.

gavinimurthy last decade
I don't know anyone in Delhi.

gavinimurthy last decade
ipecac 30? or 200?
moddy last decade
Yes, Belladonna does cover abdominal pain as well.
sameervermani last decade
Look for cracked lips as well.

High fever which came suddenly, cracked lips, abdominal pain , all are there in Bell.
sameervermani last decade
Ipecac 200 is better.

gavinimurthy last decade

Bell';s pains... Generalities, pain, appear suddenly, and disappear suddenly.

Bell is indicated more in the intial stages of high fevers where the turmoil in the brain is evident by the headache, postures.

I think we are past the stage when bell could have helped.

gavinimurthy last decade
I think whenever the fever has come on suddenly, Bell. is indicated.

It is true that Bell does not have 'continued' fever, but I do not think too many days have passed since the fever started.

Ipecac does not have cover cracked lips.
sameervermani last decade
Oh.. I just noticed the fever started on Sunday. Hmm.. then Bell is probably not going to be indicated.
sameervermani last decade
Cracked lips is a sign of dehydration which is a normal accompaniment of ANY high fever. As such it doesn't come under characteristic symptoms.

We have to lok for peculiar symptoms while treating a case. A symptom not supposed to be there for that sort of complaint is peculiar.

To remain covered when chilly is common and there are many medicines for that. However to throw off covers while being chilly is not expected and hence uncommon. This is a characteristic and peculiar symptom.

The homeopath has to discount all the symptoms common to the disease (pathological symptoms) as all the patients suffering with thar disease will have them thus making individualisation difficult. If he can ascertain the peculiar symptoms and prescribe for those he is likely to be succesful.

gavinimurthy last decade
she had just been to her ped...and they want her to be hospitalised as they feel not enough hydration is happening at home and her bp was also borderline. also they want to monitor her continuously.
her lips were getting dry since yesterday also another thing that started from yesterday was dryness of skin...........
please help!!!!!!!
moddy last decade
Let her stay in the hospital. The intravenous route will quickly cure the dehydration and is a must for cases of severe dehydration.

You can give homeopathic medicines too as indicated along with the allopathic meds.

Don't panic. She will be all right.

gavinimurthy last decade
so i cont with ipecac and eup perf both in 200c thrice in a day?
will any of these help rehydration?
moddy last decade
Skin, dry : acon-f., acon., alum., am-c., ambr., ant-c., ant-t., anthr., apis., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars-i., ars., asaf., bar-c., bar-m., bell., bism-ox., bor., bry., bufo-r., calc-s., calc., camph., cann-s., canth., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., clem., cocc., coff., colch., coloc., con., crot-h., dulc., eup-per., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hell., hep., hydr-ac., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., lach., laur., led., lith., lyc., mag-c., mang., merc., mez., mosch., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., phyt., plat., plb., psor., puls., ran-b., ran-s., rhod., rhus-t., rumx., ruta., sabad., samb., scil., sec., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stram., stront., sul-ac., sulph., sumb., teucr., thu., ust., valer., verat., verb., viol-o., viol-t., zinc.


Both Ipecac and Eup.perf can help in removing the skin dryness. In other words they can help rehydration.

However I strongly suggest hospitalisation for quick relief. You can use these medicines concurrently.

gavinimurthy last decade
ok thanks....a lot
just keeping my fingers crossed.
moddy last decade

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