The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Execive Masterbation Penis Thin Short
Dear Doctors,I am 26 years old, i did masterbation for almost 15 years some time 5-6 times a day, on a average i did 2 times a day.
now i am married and facing P.E problem also sperm count 18 million.
my penis is very thin and about 4 inches when erect. my wife is not satisfied with me sexualy as she say my penis is small and thin so no pleasure.
please advice medicines urgently.
samabb on 2008-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
lycopodium 1m one dose to be repeated after 15 days for three month onosmodium 1m one dose weekly for one month j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I do not rebut dr. mohla and would suggest a very dependable remedy if dr. mohla agrees:
Cydonia Vul.Q (take 20 drops in a little water thrice a day) and
Mix 10:10 ml of Olive oil and Cydonia and have a light message on penis and refrain from mastb. and intercourse for 3 weeks and report.
Cydonia Vul.Q (take 20 drops in a little water thrice a day) and
Mix 10:10 ml of Olive oil and Cydonia and have a light message on penis and refrain from mastb. and intercourse for 3 weeks and report.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
samabb last decade
hi dr. showrav, i m 33 yrs old, from last 10 yrs in bad habit masturbation, as u know well masturbation effect. i m so worry about my wedding.
which within 4 months. its mean in may. i have lot of problem. my face color going pale. my wrist showing bones. in friends i m feeling very i can left them this bad habit. and which type of medicine u recommended to me for recover my self and enjoy married life , sir i ,ll b very thankful to u if my problem will be solve. again thnx sir
which within 4 months. its mean in may. i have lot of problem. my face color going pale. my wrist showing bones. in friends i m feeling very i can left them this bad habit. and which type of medicine u recommended to me for recover my self and enjoy married life , sir i ,ll b very thankful to u if my problem will be solve. again thnx sir
John666 last decade
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