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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Little Girl with Headaches

My little girl - 5 1/2 years old has been complaining often about having a headache for the last few weeks.
I am taking her to a chiropractor this afternoon to check if something is out of place. She falls easily and runs into things often. Which remedies are suited for headaches in children? It's hard to get many symptoms out of a child but this is what I have:
-It is on the left side, side of face, above eyes.
-Often when she is over tired but comes at other times as well.
-Better for sleep. (I have never given her medicine for the headache yet)
-Sometimes continues to play but prefers to lye down.
Thank you.
  peace on 2004-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm sorry, I should have also given you a description of her. She is short for her age (smallest in her class), average weight for her height, dark skin, dark brown eyes, brown hair, tans easily (does not burn), very over weight as baby (27 lbs at 7 months, 30 lbs at 1 year). Loves food (not as gluttonuse after given Calc Carb by homeopath). Very smart, socialable. She started talking at age 8 months, walking at age 11 months, potty tained at 1 year 10 months (practically by herself), no skin problems but has a birth mark on her nose (red mark right nostirl), new her ABC's by age 2, wrote her name by age 2 1/2 appx.
She smartness slowed down at age 3, seems she stalled, is now at 5 1/2 still working on the same things she was working on at age 3. Very socialable, talks alot, lots of friends.
Moody, changes moods easily. Bossy. Loves attention, will do anything for attention. Jealouse.
peace 2 decades ago
Were the whites of her eyes bluey tinted when first born. Does she have any moles.
Does she sometimes look like a 'little old woman' ?.
passkey 2 decades ago
I don't remember about the white parts of her eyes being blue. I always thought them more to be a bit dirty looking (not a bright white). Her brown eyes are very large so I don't see much white to begin with.
No moles, just the red mark on her nose.
No she doesn't look like a 'little old lady', her skin is very smooth. She looks mature for her age though, like a beautiful teenage girl with a very small body.
She is very hairy. She has dark hair all over her body, much on her back and arms.
Problems with yeast at times, itchy vaginal area.
She was at a friends house for a couple of hours this afternoon, when I picked her up the mom said she had vomited, a got her panties dirty (let go a bit). It is unusual for her to vomit. She has a very strong stomach. Never even spit up as a baby. I took her to the chiropracter right after that and she said my daughter had a large air bubble in her stomach, knotes in her shoulders, and a cink in her back.
She is experiencing some loose stool along with the vomiting.
peace 2 decades ago
Try a dose of BRYONIA 30X.

While she is not irritable, she may be hiding it out of manners or fear of reprimand. Bryonia has a bad headache and a flu type of stomach.

Also some people vomit with headaches. This needs to be watched to see if this is the case.

I am still looking.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
You haven't reported in about your daughter. How is she doing. Is it the same or has there been any changes??

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Dear Peace

Persistent headaches together with vomiting in a 5 year old are not common. If you have not already done so, you should first take her to your family doctor who may decide on further investigation.
If all is well, then homeopathy could be very helpful.
mothertincture 2 decades ago
I haven't given the Bryonia 30x because we only have Bryonia 200c in the house. But she is doing well. I gave her a dose of Nux Vomica when we got home from the chiropracter Thurdsay, she bathed in salt water and went to bed earily that evening. She woke up very energectic and happying the next morning. All is well with her. No headache, vomiting, or loose stool since then. Will post back if symptoms come back. Thank you for your input and willingness to help.
I am very thankful for this forum.
Much thanks.
peace 2 decades ago
Peace, I have used whatever remedy that is "on hand" for years. I only say X to indicate lower. M and C are very much higher.

Please do not let the books be too ridgid. Homeopathy is very flexable, not like the "musts" or "must not" one finds in books.

Wet homeopathy can even be put on the skin. When treating horses I suggest mixing in a water bottle and squirting into the mouth or pouring in hand and caressing the lips.

Please bend like the trees in the wind to see what really works for you.

I am gratified that her headaches were not serious. Let us know if any return.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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