The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hairloss - young girl - plz help
hello.i'm 20 year old girl and as i was diagnosed, i am suffering from greasy seborrhea. the problems started about 5 years ago. my hair turned greasy but i didn't pay much attention to it back then. then in several years, my hair started thinning (i always had thin hair), and falling out... although i have been trying many different treatment, nothing helped. i had even had my hair shaven off 10 times by now... but still... my hair (or what is left of it - hair is falling out mainly on the top and front) gets greasy very often, and even more oil is produced when my head produces sweat... i had been taking various kinds of B vitamins, tried many traditional remedies, but after all nothing helped. from anti-seborrheic shampoos i've been using just Freederm Tar, but it just removed the oil and scales off my head. it didn't cure my disease. i am healthy in other ways, tho used to suffer from acute bronchitis all my childhood. as for my family, my mother has thin hair as well, but her hair is in better condition... she doesn't even think that she has any hair problems. my brother has exactly same symptoms as i do_ greasy hair, scales... and his hair's been falling out as well. as far as i remember, my father's always been bold, he doesn't remember whether he had oily hair or not. i'm just 20 years old and hair has become a huge problem for me. in addition, i live in Eastern Europe, where there aren't many remedies available... so, can please anyone tell me what to do? how to control/defeat and restore my old healthy hair?
thank you very much in advance
P.S. i've had tests on reproduction system, but everything's normal. what other tests will i need?
girl-ly on 2004-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please read the post titled "young woman with hair loss." We have posted on this quite often and there seems to be limited info and each says it is beneficial.
Blessings, Sabra
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
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