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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


. Name - Avinash
2. Age - 56
3. Sex - male
4. Married/Unmarried –Un-married
5. weight – 57 kg
6. Height …. 5 feet 4 inches
7. country - India
8. climate - humid
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 …… - 1. Tired / lack of energy. 2. Erratic blood Sugar. 3. Night Blindness 4.Pressure in eyes which has chances of glaucoma / cataract
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic - Insulin dependant diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt - I desire sweets when I am low energy, and I find that I eat more of salt tho I do not crave for it. I enjoy spicy sour & pungent flavors.
12. Thirst - I feel thirsty & drink water but not abnormal.
13. Tongue – normal but coated slightly white.
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)- Last testing of BP was normal.
15. What exactly is happening ? I am low energy and find a lack of interest in things.
16. How do you feel ? - Tired most of the time, usually do not have a feeling of wellness.
17. How does this affect you ? - causes stress and irritation. I realize I am not much involved in life & fights with others easily.
18. How does it feel like ?- Down & out with no jest in life.
19. What comes to your mind ? - I should be more vibrant and energized.
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ? – I lost heavily in stock markets.
21. How did that feel like ? - Lonely and disconnected.
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ? anger and stress
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ? - I find myself centering on self.
24. current medicine you are taking – Human mixtard 40 insulin 20 units before breakfast & other tablets.
25. family back ground – diabetes , I don't remember any other.
26. qualification of patient – Finance Professional
27. Nature of working –online stock market trader
28. desire and aversion of food - desire simple sweet / high fat food. have aversion to bland foods.
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email. - I find I am easily angered and irritated. Most of the time I feel unwell so I find things aggravating. I enjoy my job . I enjoy time to read and rest while home, but I realize I need more activity to promote health. I am a total net bluff
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases) Not any particular I remember. Sometimes I feel loss of memory & just don’t remember individual names.
  aakindia on 2008-08-24
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