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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2.5 yrs old with eczema Page 2 of 2

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Since childhood whenever needed her homeopath gave her phosphorous. Its been more than a month since last dose was given
vpmanisha last decade
Phosphorous used be given just once.. once single dose of phosphorous and followed by some medicine. on an average its like once in 1.5 month.
vpmanisha last decade
Hmm.. this is not how homeopathic medicines are given. We never repeat the same potency of a deep anti-miasmatic medicine like Phosphorus ';whenever needed'. If Phosphorus was the correct medicine , the first 200c dose should have brought significant relief, and if and when the problem came back (with milder symptoms), it should have been tackled with a different potency.

Now, tell me how do these doses of Phosphorus correlate with her problematic symptoms like eczema and the fears ? Did she improve on any of these fronts with the doses ? Since when has she been on the Phosphorus ?
sameervermani last decade
actually when she used to get cold like running nose that time we gave her phosphorous followed by heparsulph. we never treated eczema or fears with phosphorous. I didn't really pay attention to how it worked for that. She has been taking phosphorous since last one year. As I said its not that frequent.
vpmanisha last decade
And, what was the gap between the Phos doses and Hepar doses ?

Was Phos ever allowed to act alone i.e. by not following it up with Hepar ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes.. Phosphorous was given once alone in the month of July as she has some throat infection. I checked her history of homeopathic medicines and realized that it was not given as frequently as i wrote. sorry for the wrong information. In about 3 mnths gap i can see the phsphorous is given once. Last dose that was given to her was in August.
vpmanisha last decade
Hmm.. then I do not think Phos will be of much help if a 200c was given 1 month to work alone.
sameervermani last decade
oh.. so is there any other medicine that you and Dr. Saini can suggest?
vpmanisha last decade

Sorry, i could not get back to the thread,being busy.Please arrange Phos-6c and administer three doses as already advised.

sarup last decade

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